General Discussion

General DiscussionArc warden lvl 25 wraith dammage

Arc warden lvl 25 wraith dammage in General Discussion

    Is this talent worth it? I mean 600 magic dammage for every 4 seconds is insane (make it double when using double)


      maybe in some games where you are super far ahead and somehow dont need the lifesteal/have other sustain
      or you went for kaya, dagon and hex as the magic dmg dealer and controler :-D but i guess thats a rare case

      Player 153433446

        Arc warden is an a diamond in the rough
        Only weakness are heros with illusions


          Wraiths in the lategame are used as a sudo 'area denial' and a purge. They aren't your damage source.

          a Typical 6 slotted Arc build would be something along the lines of. Bloodthorn, Myjol, silver edge, pike, travels, nullifier. Having more Nuke damage seems negligable as it doesn't synergise with any of his items, considering you're hitting for over 350 a hit without crits or procs the lifesteal is atleast 5x better.

          Naturally arc won't be building towards lifesteal and wasting a tempest double cooldown in order too make an easily visable (techies bomb) Doesn't seem nessasary. Assuming you're 6 slotted at around 45mins and lvl 25 vs another 45min 6 slotted carry. eg. Gyro etc, Most Carries at this point would have a BKB because of your bloodthorn. If you get the perfect senario of a nullifier+bloodthorn combo on the carry, you're probably better off right clicking them with your crits as opposed too using a wraith (Cast animation)

          annother note. Assuming you hit for 350 a hit, that means you lifesteal for 100hp per attack (without crits etc), if you attack 10x during a double animation. That is 1000 EHP, this + your hero is 2000 EHP, not too mention the sustain of just being able too hit creeps instead of going back.

          the Lifesteal is just far too valuable on a hero like Arc.

          I have tried doing complete builds in ability draft based around the wraiths, it can work but it definately isn't optimal.