General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat do you do when you know you're going to lose?

What do you do when you know you're going to lose? in General Discussion

    When you've played with someone 4-5 games before, and you remember them being pretty bad, and they always pick cores/carries. What do you do? Say in the 5th or 6th game, they decide to go core/carry again. Do you:
    1) Afk
    2) Abandon
    3) Take his lane anyway
    4) Support him
    5) Play it out and see what he's capable of
    6) Take another lane
    7) Jungle

    Bu konu düzenlendi


      casual gamer

        run around aimlessly


          take it as it goes and die fighting
          a captain goes down with the ship


            I usually go for 5, but once we've lost more teamfights and raxx, I sell off all my items, buy a shadow amulet, and go 1.


              why 5? you know that he is already dumb f.uck.. go and take control of him.. tell him what to do and other stuff and be like you know everything.. he will fall for that and he will listen to you because he is dumb and lazy to play/speak on mic


                6 of course :P

                Lruce Bee

                  3 ) seems to be the best option


                    try to enable him even harder than before
                    make more space
                    in case he picks pos1 i wmight play around the other 2 cores and try to finish the game early

                    chat banned :)

                      just play and smile 😂


                        Play a roaming hero and if you lose blame them :)

                        Earth spirit is best for this in low mmr cuz people won't get mad at you since you're playing a "hard hero"

                        Lruce Bee

                          I wouldn't be able to play and smile if I had a 30% winrate and struggling in unranked like a loser.

                          jeremy meeks' personality

                            1) Afk - ez LP + team going mad against you
                            2) Abandon - I don't surrender, even if I'm French
                            3) Take his lane anyway - maybe
                            4) Support him - Huh? Supporting random? What year is this?
                            5) Play it out and see what he's capable of - Depends, maybe he or they got a bad game and the next one is better, no one knows
                            6) Take another lane - Surely
                            7) Jungle - It just guarantee you a even faster defeat.

                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                            GRANT MACDONALD

                              Smoke, TP as far away from base as you can, take enemy jungle camps.
                              Flame enemy if they find you and rotate to kill you. Ask them to take objectives.


                                Asking myself why the fuck did I queue again, obviously.


                                  Pick a push heavy hero, rat rat rat all the way to victory


                                    Play your game and try to win, you can't know that you will lose until you start playing, especially only knowing the people your with. I have zero respect for a person that doesn't try to win.


                                      Remember that the enemies can still make mistakes more than once, and use that chance to try to win, just play(raging wont solve anything) focus on your gameplay and mute toxic players(if possible mute enemies)

                                      not arin

                                        blog into my thread during the game and after

                                        not arin

                                            Peruvian cores


                                              You can either grief him or carry him yourself.
                                              Either works depending on your game plan.

                                              SOJU FIGHTER

                                                WHY NOT JUST WIN A GAME?
                                                VI VON ZULUL