General Discussion

General DiscussionA recommendation for 3k-4k supports/roamers

A recommendation for 3k-4k supports/roamers in General Discussion

    When you're supporting/roaming in a game, YOUR SAFELANE TAKES PRIORITY, ALWAYS.
    It doesn't matter a single fucking bit what's happening in other lanes. How your safelaner is farming is what makes or breaks the game, so unless your safelaner SPECIFICALLY SAYS, "I DON'T NEED HELP ANYMORE, GANK OTHER LANES", STAY IN LANE, there are 0 reasons to leave that lane. I'm sick and tired of seeing supports abandoning their hc's to help out other lanes, your hc's farm is all that matters, your offlaner should take as much as he could from that lane and thats that. "Attempting" shut down their hc while yours is suffering in his lane makes ZERO sense.

    Bu konu düzenlendi

      lol no


        its just wrong


          Nothing I said was wrong. I have experienced that shit first hand countless times, and decided to make a post about it.


            you are bad as a core and even worse as a support, which leads to you having nonsense opinions on the game


              Lul okay


                This is not true, the reason why starting at safelane works better in lower games is not because of the safelaner, but because it frees up the other support so you can go dual roam very early.

                in actual games where you start and roam to depends on both team's lineups, and is basically impossible to generalize easily.

                that being said, i could give you 100 examples of when you'd want to leave your carry, regardless if you could help him secure farm or not.

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                  There are many games where supports can leave their hc safely. I wasn't denying that. But what I've noticed the most is when supports/roamers leave their hc to gank the enemy's hc. Like that makes no sense to me, doubt you see that in your bracket. Why attempt to shut down the enemy's safelaner if yours isn't doing well? You secure your lane first, then do whatever you want. But "just" leaving your safelaner isn't a good idea. It comes down to communication and people's understanding of the game mostly.


                    As others said it’s really situational. There are some situations that you should leave your carry alone in the lane :
                    1.when he is owning the lane.
                    2.when you are against a dual or triple aggresive offlane and you are sure that your carry can’t farm anyway so support should leave carry alone to get solo xp at least.
                    3. When your mid laner is being ganked constantly. After early game what matter the most are mid laner and offlaner. Usualy carrys come online later in the game ( although there are some exceptions like Ursa that can be active in the mid game) so protecting them is the top priority!
                    4. When u could end up feeding the offlaner !for example A carry like Specter might be able to farm against a Bristleback or centaur but if a support like CM tries to help his carry by harassing the offlaner, a good BB player can easily kill the support right in front of the Specter since he cant do much in the early game.

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                      because if yours isn't doing well the best thing you can do is leave him solo exp and go make the enemy carry/mid suffer harder.

                      So no, you're wrong, this is basically THE most common play at my bracket when the carry is doing really bad.

                      Not to mention staying on that lane can let the enemy supports come as well to help the offlaner, meaning the enemy carry now gets freefarm and you're fighting a 3v3 which regardless if you win or not your carry gets fucked as he's not getting exp/farm.

                      that being said, just because it's the most common doesn't mean it's not situational, some carries prefer to stay solo regardless if they're doing good/bad, some carries actually benefit from 3v3 etc.

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                      casual gamer

                        i havent played since meme 3v3 mid garbage, but im pretty sure the priority is actually what enemy is vulnerable or overextended


                          This is a retarded idea of carries. Always hate this - I help carry to get 2-0-1 (or completely zone offlaner) on lane in first 5 minutes, while managing 2-3 pulls, so he is 1-2 levels ahead and still, when I rotate to other lanes, they manage to lose the advantage, even 1x1 with 1-2 levels ahead.

                          Hate to play support with retarded carries. So annoying. Cheers to those who can carry the game and use the advantage supports gives them.


                            The support priority is always, where they are most needed. Sometimes its better to babysit your invoker mid, when he allready died 2 times. Sometimes its better to smash enemy offlane. If you counterpicked the enemy offlaner with your carry (ursa into timber; drow into axe), there is no point for the supports to stay there.

                            Basically its more the opposite of what you said: If the enemy offlaner manages to bind 2 supports on his lane -without feeding- he wins also the safelane and the offlane, since your supports should be able to move arround and do stuff. Unless the enemy offlaner is equally successfull. Then its break even.

                            If you can smash the midsniper as bountyhunter and give your tinker that fast travelboots, it is for sure better than watching your antimage farm, while you can't kill the enemy tidehunter.

                            Long Story short:

                            Supports playstyle is SITUATIONAL.

                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                              a recommendation to 3k and 4k: read OP , take it in, completely ignore that garbage.


                                OP gave me brain cancer


                                  a recommandation to 3K and 4K cores:

                                  get good and learn what to build.


                                    g i t

                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                      a recommendation to 3k and 4k:

                                      read NumFazIssoBeBela's post, take it in, and just pay a Russian Lone Druid booster like he did, no need to git gud


                                        he's right because carries in 3k-4k go apeshit when they see an enemy hero on their screen before 20 min mark

                                        usually followed by furious allchatting and afk farming in jungle/straight feeding

                                        Potato Marshal

                                          I don't know how you guys play, but I usually prioritize mid, gotten a lot of first bloods this way because heroes like qop and invoker are so easy to kill before they reach lvl 2

                                          Lruce Bee

                                            lol no

                                            Lruce Bee

                                              as a safelaner, you only need to have your lane seured early so u get xp advantage, then u can be left alone.
                                              if you're losing the lane anyway, its much worse to have your supports sit there and do nothing.

                                              do you even have a brain jeez

                                              Lruce Bee

                                                nothing worse than to have 2 baby sitters doing nothing just so you dont die. and lose the game anyway.


                                                  maybe there is an offlaner on which you have 0 kill potential and your mid is being camped by an ogre or bane+their mid. you want your sf to suffer? nah, go help him and let carry have his 1v1
                                                  maybe enemy has trilane to secure their carriers farm, dont be safe lane then (go anywhere else so enemy supports have to leave the trilane)

                                                  dude its called creeating pressure...

                                                  Mlada i Luda

                                                    OP is right. cuki as always not paying at what op said. he said that he is talking about 3k-4k bracket . and yes in those bracket about 90% of the time is better that 1 support better babysit the carry , without leching to much exp , doesnt matter if carry is doing good or bad, or if he thinks he need babysit or not. in that bracket carries knows shit about how the game will be played . happened hundred times when the carry asked to left alone and feed after 20 sec later.

                                                    the other thing is that supports are not at good on being effective on theyr movements , if they trying to help the other lanes , only cause they thing they dont need anymore to babbysit theyr carry, that doesnt mean that is the good timing to go gank mid or presure enemy safe lane ect, end they will end up feeding or best case scenario jsut walking around and acomplishing nothing and fall behind in levels. so yeah in 3k-4k, if your not sure 100 % what your doing jsut stay theyr and babysit your carry and make some pulls to get exp for yourself, 90% of the time this will be rright thing to do , dont try to figure out when the 10 % is correct you wil be end up outplaying yourself mostly of the time.

                                                    Potato Marshal

                                                      I usually aim for the weak lane, when roaming. Which is often the mid lane, I basically use up all the enemy's tangoes and just keep wailing on them unless it's a dk mid or something tanky that can regen from my damage. Roaming isn't about helping your allies get farm and exp, it's about dicking the enemy and screwing up their farm and exp. This will usually force rotations from enemy supports, weakening other lanes as well and delaying the enemy support's exp and making them waste early gold on sentries.

                                                      Story Time

                                                        i support the opinions of Tribplesteal and Cookie, and OP is WROOOONG...


                                                          @story time CHU MEAN MAN

                                                          Story Time

                                                            never gonna give you up, gonna leach your all XP, never gonna run around and desert you



                                                                Its probably time for you to play chen.
                                                                Step1: go to offlane, teleport the first wave to base
                                                                Step 2: get 1 large creep, use it to pressure mid until its about to die then dominate a new creep before it dies
                                                                Step 3: zone out supps or their carry
                                                                Step 4: enjoy


                                                                  wish people know when to fuck off from my lane


                                                                    @Story Time
                                                                    IIIIIIIIIIII, JUST WANNA TELL YOU HOW I'M FEELING
                                                                    GOTTA MAKE YOU UNDERSTAND
                                                                    NEVER GONNA LEAVE THE LANE
                                                                    NEVER GONNA LET YOU DIE
                                                                    NEVER GONNA RUN AROUND
                                                                    TO HARASS EM