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General DiscussionNeed Help!!! get out of 1k mmr

Need Help!!! get out of 1k mmr in General Discussion

    Need help getting out this bad rank. Dont know whats wrong, any advice would be appreciated. open to criticism.


      Just make it like him: Buy 5k account. lose every game. profit.


        i wouldn't pay too much attention to advice on dotabuff mate, just try and learn the real basics first, watch some of purges videos for starters and just learn about the game. Try and find a role you like (support, roamer, carry) and stick to it mostly, then experiment with different heroes and try to find a small pool of 4-6 heroes you like and stick to them.


          I've played 700+ hours of Dota 2 i know the basics. I've played a wide variation of heroes but just cant seem to get further.


            Honest to god you're better off making another account and trying your luck.


              I mostly played unranked single draft which isnt a good way of progressing skill in dota 2 but I understand how important roles are and how they are played but havent stuck to a specific role.

              quest to questing

                To be honest strategy doesn't really matter that much there. Focus on mechanics?


                  Honest to god you're better off making another account and trying your luck.

                  this is bad advice

                  if he deserved higher mmr, he would receive it quickly.

                  the best option is to just try to learn, which is pretty clearly what hes doing


                    IMPOSIBRU with the number of smurfes


                      I noticed most heroes you play with don't farm that fast.
                      play with flash farming heroes more often. in that bracket all you should do is farm fast and push/ccounterpush . learn farming patterns and get better at laning. Heroes I'd suggest for you are Jugg, void, Ember, Lycan who are good at both laning and jungling.
                      Also map awareness is key to not dying.


                        Pick 2-3 carries and focus on farming and pushing, when I was in 1k I gained most of my mmr from playing invoker, lone Druid, clockwerk. They didn't know how to counter/play against Druid and clock so I'd suggest one way is to learn heroes which are not played that much in that bracket And go for it

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                          i agree with liquidium. i only played lich as i started playing at 700mmr. i kind of got the gist of playing its role that i started to notice other heroes's skills and counters during teamfights. there was even one time where i literally carried my team as full slotted lich. if you have time, try to watch your replays and find out what mistakes you made ie. itemization, proper positioning, map awareness. that is if you're eager to learn

                          Worst Player On Earth

                            at 1k u just have to farm until you get your items, even though your enemies have 10 or 20k lead it doesnt matter, those idiots wont push, just pick sven or am and get 6 slotted and fck them(1k-2.4k)


                              Well,like it or not, its really your fault for being there, MMR doesnt lie, recently i thought too that my teammates hold me back and its impossible to get out from your bracket, because i was playing with friends who are much higher than me and i found those matches easier than in my bracket, even tho they were on much higher mmr than mine, but only because they were helping me on my lane a lot!

                              So there you go 1 stuff you dont have in your bracket, coordinated teamwork!

                              Then my little cousin gave me his guardian 2 account to play a bit on it and tell me what do i think, i found very easy to play snowball heroes there because nobody knows how to stop them. I couldnt do that in my bracket, then it dawned upon me that i couldnt do that in my bracket just because their skill is equal to mine so i can hardly outplay them! I could outplayed them only if my individual skill was much higher than theirs, wich in my case wasnt and thats it! Thats why im here in this bracket!

                              so to sum it up.
                              1)Find 1 snowball hero to spam and make sure you have last pick to avoid counters (lets be honest 90% of the people got out from low brackets just by using this tactics)
                              2)Never pick team-dependent heroes that relly on your teammate reaction and positioning because you not gonna get it and it will not be utilized
                              3) Learn how to farm effectively, if you outfarm your lane you can outfight it too! Also split push (enemies tping on toplane to stop you, you tp on bot lane etc)

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                                If u want to improve really fast getting some1 to coach u and play with u will give u the best result. It can ur frnd(4k +) or any other coach from the net.


                                  Spam nature prophet with necrobook and dominator.
                                  Even some of 3ks too stupid not to bring TP all the time, they can't handle split pushing like mad.


                                    Spam nature prophet with necrobook and dominator.
                                    Even some of 3ks too stupid not to bring TP all the time, they can't handle split pushing like mad.

                                    This can only work if he has mapawareness so he doesnt get ganked a lot and feed them gold and exp with necros, i doubt they will support him with enough wards so he can see incoming ganks and create him enough space to push lanes. I have seen so many times this approach falls on its face.


                                      I've played 700+ hours of Dota 2 i know the basics.

                                      stop thinking that way and maybe you'll improve


                                        in your opinion what should I try to improve?

                                        Unwavering Stance

                                          git gud


                                            also a bad habit im currently in is not choosing the right items according to the enemy heroes. i know that has a huge part in why im in this low of a rank.


                                              in your opinion what should I try to improve?

                                              This is impossible to answer because dota is so complicated and has so much aspects in wich you can be terible at without even realizing, when my 5k mmr friend watches my replays he counts so much misplays i made that i wasnt even aware of. So this is a good start, either you or find someone skilled than you to watch your replays and just watch what are you doing from another perspective, you will see your mistakes and just try not to make them.

                                              Also even if someone here has so much time at disposal and writes you a 50 pages long essay on how to play dota, reading then will not make you a pr0 you need fuckton of experience and thousands of games to even call yourself an average player. Why the hell do you think newcomers run away from Dota 2 like its a plague? Its very complicated to learn almoast impossible to master, its fucking hard game that requires massive amount of time and effort!

                                              If dota was easy it would be called league of legends.

                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                lol do you know why you have such a high winrate on heroes lke bloodseeker and pa? because those heroes are broken in 1k. and they are your way out if you spam them. if you play shit like invoker youll never improve


                                                  im very thankfull for all of your feedback. if you could recomend a hero to play it would be great


                                                    Spam whatever hero you enjoy playing


                                                      im very thankfull for all of your feedback. if you could recomend a hero to play it would be great

                                                      Dont pick first, see their lineup and pick rightful response, if you dont have answer for their lineup you will get stomped and vice versa, for example you like playing PL, they have no Axe, Timber, LC, SK or shaker, they cant stop you so you fuck them up!


                                                        My friend. Try to learn and get good at the game mechanics. When you're atleast decent at them. You'll find yourself out of the trench


                                                          play ember spirit , ez for 1v5

                                                          Visita Hari Danta

                                                            if you knew the basics you wouldn't be 1k

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                                                              That's true Sychooliv if you were in my position what do you suppose I do about it?

                                                              mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                                NEED HELP!!! GET OUT OF 1K MMR

                                                                I've played 700+ hours of Dota 2 i know the basics.

                                                                no, you don't.

                                                                The Ancient One

                                                                  Add me in Steam, I can try to watch your games and tell you where you can improve at least


                                                                    Spam clockwerk...

                                                                    Potato Marshal

                                                                      Forget everything you think you know and start relearning the game from scratch.

                                                                      GAWK GAWK WOAH A LOT OF P...

                                                                        i suggest keep playing unrank and improve your mechanical skills and im sure you'll improve, like i was initially 100 mmr then i stopped playing rank and started improving yourself, get some outside help, i participated in amateur tournaments and played with some high 4k 5k mmr players, playing with them and then watching them play helped me improve my mechanical skills, i now started playing rank matches and have yet to lose one rank match in 2 days ive already reached 1k and i find it pretty ez to play with them, hopefully ill reach 3k by next month

                                                                        GAWK GAWK WOAH A LOT OF P...

                                                                          also i suggest picking heroes that are self sufficient and dont really need help and can solo carry the game, like morphing, phantom lancer, broodmother etc, cause ive seen that people in 1k (including me) like to do the Mexican standoff, that is stand in midlane doing nothing, just starting each other, avoid that, go to some lane and push the wave, get farm and take objective, in the end dotas all about objective taking and not about kills


                                                                            As of now I can clearly see that i truely know nothing of the mechanics or items(itemization) in Dota so ill try to start form scratch and begin anew.

                                                                            I believe in gaben

                                                                              Go watch Meric gaming, this guy is a divine player who gives guides, I got out of 1k trench by watching his videos.
                                                                              Pvgna guides or Gameleap guides - youtube free ones xD
                                                                              Carry- Don't go into fights until you have your items, if your tower is getting pushed and your team goes to push the lane and get farm.
                                                                              Supp- Secure safe lane by harassing the offlaner and once you do that, try and roam mid or offlane depending on the situation. Smoke and gank if you have heroes like legion or slardar. Always carry a dust and sentry if enemy has invis or sb!
                                                                              Offlaner- Focus on getting exp instead of LH, since your hero e.g will be slardar,centaur,tide. They all are quite tanky and once reach lvl 6 become a huge game changer. So you outlving the enemy carry is great. Of course if you also are able to get LH and prevent their carry from getting any..that is even better.

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