General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat do you do with feeders in every game?

What do you do with feeders in every game? in General Discussion

    thanks for explaining. i think my job here is done. i think you've done me a favour and saved me the trouble of having to expose your shitty train of thought. i mean, i expect that everyone is reading your excuses and realises that youre just incredibly stupid.

    i think we can safely conclude that the problem is you. and not 'intentional ruiners' in every game. as i already mentioned before (and now im proven right), you do not have any legitimate concerns or issues regarding the topic. nor do you have anything valid or useful to add to any discussion. you need to get a fix on your emotional instability which is clearly clouding every pseudo argument of yours. the problem is clearly just you, and you just need to stop being a child.

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      Solo offlaning became much more situational after they removed shrines and talon. A Void can still solo vs dual lanes, an Axe can't solo vs dual lanes+rotations especially if he doesn't receive back up from his support from time to time. Retiring to jungle is more inefficient than before and you get chased even in the jungle, near the bounty rune. Less sustain, solo offlane often destroyed, it's a known thing. You even have a blue star man


        let's leave specifics of the game out of this because it is obviously irrelevant. you fed like crazy and went 3 14 or some shit. the interesting thing at hand here is how you rationalize everything. lmao


          Psycho stop telling people what they should do 'cause you're worrying, how many times do people have to repeat things. What job is done lmao, my lord I knew from the beginning you live in a twisted world 'cause you're twisted yourself. You didn't prove anything besides how mentally ill you are. Thanks for showing the OD ruiner and the DW feeder/Ogre flamer again. Now you can get lost once and for all psycho kid.

          casual gamer



              i think we can all agree that a 3 14 axe is a game ruiner.

              nah okay let's be real it's not your fault. you just had a bad game right?

              i wonder who was valve setting up by putting you in their games. i mean the rest of them are obviously cool peeps with normal behaviour score. why are they getting matched with the likes of you? a proven toxic asshole.

              wonder who's fault was it for this game

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                Keep running away from reality in an attempt to cope with your mental illness psycho. There will always be something to point out about me lul, "Axe alone, no rotations, Ogre not supporting nor rotating and flaming, DW dying 16 times.. eh but you went 3-14 as Axe" lmao. Attack and aggression, the only things a psycho knows 'cause he thinks this way they will dominate the argument and have the feeling they're crushing others. God you're so fun, and predictable. And hopeless of course. You did nothing but expose your mentally ill mind, well done psycho. Now go make multiple accounts and talk to yourself through them come on.


                  Axe alone, no rotations, Ogre not supporting nor rotating and flaming, DW dying 16 times.

                  LMAO. fucking classic thinking patterns of a crazed retard. and then there's something weird about match making, it's rigged, and there are game ruiners. okay man.... is it about time for your medication or what


                    Attack attack attack, more aggression and personal offenses. They make no sense but that's the psycho life am I right hopeless kid. You managed to take a linear thought, "the support not supporting and flaming-the pos 4 feeding 16 times and blaming others-lack of teamplay = one of the billion games with toxic people = trash matchmaking", into "craaazy thinking pattern". LUL what did they do to you to make you enter this hopeless mental state. Problem is, it's getting boring.


                      im sad that you cant see the point i'm making. lol


                        U have very bad behavior score try to be less toxic karma is a bitch

                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                          When did this become a shit posting thread lol

                          casual gamer

                            Because nobody has respect for threads like this shit


                              Hello there :D

                              No it's because they still allow mentally sick, toxic people to keep posting offensive and braindead comments over and over without doing anything. "Moderators", it's been months and they didn't moderate jack(ed) shit.

                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                Lol I see what u did there. So much irony in your words SLQ

                                зачем я начал поиск

                                  You can solo offlane this patch though.

                                  casual gamer

                                    nope its IMPOSSIBLE cant be done ever

                                    if your team tells you to solo off report them and run down mid


                                      Solo off is tough. I don't see a reason to trilane safelane the majority of the time, and one of the offlaners can roam if needed. But two should start offlane.


                                        Who said you should flame people and ruin games if forced to solo offlane lmao. Didn't even say it's impossible, but it has become more situational in general, and I don't see how it is possible to handle a trilane with no shrine, talon and while the enemy carry denies every creep granting you 25% instead of 75% exp.