General Discussion

General DiscussionMedal numerical value

Medal numerical value in General Discussion
This GUY is so Good!!!

    This is weird for me

    I was Herald 4 (praise me for I am amazing at this game :| ) then I ranked up skipping H5 directly to Guardian 1

    my mmr before I went guardian was (brace..) 586

    im lost


      Hey i calibrated guardian. But when i check my mmr it is 140 MMR how could it be?

      Done na.安杰洛

        [839(m-1)] + (140s) ; where m=medal rank , and, s=number of stars


          I was at Ancient 0 and hit 4380 yesterday and still don't get Ancient 1. I saw 4340 can get Ancient 1. help me


            ^ u shouldnt be just positive, u should also be friendly to hit ancient ;)


              these numbers are not on point, but roughtly correct. it seems to be +/- 100 per star.
              might be an average value of solo and party mmr at some point

              the tables say legend is 3360

              i got promoted to legend at 3280

              also some 5k smurfs calibrate 3.5k/legend and get divine like 5 games after calibration finished with below 4k


                I just won 16 ranked games in a row and have not even got a star upgrade from crusader ***. whats up with that?

                I'm the boss <3



                    The table on wiki/liquipedia says Archon 0 starts at 2520 but I got it yesterday when I hit 2433 (highest pre-medal and post-medal mmr previously were both 2432 FWIW).

                    Bu yorum düzenlendi
                    MR. RIGTH

                      Hello every one . To tell you the truth my mmr is only 2300 when o calebrated I got archon 2 after a lot of games I got ancient 0 but my mmr is still 2300+ what happen to the medal it is accidentaly given to me or not.


                        NOT 140 MMR!!!! ITS 138.666!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                          for me to promote your medal. the best impact is your next level performance. Study or watch pro plays. i suggest to watch mericgaming ,dota2bowie and gameleap channels in youtube. This will help you to learn next level skills like farming, jungling, ganks, what items useful,dewarding,etc. mmr numbers not exist.


                            How can i have legend in tbd if i make a new acc?

                            Baby Earthshaker

                              Well as a lot of people I also think I deserved higher rank. A little bit less than two months ago I calibrated at Crusader[0] with somthing about 1,6/1,7 k mmr. I always was a mid player, but I realised in 2k pool supports and roamers are MVP roles. So I started play meta supports such as Earthh Shaker, Shadow Shaman, Ogre, Pudge, Tide, Tusk etc. I immideatly started reising my mmr. And very soon I earned Crusader[1], Crusader[2] and Crusader[3]. I reached each new rank almost 200 mmr before it should be, probably cause of good preformance. So I belive that reaching new medals are conected with your preformances too, not based just on your mmr. Now I earned 100 mmr more since I reached Crusader[3] and I have 2,1k mmr. I feel I'm pretty colsed to Crusader[4]. So if u can't reis your mmr you probably don't deserve higher rank. My advice is to play meta roamers, cause they have the hugest impact on match result. And if your preformances are good enough I'm sure the promotion to higher rank will come as a price, even if your mmr is not high enough(like in my case) gl in reaching Divine[5] guys 😊


                                Just so u know it's not related to performance it's only related to mmr

                                Player 345996680

                                  i upranked twice from legend 4 to ancient 0 by simply having winstreaks, despite hovering around 3.8k mmr, LUL.


                                    3969 Legend 5 - still climbing with relative ease.

                                    calibrated legend 0...

                                    Trench is a myth.

                                    Peter Griefing

                                      Here's how the medal works guys. If you're 4k+ before, you'll calibrate like Legend 5 or Ancient 0+. The calibration is based on your previous MMR, so don't expect to reach Divine if you're 1k before the medal update. Please read the article carefully here:


                                        I play Arc Warden; more like the whole game (Versatility is 0.1% XD) I get a lot of wins and I have the most GPM and XPM of all games, but I'm still at Crusader 2 with MMR of 1861, I have a lot of win streaks though; is there a bug in the medal servers? Or is this completely normal? (Also, I want to know how much MMR is it in 1 star, make is clear please. I can't understand with what the recent talk is about and I want an updated information. c;)

                                        SASA POPOVIC

                                          1 star is around 180 MMR and it doesnt really matter what you gonna spam to win games, you still get +25 MMR per win.