General Discussion

General DiscussionShould i just quit?

Should i just quit? in General Discussion
I can’t believe its not h...

    Butthurt tryhard scrub here. Seriosly thinking this, maybe just quit dota.

    Ive been trying to improve for over a year in many things. Learn to Ward properly at presise times of fight, different roles(I was support only for a long time), farming, learning the heroes in bots first, learning to counterpick, team communication, different itemisations depending on enemy heroes etc. But i havent improved any since im still hovering a win-loss mmr games.

    Watched replays and knowing What i did wrong, What could have done differently. I understand the things i have to do, i just cant accomplish them in order or on time or i just do it completely wrong.

    Ive come to the conclusion that i am mechanically imcompetant to reach new levels. I am at the top of my skill cap.

    I want to rise the ranks and if i cant is there any ppoint ?


      This game is too complex for average people.Thats why 80-90% are 3ks and below.Play 4 fun.

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        srs advice here. I was around 3400 mmr now im 4400 and climbing. There are heroes that everyone is good at, and suck shit with. For example, I dunno how to carry a team with sven, but I can huskar like a bitch. Look at your stats and see who you have a high win rate playing with and play those. Look who you suck with, and never pick them again. Also ride the meta train. RN I am having great games with razor this meta.


        just glanced at your profile I would highly advise you to stop playing rubick, you suck with him. you're welcome.

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        I can’t believe its not h...

          Yes, my rubick... can we just ignore the 30% winrate there :x

          I can’t believe its not h...

            And i find this game a pretty hard one to just play for fun. Im too competitive for that :|

            Also trying to reason with 5 core lineups every fucking game is exhausting.


              Play for fun, no point in losing your mind.

              You have low WR as Rubick but maybe you love to play the hero and have lots of fun so fk it and just go along with it in normal mm ofc.

              Since when 2k is competitive xD


                I think every Single Player who realy wants too can reach 5k mmr.
                You only got 1300 games its fine keep Trying you can Do it.
                I also started from the very bottom (1.8k) and now i feel like im very rdy to climb more with New ranking System.

                I can’t believe its not h...

                  Didnt mean that 2k is competitive, my personality is.

                  Its just very frustrating to be stuck, When constantly trying to learn.


                    Idk how u tryhard and cant get out from normal skill

                    Main reason i climbed mmr wss playing 200- 300 games with tinker in 2k mmr after that every game i was 20- 0 until i hit 4k mmr .then i played other roles and was adapting very fast and could play on 4300 mmr hard carry better than average . After 4400 4500 i couldnt carry that good and was playing offlane suport mid mostly and wss there 8 months and dropped to 4100 which lead me to another smurf ( sad story)

                    So, my boy in order to gain mmr u have to play atlesst 300 games with 1hero and then u gona start winning 2k games easy as fuck

                    Tinker Od Sven Sf are heroes to go

                    < blank >

                      read title only, yes


                        quit pro quo


                          For me dota 2 mmr doesn't change no matter how i try.
                          Increasing mmr even decreasing mmr :)
                          For now turbo mode is ideal gaming mode for me.
                          Play for fun

                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                            Man you are doing just fine, you have 54% ranked win rate, dota takes time. You have only 1400 matches... maintain 52-54% ranked and in few thousand matches you will be very good already.


                              looking at your profile i say try play shaman and axe as i can see you have a pretty good winrate with both of them

                              edit: don't listen to me im just a 2k scrub with 900matches

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                              Maxxforce DT

                                What I did when things plateau for me is pick a hero I LIKE with a win % between 45% and 55% and Spam the hero until you lose 2-3 matches with the hero. Regardless of enemy picks. It helps with pattern recognition. For example. When I started playing necro I noticed a large % of players picked up BS, I didn't think much of it until they did it 2-3-4 times in a row. Then I realized why they did. I realized what I had to change in order to beat the BS. Same with CK. I spammed CK noticed, Lich, EShaker and Ember. Notice Jakiro Pickers. I found I have much more trouble with a good Jakiro or lich then a Good ES. I learned how to deal with them. Keep at it. Your probably weak at picking or something. Im sure if you focus you can figure out what your bad at and improve it.


                                  ^bro all that typing for nothing. Why don't you pick smart from the start instead of getting countered THEN realizing. It's not hard to pick right. No sense blindly picking a hero you like. bro logic much?


                                    if you are getting these thoughts already at 1.5k games, you probably should quit. this game is not for everyone.


                                      You could either just have fun playing DOTES or you could quit if it depresses you so much.


                                        "mechanically incompetent"

                                        Yeah, same here OP. I constantly miss-click; clicking on the wrong thing or using the wrong item/ability.
                                        Some people just have dumb hands rip

                                        Cheap Laugh Guy

                                          If you're really competitive, you give up when you really can't go on. But to soothe the tryhard strain it's better to have some fun in a while.


                                            Best advice I can give is to have fun. If you aren't having fun, then playing is only hurting you. Figure out ways to make your competitiveness amplify your performance. Figure out what you need to do in order to get better. Make 1 goal a day to work on. Learn to forgive yourself for a mistake. Learn from it, then move on from it. Never make that mistake twice.


                                              Everyone has their limits. U may have reached it, or you simply have not discovered your potential yet. You decide


                                                1500 matches is just nothing. Have a look at this article and keep improving