General Discussion

General DiscussionSafelane large camp pull no longer possible?

Safelane large camp pull no longer possible? in General Discussion

    I am aware that now it is easier to connect the small camp pull to the large camp... but that requires me as a carry to leave the lane to do that.. ( supports in low mmr have no idea about lane equilibrium )
    Wasn't it much more efficient previously to pull the large camp as a carry and get more lasthits? (correct me if im wrong, im only learning about this stuff so I work to improve my CS)
    Is there any other alternative to boost my LH/10, or is relying on a support connecting the small to large camp pull the only way ?

    gankl  der hochstapler

      Its possible, but the offlaner can ez cut the pull


        its possible when your previous wave is still under enemy tower. pull at ~25. otherwise you pull it behind the point where the creepwaves commect naturally


          just pull the small camp and connect with the big camp, its way easier

          Mlada i Luda

            nope no possible anymore, only connect pull or stack pull the small camp. you cant do that usually as a carry , what you can do this patch as a carry to win your lane is to deny , deny as much as you can .


              @Unhealable Damage but to do that i'll have to leave the lane (to do the small camp connect to big camp pull), and I'll miss CS, right? so it's not efficient anymore..

              I've seen how cookies and other high mmr players have insisted on pulling the large camp to increase the gold earned in lane, but I guess that doesn't work anymore...

              @Al Paqesku Thanks, I will keep that in mind and focusing on denying. Is there any other way to increase my gold in lane now that I can't pull the large camp myself?

              Hatsune Miku

                to some extent it is possible but you can only pull the range which is still a bit beneficial

                Mlada i Luda

                  creep kill gold its been slightly buffed , its about 24 more gold for wave if im correct, so during laning stage you will naturally get more gold farming creeps , than before. its not that much but it ad's up eventually . dont try to overcompensate for your supports , its not efficent for you . foccus on things you can rly do . not mising last hits in lane its slightly more important than it used to be, lane equilibrium too, and denying , denying its much more important than it used to be, even if you ( your support ) cant completely zone oflaner, he will get almost nothing if he jsut stay in exp range if your denying.


                    this patch is not about having more gold, is about how poor the other side is, if u deny everything, doesnt matter if enemy offlaner is in exp range, if by min 7 u denied around 30~40 creeps u ll be lvl 7 and he will be fking lvl 3.

                    he ll do nothing to u, so u decide if u want to push wave and farm hard and small camp, or just wait the car at lvl 10 to push enemy.

                    if done correctly, only a core rotation from the enemy side, might be a danger warning to u.

                    as a supp if my offlaner is lvl 3 against a lvl 7 safe lane, i habe nothing to do there, cuz its hard for a supp at the 1st night time to do shit on enemysafe with that much lvl discrepancy


                      Given that I'm a trash player in general and that I especially suck at carryin', I'd rather leave the lane and miss 2-3 cs BUT get the next wave under my tower than hope for my support to do so (even if asked for) and just watch the lane go as far as tier 2 enemy tower xD.

                      Also, I'm feeling like doing a large camp pull on the dire side rn is harder than the same on radiant; if u miss by just a second u can't pull from the upper path between trees (the nearest to t1 tower) and if u try from the lower one (closer to enemy t1) u r mostly messing up if your lane isn't pushed beyond enemy t1.


                        Purge was trying this out and his conclusion was that it only works with some of the large camps (the faster moving creeps) and only if the enemy creeps are not close enough to agro your creeps and your carry has to bodyblock your creeps so that they are in position to agro to the neutrals. Also it only works if you pull directly sideways, the diagonal direction pull doesn't work.

                        It is possible to get the ranged creep without blocking the wave but it still depends on which neutrals spawn and if the enemy creeps are far enough away.

                        If you're interested in seeing the video its the Purge coaching Day9 episode titled supporting in 7.07 (or something like that). You only need to watch the first 15-20 minutes to see it.

                        I Feed GooD

                          double pull at 2nd wave then stack the large camp then double pull ever 2 waves or cut the trees

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