General Discussion

General DiscussionHow far do i need to climb

How far do i need to climb in General Discussion

    I want to play offlane, i love the role, i want to enjoy games.

    but whenever i pick it in this mmr (i climbed from 2.3 and it didnt get an better), the dude that is supposed to pick a roamer

    -picks a jungler (not enjoyable)
    -picks some shit like DK, undying or a supp and comes to my lane "you're supp now/i will supp you" and then feeds
    -(best case scenario) picks a supp for trilane. which at 3k means your carry will be lvl 6 minute 15.

    so i just play pos4 every ranked game

    how far do i need to freaking climb until people start picking roamers consistently. in this bracket maybe 1/10 games a roamer is picked by another player, mostly feeding pudges.


      im good at 4 but slowly it gets boring. i can play pos 4 weaver in VHS and easy win because my movements around the map are very efficient.

      Sometimes i just want to hit neutrals though


        Just pick an offlaner, and try to do your best, try to not die, and if someone try tu go dual with you, just ask him to harras the carry, or make some rotation if the lane is too hard, even for a dual, If you don't want to get bored as pos 4 you can go as pos 5 you have many things to do at that position. I never been in that bracket so I don't really know how the people act, try to be more especific in how the game is. so Maybe I can help you a bit more.


          idc mmr, i just want climb to a point where i get proper games. so what

          with a roamer, solo offlane, the way dota is supposed to be played. where does this start?

          unranked is a shithole so that not an option either.


            mm Under my experience, some matches at high 3k (3.8-3.9) there're are people who really wants to play well, I supose it happens because most of them wants to reach to 4k, but if you really want to see matches where everybody respects their rol, is 4.5k average and above, below there everybody do what they want.


              im in kind of the same situation, 2.1k to 3.1k in 200 games playing offlane/roamer whenever i can
              theres a few things you can do:

              in case of jungler - play kind of a combo between 3 and 4. rotate to your other lanes and earn some assist gold once you upgraded your boots or got sth small. legion with phaseboots, axe with a point in W and tranquils, centaur level 6, underlord with a good rune... any of these can gank. buy smokes! smoke with the jungler if he farms your sidejungle, even that dude wants to kill enemy heroes at some point. never play against your team!

              play any offlane hero with the mindset "i will never get a rotation and always be 1v3", learn to get the most out of your lane anyway by abusing creep aggro or jungle and just push the lane away from your tower (offlane enigma is amazing at it! deny every waves ranged, clear a camp with idalons, depush with a value point in E)

              somebody else is static in your lane - ask him to initiate and try to get kills, be agressive. even if you just force the carry to buy an extra salve or 2 you did your job. if you force the babysitter to go to base be even more agressive. only hit creeps when theres no enemy carry in range. legion is amazing in duo offlanes.

              the offlaner, unlike any other core, doesnt just win his lane by getting ahead in levels or net worth. you win your lane when your carry has a better time than the enemy carry. once thats secured you should start doing things. farm blink if you need it, push towers, rotate with your supports or mid, buy smokes and call for ganks

              at the start of your games, think about the lane matchups. can your carry farm in his lane? can you contest the enemy carry, at least when his supports leave? in alot of games it makes sense to send your carry and 1-2 supports to an easy offlane while you deal with that annoying brewmaster or whatever


                idc i dont have problems winning as offlaner thanks for all pseudohelp. why do you think you need to explain to me how to play offlane.

                i just dont enjoy playing in duo offlane or with a jungler like an average 3k braindead, i get annoyed it.

                all i want to know is where proper dota starts in terms of laning and roles, where i can play solo offlane without some 3k mongol picking jungle/2nd offlaner


                  if you want to get mostly enjoyable and fun games, you need to get into 6k+ averages, it's not always great games, there are feeders, ruiners and other idiots, but it's the the most legit.

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                    what i wrote helps me winning in those scenarios you talk about.

                    i think what you look for doesnt exist in dota. bots dont jungle tho

                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                      wow great melt thx a lot i really needed that info

                      lmao i will play sk/sb forever it seems...feelsbadman


                        i mean i dont want overall enjoyable games, im not delusional, its dota after all no matter the mmr.

                        just me getting to play solo offlane without jungle picks / pudge taking my LH for the first 2 waves / rubick feeding in my lane would be enjoyable enough for me

                        gankl  der hochstapler

                          jungle vanishes at like 5200mmr above (at least to the time i was there)

                          зачем я начал поиск

                            Games of decent quality started at ~4500 onward, the last time I can recall.

                            I mean, you can shit on me all you want, but these games are actually already decent, like you won't get total braindead drafts and crazy builds at this point for sure.

                            Btw, you shouldn't be concerned about any other lane.
                            I would do that only when I am tilted, because I made tons of mistakes myself and need to find something to satisfy my anger-release lust.

                            Resist falling into that. No roamer is not your concern.

                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                            Friendly player

                              2.5k we never have junglers.


                                tbh im quite happy with my low 3k games after playing 2k for a year or 2
                                if i see somebody mark jungle at the drafting phase i just ask him to not, point at the importance of winning lanes right now and i'd say theres a 90% chance he will not pick a jungler

                                зачем я начал поиск

                                  In solo ranked you just pick a shitstomping offlane hero, instead of a team-reliant one and stomp your lane.
                                  Then, unless someone feeds intentionally/you fuck up hard/enemies press buttons really well, you win the game, because if you have stomped their safelane, they already don't have their main core in the game and you have an additional core hero, because you have overfarm.

                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                    abuse ench offlane ez

                                    зачем я начал поиск

                                      Shitstomping - e.g. Ench, Brood, Timbersaw primarily.
                                      Something you can literally solo kill the safelane with.


                                        if someone goes straight jungle in 707, i just count him out of that game, i mean i will not answer to any ping, or calling taht he does, cuz straight jungle now is worse than bot, so just dont rely on him to win the game, let him do what he wants.

                                        if what he does helps them u got luck and a not so braindead jungler, if he feeds, them, that was expected and move on, i gave up on learning offlaning, cuz its just so bad at my skill now, so im the pos5 that never ever let an invoker or anything scapes without a dust, or im the roam that just makes chaos during lane phase.

                                        tldr: do ur best and stop paying attention to ur dumb teamates, that also works irl lul


                                          I calibrated at 3.5k, and most games I've noticed people have a generally decent idea of letting the offlaner be so they can trilane.

                                          even in high 4k and low 5k games sometimes you'll get a roamer mk that fails. so you're not immune from these teammates any time soon.


                                            haha what, at 3.2 almost all games the enemy team has a dual offlane that achieves nothing, while i destroy their mid and then go kill them 3v2 in their lane.

                                            mk roamer that fails? aimstrong is that you??

                                            Palmen aus Plastik

                                              i will most definitely agree with the person that said to abuse enchantress offlane. The entire map is yours, forget lanes. Go set up kills, farm jungle, shit on the lane. It is all very satisfying to watch. I used to love watching Artstyle do this back when he was in NaVi.


                                                but then its roaming enchantress

                                                prime example of 3k tard, doesnt even know basics of dota.
                                                "offlane enchant, forget about lanes, set up kills, farm jungle, map is yours" ?????

                                                same person that picks mid pudge to run around the map at min 5 to "gank" aka "let lane gold go to waste"

                                                Palmen aus Plastik

                                                  i didnt think i'd have to spell it out for you...i was referring to the versatility of the hero. You can adapt to whoever decides to partner you. Since you will not get a solo lane because he refuses to leave lane to you, wouldn't you rather roam, jungle etc? Plus enchantress does real good in duo lanes as well. You can completely zone out the safelaner if you do decide to stay in lane, especially with another support. Dunno why you're so quick to call someone a retard though. I don't mind, but there are others who will find you rather obnoxious if you have a tendency to personally attack anyone who has a slightly different opinion.

                                                  зачем я начал поиск

                                                    but then its roaming enchantress

                                                    No, you get DPS items and kill everyone. Roaming Enchantress is retarded as fuck.

                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                    ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                                      4-position roaming Enchantress is legit, why shit on it?

                                                      Also OP, you sure you want to lose mmr learning how to get good at offlane? I dunno about low 3k but at high 3k i face tri-lanes on average every 2 games. And some of them are even competent tryhard.

                                                      They will fking zone you out, wait in trees for minutes for you to show on lane just to jump you, do double pulls, steal the rune on your secret shop the second it spawns, etc. Etc

                                                      At least in low 3k, you have so much more freedom as a roamer as long as you use smokes early on, ward in the right places and time your spells properly. As a roamer who takes the offensive, you can at least exploit the fact that low 3ks are terrible at defensive rotations.

                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                        What do junglers and roamers have to do with your game?
                                                        I mean, if u put any offlane player in a much lower mmr game, bad teammates are very unlikely to prevent him from winning his lane and snowballing unless they are feeding on purpose and go smth like 0/20/0. And it doesn't matter if he has solo lane or there is someone dual-laning with him.

                                                        It's like James Lebron playing 5v5 basketball with wheelchair kids. It doesnt matter if you have wheelchair kids in ur team if u r Lebron.

                                                        My advice is to keep picking offlane and adapt your picks for dual lane if needed. People barely listen to others regardless of mmr. If some salty ass wants to roam with mk/rubick or afk jungle u can't do much about it no matter if it's a 1k/3k/4k/... game. U just let him do his shit and adapt to it with your pick and plays.


                                                          Why do I have the feeling that @OP is just a bit salty and trying to vent on Dotabuff, while the PMA fellas are trying to help him...

                                                          U want to play normal dotes? Start playing in a team m8. It doesnt matter if its a 2k team, 4k team, 6k team. Whatever rly. 1 thing matters: can you communicate and be on the same page or not.


                                                            Buy 7k account and have PROPER game


                                                              typical low IQ retards

                                                              no one said i have troubles winning as offlaner

                                                              i said i hate to play offlane because then some dumb kid like you picks a jungler or picks a support into my lane, because they cant freaking play roaming, which in turn just annoys me. thats why i rather play roaming in this mmr, so that i dont get annoyed. but its getting boring.

                                                              all i wanted to know is when people stop picking dual offlane/junglers and now i know it.
                                                              you can stop with 2k twitch chat tips on offlane im fine


                                                                7k avg mmr game
                                                                dual offlane

                                                                What you gonna do now, OP? delete dota?

                                                                Palmen aus Plastik

                                                                  Hahhaha. OP is a toon isnt he? Aahahaha. Wish you a bright future, boy.


                                                                    7k dual offlane = can work
                                                                    3k dual offlane = a retarded supp that leeches XP and feeds

                                                                    tell you what i gonna do;

                                                                    not give a flying fck about an anime looser and a 2k mongol


                                                                      Why so toxic, my barely-3k-normal-skill-smurf-friend?
                                                                      Team holds u back all the time?


                                                                        the intellectual dishonesty in this thread is quite amusing


                                                                          ^ I suggest OP to add "Brain" before "Damage"


                                                                            i say above 4k mmr youll notice a bit better quality. You still get some shit stains that ruin games but thats dota


                                                                              ^ youre 4.1k but in most of your recent games theres no real pos 4 player.

                                                                              most of the time a pudge/NS offlane marked as support (sitting in lane leeching XP to get lvl 2) or a jungler. rarely a trilane.

                                                                              even at 4k people apparently are to self centered to walk mid trading regen and slap the midlaner a bit or safelane to kill the offlaner.

                                                                              they have to get lvl, its impossible that they dont get lane resources because, afterall, everyone else is a noob and they're the only ones that can win the game.

                                                                              theres just so much wrong with the thought process of a roaming hero sitting in the offlane for 3 minutes. "very high skill"
                                                                              its just bad for the roamer and the offlaner, and what annoys me the most is exactly this mentality...
                                                                              maybe im slightly autistic abuot this, but it annoys me so bad everytime i see it.

                                                                              so bad that i dont think i will ever be able to play offlane again even though i think its my strongest role.

                                                                              i remember my last few games where i tried out CW after his nerf, and the 3rd game i prayed the last guy wouldnt pick bh/riki and mark my lane and leech xp, the dude picked lc jungle and i just bought sentries and blocked all camps lmao.
                                                                              all i wanted to do is test if CW is still good for me in a normal dota game.

                                                                              since then i never played offlane unless someone definitively marked and picked a roaming hero

                                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                              Optimus Drip

                                                                                idk try carrying as the offlaner and ignore ur team