General Discussion

General DiscussionCalibration mmr

Calibration mmr in General Discussion
Friendly player

    What affects the calibration mmr? Is it KDA? win/losses?

    Player 153433446

      I read that even if u lose 10 games...u can cali to 3.5k mmr.
      And if its about kda...then everyone will pick carry and i dont think its kda.


      Justin Weaver

        It's different for support heroes and carry heroes

        Story Time

          forget calibration, now it will be only calibration to leagues and seasonal things


            I read a rather long article about it that made sense, and it says there are alot of factors that determine your calibration, though the biggest one is definitely KDA. Keep in mind, that is not just kills and deaths, but also assists, which means a good support might still very well end up with a great KDA.

            As a support you definitely need to up your overall game in terms of warding, dewarding, neutral camp stacking and/or healing, all those minor factors that we supports tend to do anyway, but is then more important than usual. It seemed to me that a carry doesn't hold all the cards, and you can still calibrate higher than a derp hurr durr I only blay bloodseaker an antimage.


              So, it's not about destroying opponent's ancient?


                the set equiped on your hero, better buy that PA set or you won't have a good time