General Discussion

General Discussiona hypothesis

a hypothesis in General Discussion

    Players are assigned to teams randomly -> both teams have an equal chance to get a feeder/tilter ->

    1) if u never feed/tilt, in the long run getting ragers/tilted players in your team doesnt affect your mmr since you simply has a lower chance to get one in your team (cos u never tilt, right?)
    2) you will climb if on average u are executing your role better than your opponent no matter the role your are stick to




        one-man bukakke

          You are implying that my team is not holding me bacc??


          Mlada i Luda

            in a perfect world yeah. 1) chances of ragers /feeders is based in your bs, nothing else. so point 1 not valid.
            point 2). not even close. lul


              in the long run we're all dead


                try to imaginate 2 planktons 1 is bigger and 1 is smaller, how much difference in size they might have? now try to think 2 " whales" 1 is 30 m long, another is 15. even if the planktons are 10 times bigger than some others , they differences can never be as high as between 2 whales are, i did not do that boys, is mothefucking nature XD. that being watched from neutral perspective , cause watching from smaller plankton personal perspective yeah he looks so small to other that is 10 times bigger lul. you learned the lessons kids? or shouldi illustrate with some anime pictures you fucking weebs XD

                i have 5 reports to use

                  Did you know that people have finite samples? Stop applying expected results based of random distributions on everything. There is no equal chance. It's only theory.

                  But yea, if you play well u win games. As in at a 500 mmr level higher than your current mmr.


                    thats common sense


                      yeah where did yo uget this lul. how can you know that? like how can you know , ' if rain is created by clouds, it will fall down into earth? how can you know that? waht kind of genius are you ? jsut cause you not named tripple retard doesnt mean you genius brah lol.


                        You didn't factor in the fact that most things in dota use pseudo random distribution. So those who don't tilt get more tilters and vice versa.


                          common sense does not apply to this forum.


                            You didn't factor in the fact that most things in dota use pseudo random distribution. So those who don't tilt get more tilters and vice versa.



                              the fuck u have that winrate with tree and io ursa
                              ur games are so suspicious tho like sandbox abuse
                              whats ur mmr ?