General Discussion

General Discussion"commend me"

"commend me" in General Discussion
Friendly player

    Hey, i was thinking if people in ~4k or higher are asking for commends after they won? Here in 1k almost after every game one or 2 guys ask for commends just because they won. It feels like people literally pick supports only for commends, they say "i supported so commend me" for example this quote was written by a dazzle in my team, he was intentionally nuking my farm and asks for commends. TF are they thinking actually can someone explain?


      yes but quite rarely

      Story Time

        well in 1k you should commend suports because suporting there is like russian roulet, like cleaning a toilet, like believing in communism that fails

        I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

          yes, rarely.


            You gotta say "recomend me :v" if you win for extra positive impact.


              i dont remember i once said that xd and i have good amount of comends
              u get more comends if u dont even ask for it

              Friendly player

                yeah thats right dude. Sometimes i want to commend a guy but i dont just because he asked for it.


                  never asked for it and i have more recommends then games

                  what happens far more often is people asking to report someone


                    I have more commends than wins 580 vs 605 but i never asked for them. If you play well players will commend you themselves


                      if you ask for commend u get no commend =D

                      Riguma Borusu

                        I started getting a lot of commends when I started telling people I commended them

                        Friendly player

                          ^ legit


                            What's the point of having a lot of commends?
                            Show Off Pride


                              The best way to get commends is saying 'great job guys commended all'

                              Riguma Borusu

                                The best way to get commends is saying 'great job guys commended all'

                                This, and not being a toxic fuck to your team previously. If you scream at your team all game but say this it just won't work. You have to not be an ape and have higher emotional intelligence than a doorknob. I had a really nice game today where I was spectre and my team won it for me (by winning my safelane really hard against viper, and by forcing the enemy huskar to afk in base by tilting him) so I said I will commend all, but I forgot it was freaking LP, and we were all like "well shit".

                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                  I never commend someone who even uses the phrase "commend" during the game
                                  The only commends are given to people who actually deserve them


                                    i only use 'commend me' as a taunt or when i was getting shat on all game but ratted something or made impact in gamewinning fight