General Discussion

General DiscussionWhere do you lane necro?

Where do you lane necro? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Is he only mid? Off? I see a lot of people playing him offlane. Solo offlane necro seems terrible on paper, but my supports always seem too brain dead to zone him out or outright kill him. Like we'll kill him once at level 1 or 2, then they leave to gank mid, never come back, and 1v1 necro is not fun. Just take free farm I guess?

    When I offlane necro though they seem to sit on my ass all day and won't let me near wave. Before pulse is 2-3 and you have ghost shroud he's pretty squishy.

    So do you try to solo offlane, dual off or always mid? I'm just not a very confident mid player, but I'm sick of facing this piece of shit op hero and need to pick him first.

    I'm assuming safe lane necro is terribad.

    Riguma Borusu

      Carry necro isn't bad at all. When you are playing necro, a lot of the time it's the ideal lane for you, especially if you're paired up with someone who can provide CC because necro has 0 1v1 kill potential on people who aren't brain damaged. All necro's weaknesses are amended by having either a meat shield lane partner, additional sustain lane partner, or someone who can provide CC.


        Any lane.
        Any game.
        Any position.
        Hero is too good

        Dire Wolf

          well yes but vs a 1v1 necro I also can't pressure him out of lane at all which is just annoying. When necros offlane me on a carry and my supports roam we're essentially conceding the lane since getting any farm out of offlane for a carry is game winning.

          What's carry necro build, same shit like veil into radiance?

          Riguma Borusu

            Your objectives are the same no matter where you play the necro. You build whatever the game needs. If they are magic burst heavy, you get hood before veil. Else you get veil before hood if you play against shit like PA or TA. But at any rate, you usually want to have both hood and veil no matter what lane you are in, if the enemy has both magic and physical damage sources that are significant.

            That's after completing boots and wand. After that, you build literally anything that's fit for the game. Usually radiance. Sometimes it's okay to complete pipe, if you're playing against veno or other retarded magical shit and start five manning early.

            However, you need to take into an account the fact that you'll have slower exp in the safelane so your level-based power spikes come a bit later.

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              ^ lul wut

              carry necro is brown boots dagon 5...are you 1k yet or what?

              Riguma Borusu

                Oh shit, sry, I forgot.

                Yeah, you start with null talisman, don't buy regen, and then build dagon before boots. That's the carry build.


                  hes mostly played as pos 1

                  Riguma Borusu

                    I think a lot of people are confused what being a carry means. In LoL there's the term ADC which means attack damage carry. When people talk about carries in dota, that's usually what they mean. Therefore, PA and Sven are carries, but necro and veno aren't, according to this backwards reasoning.

                    But necro and venomancer are two recently popular and strong carries that do not exactly rely on right click to carry the games (well, they do hit hard with a few items, still).


                      i find necro offlane to work pretty fine against any carry with a low hp support
                      You just burst the support out of the lane and then comes the carry, and you burst him out of the lane
                      ez lane ez game

                      Pale Mannie

                        i go in all lanes actually but i mostly prefer safelane because he has a shitty attack animation and starting damage

                        meteor hammer

                          literally any core role works well, 1 is the best imo

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            he is good mid against some heroes, very bad against others. he is very good safelane because he can 1v1 most offlane heroes

                            Dire Wolf

                              I know necro doesn't right click, but force staff is nice as a blink alternative. Would pike be a terrible upgrade? Like veil, pipe, staff -> pike?


                                I lane it at my ban


                                  Play necro in any position and win .


                                    Wasn't there a dotabuff blog post on this? For pubs, who rarely punish properly, offlane is the best. In pro games, he's played as the safelane farmer, pos1. But he wins a lot of matchups mid as well. Then there's also 4 support necro, which is actually 4th core.
                                    He's just too good for pubs. He actually always has been, but now that he's noticed in pro games, it's even more noticeable



                                      Mlada i Luda

                                        mid or carry is what suits necro most. he is a sometimes offlaner if enemy safe lane is weak. the idea is that you want to dominate whenever lane you are with necro. thats why he is picked a lot offlane in lower mmr you can dominate easier than safe lane with him.

                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                          Any lane tbh


                                            Any lane but most commonly in safelane as a carry

                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                              Mid or safelane necro is strongest. Offlane can work in pubs because there is no teamplay most of the times.
                                              If necro goes offlane and supports are picked well and play normally, necro will get destroyed in the offlane.


                                                yea in 3k bracket everyone plays him offlane. and dire wolf describes my experience perfectly. cant seem to kill the enemy offlane necro, then suddenly 1 v1 against him and lose. when i tried offlane necro just fed nonstop to a trilane. lmao. i like mid necro. but i know high level players play necro safelane. dont think 3ks will like that

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                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                  if you are losing 1v1 against a not-even-that-good laner when you have gold and xp advantage then you probably just suck or you have a very greedy hero


                                                    hows necro not a good laner. he beats most typical phy dmg melee carries that are picked in 3k


                                                      Necro has unlimited sustain, drains urs by being near u, and trades decently well by lvl 5 with deathpulse
                                                      His lvl 1 and 2 r weak but he gets stronger with a few levels

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        goddamn nevermind, doesn't matter what I do on necro cus my team always picks dogshit and feeds mid when I pick him.