General Discussion

General DiscussionFree advice, ask away

Free advice, ask away in General Discussion
Jake Zyrus

    Ask me anything
    Improve your game understanding
    Pref. for 2-3k players

    Why troll a thread that wants to help others? If you know better then dont ask. God bless

    Bu konu düzenlendi

      Should I go take the bounty if I'm safelane carry to maximise farm? Also how do I know when to fight or when to farm?


        farm always, fight only when you have to.


          How do I build lone druid safelane when you need to fight?


            Lul cuki thx for your advice but I particularly want to hear what this man has to say


              What do I do as a drow with no support and an aggressive offlane?


                Go afk


                  Thx bro for your input. But I'd prefer if OP weighed in instead


                    how do i keep maintaining under 50% winrate


                      This is a joke right

                      Jake Zyrus

                        @diox yes as much as possible without missing the creep xp in lane,True offlanes are heroes who need the most xp bacause of the skills they can provide mid game time.
                        Farm or fight? Depends on your role, fight when near/farm to fight
                        Imagine the clash scenario in advance and ask what is ur purpose (target item/important skill) for you to win that clash


                          When do I get bloodthorne vs Daedalus on Sven these days?

                          Is deso good on Sven?

                          Echosabre or SNy?

                          Echosabre on Pa is good?

                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                            When did you tell your parents about your sexual orientation?

                            Jake Zyrus

                              What i would do
                              Delay ur radiance
                              Phase boots orb venom bear
                              Tranquill stick raindrop main hero
                              and get ur farm by pushing towers after u win clash

                              Jake Zyrus

                                After i got ur mom pregnant bro


                                  i'm actually curious on how well could a NS player process simple information.

                                  here's my question;

                                  You're an arc warden playing against X hero, so it's around 20 minutes into the game and you finished your standard build (aquila+midas+maelstorm+boots of travel)

                                  What are the next 3 items to beat X hero, and how would you use them.

                                  each example to be used separate from the other (different matches), other 8 heroes in the same match don't matter

                                  X hero:

                                  1. Necrophos

                                  2. Meepo

                                  3. Storm spirit

                                  Assume opponent also has standard 20 minute farm and items for that hero.

                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                    How to not die more than 10 times as spiritbreaker ?


                                      Necro scythe daedalus mkb/bkb
                                      Meepo daedalus mkb bkb you can get scythe too but then u kinda need to pick him off if hes alone with only 1 meepo.
                                      Storm scythe daedalus mkb/bkb

                                      These item builds are not in order and I've never played arc warden but I think these items would make sense.


                                        i'm actually curious on how well could an NS player process simple information.

                                        haHAA ns players are subhumans haHAA im smart haHAA im high mmr haHAA



                                          after getting evaluation on his gameplay, he descents between us peasants and offers us aid in our mmr journey

                                          one-man bukakke

                                            Necro: diffusal, bkb, vyse. Maybe orchid into Bloodthorn. Get the jump, bait shroud, dispell shroud, silence.
                                            Meepo: End mjollnir, bkb, bfly, hurricane pyke. If he jumps on you, you pyke his ass. if he insist just activate bkb. the lighting procs + bfly damage and as should be enough to kill the meepo. If he does run you use q to slow the lowest hp meepo and try to kite him.
                                            Storm: Orchid, bkb, vyse, Maybe linkens if he is ahead. Not much to say. Orchid and he is pretty much dead.

                                            The answer of a ns player. Go on. Flagelate me.

                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                              U could not make my mom pregnant cos im like one of the oldest members here and you're not my bro.

                                              Getting serious now. Taking into consideration how hard is to farm Aghanim with Chen (he needs different items in the first place like mek), in mid-late when enemies can clear your creeps within 1 sec what you suggest?

                                              - Afk in the jungle to farm scepter up and then push with Dragon and Golem with Granite Aura ? Or its better to take the new ancient one and the one that gives attack speed aura ?

                                              - or just forget creeps and just go for items like pipe/force staff/glimmer and just try to save people ?

                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                              Story Time

                                                looks like free advice is a shit advice



                                                  i'm actually curious on how well could an NS player process simple information.
                                                  here's my question;
                                                  You're an arc warden playing against X hero, so it's around 20 minutes into the game and you finished your standard build (aquila+midas+maelstorm+boots of travel)
                                                  What are the next 3 items to beat X hero, and how would you use them.
                                                  each example to be used separate from the other (different matches), other 8 heroes in the same match don't matter
                                                  X hero:
                                                  1. Necrophos
                                                  2. Meepo
                                                  3. Storm spirit
                                                  Assume opponent also has standard 20 minute farm and items for that hero.

                                                  1. Probably BKB Huricane Pike and Scythe/Diffusal
                                                  2. BKB Mjolnir Daedulus
                                                  3. BKB Bloodthorne/Scythe and Pike

                                                  I'm just shit tier player though, so rate my builds :D


                                                    11k matches 5k



                                                      sry unlike many other people on this forum i dont feel the desperate need to refresh my mmr to show normal skill players how inferior they are haHAA


                                                        porki got 12k hours too

                                                        one-man bukakke

                                                          yo kuki

                                                          arent you going to flagelate me?

                                                          Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                            Would Pike be sufficient to replace SB or Blink as initiation though?


                                                              true, you aren't like other people.

                                                              subhuman would be a complement for you.

                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                cuki asking the real interesting question. i dont think if you asked a bunch of 7k players that they'll give the same answer though.

                                                                1. necro: i actually dont know. diffusal is cheap. but silence works too i guess?
                                                                2. meepo: pike? do you need bkb against a meepo? i actually dont know. what about shivas, or just go pure dmg to blow one meepo up (Bloodthorne)
                                                                3. hex bloodthorne?


                                                                  wow why are u so triggered? lmao


                                                                    1. diffusal / orchid
                                                                    2. upgrading maelstrom
                                                                    helps, maybe shadowblade to pick off a solo meepo in the jungle
                                                                    3. orchid


                                                                      u dont wanna get disrupted while 2ks are sucking ur shlong and ure calling them subhumans right?! ?! pardon me


                                                                        are you trolling or do you really think you could help players in your mmr range?


                                                                          wow why are u so triggered? lmao

                                                                          classic, wow why are you so mad, when not mad, but now his mad. lul


                                                                            @KEK WILLS IT

                                                                            nah, i won't, i'm just curious about the train of thought that leads to the answer.
                                                                            that's why i said to explain the usage of those items.

                                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                              this dumb question is actually almost insulting to a 2-3k, and WHO THE F falls so deep to play arc warden anyway. im sure though 90% of the 3ks cant figure out anything that works.

                                                                              im not spamming SB btw thats fake news

                                                                              Jake Zyrus

                                                                                Necro- orchid/diffusal dagon blink
                                                                                U know how this works

                                                                                Meepo- bkb mjolnir butterfly
                                                                                Bkb and tp(bt) escape,delay game untill other 2 items are available to fight

                                                                                Storm- orchid manta diffusal
                                                                                U know how this works


                                                                                  classic, wow why are you so mad, when not mad, but now his mad. lul



                                                                                    cookie do you really think a 2k doesnt know that you can purge the ghost shroud? cookie is an mmr racist, 2-3ks arent apes sorry sir


                                                                                      pretty sure 90% of 3ks doesn't know what skill does arc warden have xD


                                                                                        i'm actually curious on how well could an NS player process simple information.

                                                                                        Jake Zyrus

                                                                                          Forget creep army
                                                                                          Focus support and use creep for vision in map


                                                                                            at first i wanted to type something towards cookie but what's the point
                                                                                            for the sake of getting rid of bad habits, i'll just stop wasting time with responding to this kind of people

                                                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                              well cookies is super arrogant, just like huntard and blunt

                                                                                              but thats the gaming community i guess


                                                                                                when someone's not mad, and you ask why he's mad, he gets mad.
                                                                                                when someones calm, and you tell him to stay calm, he gets agitated


                                                                                                  Ill only do the one about necro because iv never player arc, strom and mepo.
                                                                                                  Vs necro
                                                                                                  Ill go shadow blade, Diffusal Blade (could swap the order i am not sure) upgrade to slive edge or get orchid. Then upgrade items etc.

                                                                                                  Shadow blade will allow you to split push safer and get pick off while you farm diffusal. At that point necro will be forced to stick with team or feed ever time he shows.
                                                                                                  orchid into Bloodthorn good vs necro and just all around good item even more so on arc.
                                                                                                  This allows you to make him useless in team fights without bkb
                                                                                                  Still can spilt push so they cant get objectives as easy
                                                                                                  And you can pick of most heros that are alone.o

                                                                                                  Am new to dota go easy on me.
                                                                                                  Plz reply with any info i i want to learn.

                                                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                                  Palmen aus Plastik

                                                                                                    "i'm actually curious on how well could a NS player process simple information." - what an obnoxious chap, LMAO.


                                                                                                      I'm not arrogant but you're shit and your 5.5k with 11k matches and 12k hours show that.


                                                                                                        ok mister 3.5k