General Discussion

General DiscussionHardest hero to get rampage

Hardest hero to get rampage in General Discussion

    Guys, any idea which hero is super difficult to get rampage?

    basement :)



        Io, Chen, dazz


          venomancer with only ult leveled


            Not IO for sure, his nuke can deal up to 900 damage in aoe, so given a good blackhole he is not THAT hard to get a rampage


              Cuz she's an ultra dispenser xd

              Pale Mannie

                shadow demon
                4th spirit 😂😂😂👌

                AT&T Samsung Galaxy

                  bounty hunter?


                    ^have u checked his lvl 25 talent?

                    Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯



                        Chen, no one 5 mans in the laning stage and after the laning stage your damage falls off hard.


                          Tusk or treant are pretty hard to get rampages on. Maby if treant is super farmed and has 15 min aghanim refresher. but with tha much money every hero can get a rampage. i have never seen an underlord rampage eather so that should be pretty hard too i guess.
                          bat is also a hero that comes to my mind as a hard hero to get rampages on.


                            literally bane any single target suport hero who has no damage build


                              I shall try getting rampage using chen


                                I would say Bat will have quite hard time rampaging.

                                Bane, even without a lot of farm, has 500dmg brainsap on lvl 25, every 1.5 seconds - in good circumstances, he can get rampage within 10 seconds.
                                Dazzle doesnt sound so horrible - combined with a big wave of creeps (or brood/PL/NP), he can nuke enemies for 1400 dmg as well. Or poison touch build.
                                Tusk & walrus punch, dropping every 12 seconds 1500dmg... And snowball lvl 15 as well, 350-500dmg. Not that bad.

                                Actually it depends on circumstances. All those sounds easier, than for example Tide, who has splash dmg, but he has no way to finish off the heroes, as he usually has no real dmg. It is easier with him to get tripple kill, but I would say harder than getting rampage with others.

                                Potato Marshal

                                  Surprised no one said Omniknight yet. Underlord I actually managed to get a rampage on before.



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                                      Omni with 500dmg nuke every 8 seconds and 200dmg hits, when nobody can escape?

                                      If you play him as a core, planning 20lvl +100dmg, he is quite strong. I used to experiment on him, going PT, Orchid, SaY, bloodthorn (wanted skadi, but the game ended usually before) and upgrade lvl 25 degen aura - he hits like a truck, slowing 85%, so nobody can escape.


                                        Hard to say. Depends on circumstance(traditional Dazzle, or did you try carry Dazzle, that kind of thing), the players you're against(your skill, or are you smurfing 1k), other factors like perfect teamfight setup, but in my opinion, I'd say Ogre.

                                        meteor hammer

                                          dazzle or omni


                                            Dazzle, chen, VISAGE????! xD

                                            casual gamer

                                              visage rampage is easy dude


                                                Ursa, you blink in, get a kill and get out, you never 1vs5.

                                                Pigeon ( °□°) ︵



                                                    lion ma nivb


                                                      sand king, the amount of times i got cucked at 4x kill and the 5th running away is fucked up.


                                                        ogre? EZ rampage man

                                                        all you need is a deep prayer to gaben and rngesus

                                                        then you go DING DING DING MFER, 10 4xmulticasts in a row

                                                        #noluck #pureskill


                                                          Ding ding ding motherfooker!


                                                            I got an ultra on lion once, so yeah rampage is possible on the hero.

                                                            Id say shadow shaman is hard to rmpg with


                                                              Cheat Enabled !


                                                                Treant, chen, io, nyx

                                                                basement :)

                                                                  Enigma. Kappa


                                                                    I still think bane is one of the hardest. Maybe shamen but wards are a lot of damage out put.

                                                                    all role player

                                                                      NvM i check techies magnus combo

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                                                                        to you all who saying shadow shaman

                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                          Shadow shaman can definitely get a rampage if teammates stand in wards, like are rp'd or black holed or something.

                                                                          I was going to say disruptor but with aghs his storm does a lot of dmg.

                                                                          So three guys with like no dmg spells are wyvern, kotl, shadow demon, bane. Wyvern can only kill 1 guy with curse, though he can get a pretty spammable nuke in splinter blast at 25, but it's still not likely to get a rampage.

                                                                          Sure kotl can potentially do double 700 dmg nukes but it has a long charge time and it's unlikely you'll hit entire team just sitting there waiting to die.

                                                                          Shadow demon same thing, would have to stack a ton of poisons and it takes forever to line all that up. I guess he could disperse a really strong carry and have the illusions kill everyone.

                                                                          Bane has with aghs a 500 pure dmg nuke on a 1.5s cd at level 25.but damn that's a lot of levels and items.

                                                                          Realistically any non carry is super hard to get a rampage anyway, even a big time nuker like qop or AA or something needs huge setup to get it.

                                                                          프린스 프로스트

                                                                            I got rampage on bane once, but I stole 4 kills with brain sap, otherwise I dont see almost any possibility that bane gets rampage. Also shadow demon and wyvern are very hard.

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