General Discussion

General Discussion2 years playing and still 2k

2 years playing and still 2k in General Discussion
♥♦ GED ♣♠

    Could you please give me some tips to improve based on my profile?

    Last year I gained 1.2k mmr but now im struggling hard to find my way up.


      Git gud?
      Watch replay of pros and shit

        Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
        Raj Limbasia

          Stop being a dick ass


            you have to just play more games. as dull as it seems you are average for the amount of game you have played. you need more experience of the game for now as you still have much to learn. for example look at me, i have played for 1 year and am 3.1k BUT i play lots of games everyday compared to you so its only right my mmr is higher.



              Share your mentality when it comes to ranked

              Obviously something wrong with the way you think. U gotta find the cancer in your brain and kill it.


                I was gonna say 2k in 2 years should be fine then I checked your total amount of match ._.


                  Stop playing without using your brain or think that versatility exists


                    Yes. Either narrow down your hero pool or role. So spam one role but different heros if you're the kind that gets bored. Or u can do it like me and spam a hero at least for a number of games in a row before u change. Or if you're completely
                    Mental u only play 3 heroes like bws. And if you're bat shit u become one hero pony like frank.

                    The more variables u reduce in your game, the more you learn.


                      The good thing about spamming the hero you're trying to learn is you're actually learning The hero. If u play a different hero every game u might learn nothing about the heroes u played. For example. Playing one hero 10 games in a row is better than playing the same hero 10 times but spread out over 100 games.


                        You mispelled 2
                        I don't pick spectre these days


                          It's called spam games and practice key game mechanics. Make every game an effort to improve mechanics. 4.5k + has great match quality atleast in NA. Worth the grind.


                            If you are too lazy to watch replays, and do practice lobbies to improve game mechanics, like last hitting, learning the map, when to pull certain camps and whatnot... get some much higher MMR friends and play with them. Your mechanics wont improve a whole lot, but your general game sense will - better positioning and better attention to manacosts and staying in fights longer as a support, etc. etc.


                              I've been playing exactly 2 years and I'm just barely 3k. Is normal this game takes time to improve.
                              My party is only high because I have an ability to identify good teammates.

                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                Have you tried clicking the rank button

                                meteor hammer

                                  don't play dota
                                  find a better game.

                                  Vem Comigo

                                    last 12 months 600 ranked matches and 50% winrate, you probably dont want to learn and simply wont climb.

                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                      Didnt even think of the game and you want to instantly improve huh?


                                        ^but we did


                                          I learn how to click creep efficiently


                                            rage more

                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                              This thread is for me




                                                  if u havent figgure out how to play this game in 2 years, then this game is not for you
                                                  the point is to learn by yourself , none is gonna make you really good even a coach.
                                                  he will tell u where you lack and thats it, u may improve a bit but still u play for 2 years and u cant figure it out by urself?


                                                    I know my weaknesses and I'm too lazy to fix it because fuck dota

                                                    mr. rabbit

                                                      hey this is me!


                                                        try playing with a keyboard


                                                          Just quit it!


                                                            stop playing random heros in all kind of positions

                                                            limit yourself to 10 heros in 2 roles, get 3k automatically


                                                              u need coaching from pro like me

                                                              ♥♦ GED ♣♠

                                                                Ok guys thanks to everyone. I guess I should narrow my hero pool. The problem is that I don't decide which role I like to play the most. Started playing as a support but once I understood farming mechanics switched to core.


                                                                  If you have more than 500 games dota 2 and you are not 3k Make a new account.
                                                                  Never ever play on sub 3k accounts if you have more than 500 games.
                                                                  You are learning wrong.


                                                                    Also as previously mentioned, Spamm heroes. If you play 100 games of dota you learn a bit.
                                                                    If you play 100 games of the same hero. you gain 1k mmr usuually.if you are sub 3k.


                                                                      Making new account lol wat

                                                                      Yes, My Lord!

                                                                        Go spam heroes ?


                                                                          Like 🅱️Oo🅱️ie said


                                                                            maybe you just mindlessly find matches and don't even bother to ponder on how to get better


                                                                              Stop looking for videos like "miracle's sick invoker", "Sumail storm spirit god"

                                                                              Start watching mechanics, positioning and tempo guides.


                                                                                watch sing sing stream.

                                                                                ♥♦ GED ♣♠

                                                                                  I think I watched all Dota 2 instructive videos on YouTube... btw I don't ever play with invoker or storm.


                                                                                    it was just an example...
                                                                                    Anyway, try game leap and pvgna free guides and look for D2Bowie on youtube.


                                                                                      d2bowie is literally braindead


                                                                                        He's not that bad for 1ks to start to get the grasp on how pros think

                                                                                        Mlada i Luda

                                                                                          you not gonna find an answer here.


                                                                                            you not gonna find an answer here.

                                                                                            lol. get fuckd in the ass by everyone here > starts saying forum is unhelpful. exactly like diox.


                                                                                              D2bowie is gud


                                                                                                Just buy a account and get good


                                                                                                  d2bowie is like the guide already in game that no one watches.
                                                                                                  Is good to improve above your bracket (2k).

                                                                                                  Mlada i Luda

                                                                                                    i actually fucked everyone inhere, not in the ass cause thats gei, but i fucked your brain so hard everytime that i wanted. you did not realise it ofc , cause your brain was already completely fucked lol, i take no responsability for that .

                                                                                                    Mlada i Luda

                                                                                                      when i say you not gonna find an answer here i mean it, not even trolling this time.

                                                                                                      yung griphook

                                                                                                        dont give up. I was in the same scenario but eventually you get better and will climb