General Discussion

General DiscussionA few random questions

A few random questions in General Discussion

    1. Why do people build PMS on Morphling in my games? Am I unaware of some super strong hidden mechanic about the item on the hero? Or am I just 2k and need to git gud because these players are actually VHS smurfers who are way too smart to buy stat items?
    2. Do we need a patch 7.07 for TI7 to fix some broken mechanics or nerf some OP heroes to make it truly balanced? Or is it just me who wants to satisfy his OCD with the number 7 orgy?
    3. Can we expect the part 2 of Siltbreaker campaign to release before TI7 starts? Part 1 was delayed despite the date it was promised on, so should we expect the same with part 2? I've played part 1 way too many times (and still haven't defeated Rhyzik, LUL), so I'm pretty bored of it tbh.
    4. Can the International Secret Shop be accessed in-game or on Valve's website by any chance? I just saw that it was released and am obviously not going to Seattle for the main event, so would be nice to buy some of that stuff online and have it delivered.
    5. Why don't my 1v1 matches show up in my matches list in Dotabuff? I know they're being counted in 'Stats recorded' matches but not in 'Significant' matches. Not that I want everyone to know I lose to Ken every time I 1v1 against him, but to try to get some info from the stats.
    6. About a third of the total matches where stats were not recorded for me have occurred in the last one month, and I've been playing Dota for several years now. Has this happened with anyone else? Is it bad servers? Or just bad luck? P.S. this is not because of intentional abandons.
    7. Does anyone have the Solar Forge immortal for Phoenix they wanna trade or get rid off? Not the Vermillion Crucible, mind you! I'd really like to have that item. If you have it, add me.

    Bu konu düzenlendi

      1. PMS on range isn't worth it, better to get Aquila.
      2. Nothing is absolutely broken, but there will be some balancing as always. Hope to see more buffs than nerfs.

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        1. They are dumb/bad/playing against Broodmother.
        2. Probably, NS ulti needs a CD nerf I think, or at least less duration at level 1.
        3. It will probably be released earlier/on schedule. Valve doesn't want anything stealing views from TI and releasing Siltbreaker during TI would be a sure way to do that.
        No idea about the rest.


          1. retard bracket

          2. i don't see anything OP

          3. probably, they'll make more sales that way

          5. idk either, i'd love to be able to download them as well

          6. server's shit recently

          7. not me


            I don't remember playing 1v1 against you :thinking:


              4. Have sub question... anyone knows whats inside Imbued trove carafe 2017?


                hey I already defeated rhyzik twice, wanna play with me today?


                  @Kou Come on, man. Was I that bad?

                  @an apple for meme trick I'm curious about that too.

                  @HBNN you materfaker, why you win without me man. I know you did coz I saw the result in-game. Carry me to our next victory please. I need them sweet stars.

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                    2: Clinkz and Visage are actually terribly OP


                      how to get mmr: watch sum good clinkz replay -> copy -> profit
                      rush orchid clinkz = -25

                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                        Orchid rush is so good what are you talking about?

                        Potato Marshal

                          I still see people in my bracket buying dumb shit like vanguard on Viper and Razor.


                            come on, vanguard viper is op. Basically unkillable creep. Now if only they don't end up with just vanguard for the rest of the game...
                            And nerf to PA dagger please, at least just the range....
                            also some buff to chen.
                            But then again it won't worth 7.07, maybe just 7.06f...
                            Plus, if you see another PMS morph, type on allchat something like mom i'm on tv or something, maybe they're streamer.


                              Clinkz does not seem OP to me at all. Orchid isn't great. I've even seen people rush hex. Just rely on your team for disables and build damage items. That's the way to go.
                              Solar crest is better on Viper than Vanguard.
                              PA dagger was nerfed, its range is garbage at early levels.
                              I want 7.07, I don't give a damn about 7.06f. Might as well not have one then.
                              Chen is not weak btw, with a push lineup strategy his domination is insane. People who don't play him either don't know his power spikes or don't know micro.

                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                And nerf to PA dagger please, at least just the range....

                                why? I love getting hit for 1200 health from halfway down the lane

                                Vem Comigo

                                  only time you build pms on ranged is you are cliff jungling with mirana


                                    if you let her farm 1200 damage potential from a dagger, you deserve to get hit by the crit halfway down the lane.

                                    PA is so easy to bully in lane and kill.

                                    It's like saying Reaper's Scythe is imba omg I died when I had 1.5K hp left on my Axe.


                                      Clinkz does not seem OP to me at all.
                                      That's because you have probably never seen someone play him correctly.

                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                        Well, what kind of PA that can't get 3500 gold. With desolator she almost destroy pugna and cm.
                                        Also with chen is basically tossing coin. perfect early gank and you (might) win, or fail early gank and you lose. This annoy me when i play chen.

                                        Giff me Wingman

                                          rofl @ clinkz vid