General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat will you do as offlaner

What will you do as offlaner in General Discussion

    If you're owning the lane and take down T1 quickly ? take T2, gank other lane, take T2 and press the lane while trying to take T3? or what ?
    I'm talking about Nature's Prophet, my last game i managed to take their T2 quickly, but then I'm trying to press other lane instead of pressing the lane further. Is it bad that I'm taking their T2 quickly ?

    Please forget if you download the replays, that game was full of tilting people which made my brain cloudy ( I did play all day tilting though)
    Also, when is the best time to use NP''s ult ? I always use them asap to keep all the creepwave close to enemies HG, but is it better to let the wave comes so my friend can farm ?

    I can't get replays from high mmr where they just straight owning the lane as NP. Maybe just my bad luck.

    Bu konu düzenlendi

      usually taking down their t1 tower fast means your team has control of their jungle. But it takes a team that understands that to really control it. IE wards, farming the camps, ganking.

      Bu yorum düzenlendi

        Ward their jungle and farm it if you really owned their safelane early. I think u spam ult only around later game to keep lane pressure. Mid game u use it before u tp in to a fight


          Use ult when u fight as np, it deals a lot of dmg early game. If u spam ult early u steal farm from ur carry and by shoving Lanes u make it safe for the enemy to farm.
          If u win ur lane as np go gank other Lanes and farm enemy jungle.

          Dire Wolf

            You need to keep pressuring the lane and take over their jungle, otherwise the enemy carry will just go farm there. There are sooo many games where safe lane carry has a rough lane so they play passive, don't die but don't get cs, offlaners take the t1 and then just fucking leave. Well now safe lane carry has creep waves close to their t2, can rotate through jungle easily and make up all that lost lane farm. So you should start ganking other lanes, pushing other t1s, but do not neglect that lane you just won.


              buy smoke, tell team to come, invade jungle (where probably 2 cores will be farming)


                ^ the "tell team to come" is the hardest thing to pull off.

                The best you can do is ward their jungle, grab a smoke, and ping to a central location for all the baboons to gather. Then lead them to the enemy jungle.