General Discussion

General DiscussionDotabuff Plus Members Only

Dotabuff Plus Members Only in General Discussion

    What do you like the most about Dotabuff Plus?

    Why do you keep on buying it?

    Imo, it still feels very underwhelming. With that amount of data available, I don't know why they don't flood us with different flavors of dashboard etc.

    It doesn't need to be a totally new way of analyzing things but just giving more options, dynamics and scalability in the current dashboard could already mean a lot.

    My favorite feature is the dashboard as it gives me quick and easy access about my progression.


      1. Basically nothing
      2. I wont

      Db+ only gives you a shiny + next to your name, it's horrendously useless.


        So it's basically Sellout WutFace


          Try open Dota instead

          Story Time

            can they make the Plus bigger? I would start thinking of buying it then :=)


              just bought to see what u get and most stuff is free on opendota


                This thread will soon be locked, because it promotes opendota (Kappa).

                But yeah, i bought Dotabuff plus about a year ago, but only used it for a few moments since it rly wasn't that good.

                Edit: Accidently wrote that i "bough opendota"

                Bu yorum düzenlendi
                死の恐怖 Haseo

                  isnt opendota is free?


                    I bought one month. Looked at it twice. Wont do it again.


                      you know what's even more retarded, it's the fact that you can't even request a match to be analysed if you have DB+

                      you know, like opendota does it FOR FREE

                      bum farto

                        Absolutely nothing to be honest. I have been a + subscriber for about 4 years + and not much has changed.

                        A lot of the old people including myself got tired of keeping the forum alive cause none of us ever got the support of the moderation. Which meant the only inevitable end was to let it digress to memes, and shit basically just another BB board.

                        Changes have been slow, and completely not what the community wants. I initially started plus to support both the community and the company but it's just been garbage, best you can hope for nowadays is an occasional ban, and a blog post about how CM is in fact a support hero...and is riki invis? click here to find out.

                        ....not kidding been watching this forum slide into self decay partially because of on/off again mods, no progress on stuff the community actually wanted, and the natural progression of older forum visitors giving up on lack of support from DB team giving way to younger kids who just wanna shit post.

                        Optimus Drip

                          I like seeing the rank on heroes. But opendota does the same thing. My goal is to 100 for techies on either site. Basically I need 4.5k and I get it.

                          bum farto

                            No you won't. You will play for years at 5.5k+ on a hero and then one game with friends and its impossible to come back from.

                            TOP 100 has been shite forever and always will be cause they just do not care at all about customer loyalty, or what players determine as value.

                            casual gamer

                              seeing what i did damage with: how much of my damage is physical vs mjolnir or laser vs rocket vs march

                              for a hero like sniper the amount of ur damage thats actually magic from shrapnel and mjol is insane. goes straight through armor

                              also item timings before that was publicly available

                              the website loads 1000x faster than competitors which is the main advantage over competitors and i like the ui more. im not waiting 10 seconds for OD to load and then navigate 5 menus just to read some graphs, and i had money to waste considering i spent 50% of my waking hours playing dota