General Discussion

General DiscussionDivine rapier pushing strat?

Divine rapier pushing strat? in General Discussion
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    Why any team didnt done in history of dota. Imo ranged carry and supports like omni with m8 do it

    Fee Too Pee

      deso exist? rapier too risky? push can be done without risking 6000 gold?

      Catsys Rivers

        Why not instead pick Naga Siren and get 4 Butterflies, 1 AC and 1 Heart?


          Divine rapier need buff


            Guaranteed 13.6k gold swing on a single death
            Why not?

            Use chatwhell=mute

              Im not talking about risk coward bws.
              @catsys ilu deals 40% dmg to towers.
              Btw i think its a rly decent option. Imo buy sacred relic lock then buy demon edge. I think this is like guaranteed win when win teamfight near t3(then unlock combine).

              Use chatwhell=mute

                Btw why ppl still buy dracon lance on meepo?
                Dragon lance is 12str/agi and costs 1.9k gold. 2 wraith band is 970 gold and 6 all stat+6 agi+6 dmg. Better buy 3 wb instead of dragon lance?


                  DR is not a cost efficient item on any hero without other items to back it up


                    Its not really that optimal because all it gives is massive damage and that's it and it also drop when you die, there are much more better options, maybe you will need atk spd and evasion, maybe you need crit, maybe you need massive armor, maybe you need an all stat item that slows your opponents, maybe you need an item that have little chance to stun your opponents when you hit them and an active that can stun them, maybe you need an item that turns your opponent into a sheep and other improtant items.

                    THO its good if you are snowballing hard and you want to risk it.

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                      you could do it with medusa and maybe bounty if you're snowballing hard enough, and if the enemy has little to no lockdown.

                      Use chatwhell=mute

                        Btw stats dont lie. Dr is highest winrate item in dota all time. Hero with 1.7 BAT and 1000 atk speed hero still hits 0.3 per second. So decent AS is fine. Maxing AS is not rly good choice tbh.


                          Aegis and dagon 5 have super high winrate lets build it on every hero!!!!

                          Fee Too Pee

                            how u build aegis

                            Catsys Rivers

                              With talents and those items, you can have up to 4 illusions with 75% physical damage resistance, 82% evasion, 3,785 health and 371 damage total. Their attack speed is 0.3 attacks per second and they naturally reduce tower armor with AC aura. They do not count as extra heroes so the armor doesn't stack up on towers like it would if you had multiple heroes there. It takes the illusions, by themselves, about 15 seconds, without risking a single hero, to destroy a tier 4. I'm not saying it is something that should be done, otherwise it would be done by good players often, but it would be very difficult to stop this kind of 'safe' siege with tank stats like those.

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                              Cheap Laugh Guy

                                bring old ember back


                                  I don't think evasion stats add.
                                  Also, getting the farm for those items would require the enemy team to be AFK or 2k mmr.

                                  Catsys Rivers

                                    I really don't know how evasion works other than what the little stat says, but that is, in fact, what it implies. I couldn't tell you how to farm that, but as a siege strategy, there are few safer from what I understand. It would be only a matter of time till the enemy ancient fell. That is assuming illusions did 100% of the work while your team awaited any sort of counter initiation.


                                      Dota 1 you could build aegis .

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        It is not 0.3 attacks per second but one attack every 0.3 seconds, the difference is huge.

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          Evasion is a multiplier, you multiple the remaining attacks that hit by the next source of evasion.

                                          For example PA with butterfly, 50% dodge on talent means 50% of attacks hit. Of those 50%, 35% miss from dodge on butter, or 65% hit, 65% of 50% = 32.5% that's chance to hit PA with butterfly and blur, or combined evasion of 67.5%

                                          It seems like this is a diminishing return cus 50 + 35 = 85% right? But it's actually not. It's multiplied, so you get more benefit from more evasion to your effective hp. Just look at the graph here or evasion to ehp, it curves up.


                                          Of course one mkb and all that ehp is gone, which is why people don't buy like 5 butterflies and they get hp and armor too.

                                          Use chatwhell=mute

                                            Btw direwolf too much analysing is bad for ur dota gameplay.

                                            Optimus Drip

                                              What is this thread. Is everyone trolling, only some people? I can't tell well played.

                                              casual gamer

                                                it doesnt do much for most heores. the heroes it does shit for (dusa) can go for it but they will be super weak on every other aspect (low mobility, low hp, low attack speed) and basically are reliant on securing rax with rosh because if the game drags on the rapier either plays super safe and falls behind on farm or risks dropping it and having a 12800 nw swing. even a shitty rapierer like lycan will win the game if he has bkb + rapier and you have a medusa with phase stick aquila +1 at 23 minutes

                                                saving private RTZ


                                                  Also people buy DL instead of 3 fucking wraths because one occupies one slot while the other. Same reason why u don't buy 6 brsnches even tho it gives +6 stats for 300 gold

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                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                      Its kinda viable with medusa and defensive 4p1 strats but it's still risky, especially if the other team has something that counters it.

                                                      But I don't mean brown boots rapier, I mean something more like treads-wand-aquila-hurricane-rapier.

                                                      Bust more importantly, I am 100% sure that in every situation where you would want to build a whole strategy around purchasing a rapier, there is a better solution for whatever you are trying to achieve, like stacking auras and pushing as five, split pushing, or whatever.

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