General Discussion

General DiscussionRadiant vs Dire

Radiant vs Dire in General Discussion

    Not sure if this has been discussed yet, but since since the 7.0 map change, is their one side that holds a distinct advantage over the other?

    Before 7.0, it was obvious dire had the advantage solely because of the Roshan pit, in both the spots it was in during various patches of the game. But since the move to the left half of the map on the river, is there anything else that gives a certain side any advantage?

    Does one jungle provide better multiple camp stacking than the other? Say, with and IO or Bristleback...
    Is the dire mid creep block easier than the radiant creep block?
    Both offlanes have shrines, both sides have same number and types of jungle camps...
    Anything you guys can think of?

    doc joferlyn simp

      I like blocking more in Radiant, everything feels more comfortable. Idk if this has something to do with how I move my camera doing it from Radiant just feels more natural


        Yeah its kinda difficult to block properly in dire




          Win Rate

          Dire 90


          Radiant 72


          This is a new account and only started 3 months ago and I am definitely finding the radiant to have a big advantage

          Story Time

            also ganking mid of dire is harder than mid of radiant. Darker map of dire is also very unfriendly and make people more risk averse (=forgone farming). Also stacking


              i actually put time into thinking about this a while ago at 7.02

              rad has 2 rosh high grounds dire has 1 but dire has shrine near rodhan opening and rad's is on the other side of rosh pit so cant walk there as fast. definitely rad has a better positioning over it aside from shrines.
              rad both ancient camps are on hg u got more vision dire has one on lower ground.
              rad mid is more gankable than dire still.
              rad safelane has better treelining for carry.
              dire jungle camps seem to be closer over all so junglers walk less in dire. also warding dire woods is a pain in the ass.
              also dire offlaner rune feels farther away than rad it's like u gonna miss a wave and a half to get it.

              i feel like the warding and mid is more toward dire advantage but the winrates show that rad could has some sort of advantage

              still just my opinion

              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                Interesting that you guys mention... Not a coincidence that I have similar stats...

                Faction Matches Win Rate
                Dire 1,865 48.95%
                Radiant 1,775 54.08%

                @even this ni99er
                You mentioned radiant has two high grounds to approach rosh from but you forget the back side of Rosh pit which is a huge access point people rarely every use... Its the one from the top bounty rune location, which all falls under dire side... Yes, it is a bit further off the shrine, but its still there....

                Also, one think I forgot is that the dire hill ward location only shows most of the jungle area but not the rosh pit entrance, however the radiant side hill ward shows both the jungle, shrine and rosh pit entrance... This was changed shortly after 7.0 but I don't understand why... Actually a nerf to radiant I think...


                  still radiant has higher wr
                  maybe this bad warding positions backfires for dire team too + radiant jungle feels vaster and harder to catch heroes in while dire jungle is closer. rad offlane always felt easier for me too. the camp is also closer to offlane and u can contest xp if not farm from the pulls.
                  wouldnt take dire carry much time to rotate for rune but rad safelane rune is twice the path

                  주 롄양

                    dire small jungle (right side) enables so much faster flashfarm in my opinion

                    Catsys Rivers

                      Radiant lanes are easier to gank if you're playing Mirana on Dire.


                        Yeah the most important thing about the mid lane hasn't changed in the longest time... You can gank Radiant mid from both sides, but for Dire you can't... Trying to gank from the right side will make you tank the tower... However, if your creep wave is under their tower, its actually fairly equal... This is only relevant when the ganked hero is aggressive and on the wrong side of the river...

                        Dire Wolf

                          What I would be very interested in seeing, but would take crazy adjustments from players, if they flipped the map 180 degrees so everything was the same but dire on bottom with their safe lane on right, and radiant on top with safe lane on left. Then would be able to see if it's just easier to click up than down. Cus I really think a lot of map advantages come down to this, that players for whatever reason have an easier time looking up on their screens than down.

                          Story Time

                            ^might be a legit reason. Also imagine that most players are right handed, so it not only up versus down, it is left-right issue too