General Discussion

General DiscussionBlue Star Reasoning on why blink is good on troll

Blue Star Reasoning on why blink is good on troll in General Discussion

    So I know this guy and he is in denial about blink troll, and I'm having trouble trying to explain why its good, so can someone of blue star (5k+) status please give an explanation as to why it is viable and also a good item.

    one syllable anglo-saxon

      yea im actually very curious too about why would Blink Dagger aka Kelen's Dagger of Escape be good on Jah'rakal the Troll Warlord in the game of Defense of the Ancients Two


        when u need to chase/catch someone

        i dont think ppl build blink troll anymore though, its mostly either sb/silvers only or sb/sivlers + blink


          Troll's greatest strength is single target bash-fest into kill. To do this, one has to be able to engage and disengage.

          With that in thought: Blink Dagger provides:
          Escape Mech: Blind + Blink away
          Engage Mech: (alternative is Shadowblade, but sentries, dust and gem's are common items against invis heroes).

          Without blink, troll can get kited and punished - and being kited is a key component of countering troll.
          I personally would still build shadowblade, but that is also why I don't play troll.

          Bu yorum düzenlendi

            blink and hit

            Pale Mannie

              you escape faster than you already are


                Blink in
                pop ulti
                press w
                perma bash them till death.
                Ez +25

                Bu yorum düzenlendi
                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                  Blink on Troll lol


                    I wouldn't call it core, and Shadow Blade gives more stats vs cost than it used to while building up into a bigger item, but nothing quite solves a hero's mobility problems like a dagger.


                      Allows you to gap close effectively, maximising up time of bkb whilst hitting a priority target and not getting kited.

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                        Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                          I think its good when your team have alot blink user too so you dont waste time walking when your team already initiate

                          Riguma Borusu

                            If the enemy has annoying shit like Dazzle and Bane which are heroes that can either save the target you focus or fuck you through BKB, and you have nobody else to do it (a storm spirit or some other orchid-blink-whatever user) then a blink dagger is good to jump on them first.


                              I don't mean that its core, I never said that, just why its sometimes necessary
                              also just for this thread


                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                ^Excuse me? my mmr is 2.3k and according to valve i am above average (2.1k) so my opinion must be respected and my analysis on the game is legit and im going on factual basis. I dont like to kiss ass of any pro without any reason. U have no right to criticize it u bastard.


                                  Excuse me? my mmr is 4.3k and according to valve i am top 1(one)% so my opinion must be respected and my analysis on the game is legit and im going on factual basis. I dont like to kiss ass of any pro without any reason. U have no right to criticize it u bastard.


                                    nvm this thread has derailed gg
                                    thx for the answer @kr
                                    here is the match in question for reference

                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                      Excuse me? my name is kr and according to NADOTA ur all shit so my opinion must be respected and my analysis on the game is legit and im going on factual basis. I dont like to kiss ass of any pro without any reason. U have no right to criticize it u bastard.


                                        jk we coo

                                        Lester, Moe

                                          You buy blink so you can farm like anti mage

                                          True North

                                            bkb > blink> silver edge > press W > diffusal / single target removed from the clash. get the f back home. repeat.


                                              KYS TROLL PICKERS