General Discussion

General DiscussionCountering bristleback?

Countering bristleback? in General Discussion

    how to counter this super tanky hero? I know that od and necro and drow is good against him and slark too(when farmed), but these heroes are fairly easy to counter, and lifestealer cant counter him even though he has high health because, and since hex no longer disables passive abilities, lion and shaman isnt good either.


      Silver edge
      Kill his teammates
      Kite the shit out of him


        Get silver edge

        doc joferlyn simp

          Burst everyone else, focus him last. Unless he's miles ahead he won't need an SE initiation for him. It's like the Cent pos 1, just kill everyone on his team and deal with him later. Make sure to be quick with your pick-offs because BB is a hero that loves long fights

          doc joferlyn simp
            Yorum silindi

              mask of madness jugg


                Still so difficult when they banned all his hard counters, od and necro or they had lots of disables, and what if your team have cores that dont build silver edge, spec for example or templar?

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  Burn his mana.


                    TA can build SE though its really really situational

                    GRANT MACDONALD

                      Dont let him get 6 slotted
                      chain stuns and mana leak. Dont focus first in fights and dont chase

                      Rogue Knight

                        SE or if dont want that item, fight him in the front ,dont fight him on the back


                          Usually i just build abyssal and hit him from front side lul

                          Bosnian Blade

                            techies mines


                              timbersaw is good against him if you can play this hero well


                                I play support though, any good support hero besides earth spirit and silencer to counter this abomination?

                                doc joferlyn simp

                                  KotL and Lion for sure


                                    Sd ulti? Bane?


                                      I dont think that sd and bane would be good against him since their ss would be better if used on their primary carry or their main intitiator

                                      Ramtin H

                                        Bane is great agaist him bb would never actually go for linken
                                        So u use ur ult and then just eat ur popcorn when ur team is killing him from front also ur ult will drain mana that Its just ice on the cake

                                        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                          Easy, YOU CAN'T.

                                          But the easiest way counter him is ofcourse silver edge, which removes his passive 3rd and ulti. But he can lotus orb to debuff himself or bkb.

                                          Burn his mana

                                          This is correct. Yes he is tanky as hell but his physical damage is very painful. He can melt tower very fast with AC. If his mana is burned, your good. (Nyx, invoker, kotl, etc)

                                          This hero needs a nerf imo.


                                            You need to break his passives especially his 3rd skill and not just 1 break you will need at least 2 because BB can still build Lotus Orb and remove the first break then you will need the second one, ask your team to build SE or pick heroes that have break ability.

                                            timbersaw is good against him if you can play this hero well

                                            I'm not sure about that because some BB builds Solar Crest as a core item and also that is my core item for BB too and it kinda destroys Timber, Solar crest plus Goo stacks plus that talent that adds the Goo stacks really reduces his armor too nothing.

                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                              But he can lotus orb to debuff himself or bkb.

                                              Just a heads up the Break mechanic can't be dispelled by anything


                                                Legion commander duels him from the front. She is also a hero that tends to build silvers edge. This gives her a huge advantage over him, but does not make her a sure counter pick.


                                                  I usually outzone him with silencer or bane, ez game if he's pushed out of the lane, since he's not a very good jungler and runs fast out of mana.


                                                    hes the most easy countered hero in dota


                                                      He's also very tanky in the laning phase, so if they trilaned the offlane along with a cm and pudge for example, and your safe lane consists of silencer and slark and earth spirit, of course ganking other lanes would be hard since they can easily zone slark out, and we would just try to stack for slark, but slark would be behind delaying his items, changing lanes with the team's offlane, those trio would just follow you,

                                                      Savvy Cat

                                                        Doom or Razor directly counter his play style I believe.

                                                        But they are a price all on their own.


                                                          First comment answered it


                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                              Axe helps


                                                                that's assuming an offlane bristle, and often times bristle is run as a safelane carry or even a mid


                                                                  Do you wanna counter him at later stages of the game or in lane ? His common counters are axe and legion commander, jugger works nicely too but he will struggle in lane.

                                                                  Speaking for myself, when I pick a carry against a birstleback in lane I almost always opt for terroblade, one of the best laners against bb Imo.



                                                                    Potato Marshal

                                                                      Silver edge, silences, mana burns, and arcane curse


                                                                        winter wyvern Q rekts him in lane.


                                                                          SHADOW DEMON AGHS = FREE SILVER EDGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! + high dmg nuke

                                                                          Président® Salted Butter

                                                                            How do you guys actually counter him in the lane though
                                                                            No one has a silver edge at the start of the game

                                                                            Ramtin H

                                                                              Bb is a very tanky hero and u cant do much to counter him except stacking solars for reducing his armor - getting silver edge - or have hard disables like bane ult shamans shackle abyssal
                                                                              But he is a really weak offlaner
                                                                              He has no point in his e early game and also his w isnot that much strong at early just get a wand and just zone him out of the lane
                                                                              Cuase he sucks at jungling and will run out of mana soon
                                                                              But if he is mid or carry say gg in all chat or abandon the game xD

                                                                              Dr Wonders

                                                                                Last time I laned against a bristle we had an ogre support just plain out dmg him on lane forcing him to back off early, letting us gain the exp advantage. It all depends on the players but ogre seems pretty decent with high armor and hp starting with a stick on lane. This was at ~3.8k and its only one game but ogre is definitely worth trying out. Other supports with mana drain abilities such as Lion and Kotl are good but are also killed easily if you get caught out of position.

                                                                                Ramtin H

                                                                                  Also a support that wrecks him is keeper mana leak is just so bad for a hero that needs mana af
                                                                                  Another good support is treant and ogre cuase u are so tanky so just ger orb of venom and punch him in the face

                                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                    But he is a really weak offlaner
                                                                                    He has no point in his e early game and also his w isnot that much strong at early just get a wand and just zone him out of the lane
                                                                                    Cuase he sucks at jungling and will run out of mana soon

                                                                                    most of this is just wrong.
                                                                                    he is weak lvl 1, but starting lvl 2 he becomes very difficult to zone.
                                                                                    quills is very good at punishing people when they try to kill him and for zoning out ur carry.
                                                                                    goo doesn't matter early anyway, he isn't an offlaner that's super aggressive, he just needs to survive and get lvl 2 to stay in lane which'll snowball him in levels until he can dominate the lane
                                                                                    he also isn't that bad at jungling, especially once he hits lvl 2 he just turns his back and quills.
                                                                                    obv he runs out of mana but if he did his job he will have used that mana to effectively zone the carry so he wont need it anymore, either way clarity, wand, and raindrops exist.


                                                                                      Someone once put this in a very simple way: when laning against BB, you either punish him at level 1, or you ignore him completely(as long as he isn't actively trying to kill your carry)


                                                                                        FUCKING THIS
                                                                                        think it was purge

                                                                                        Fee Too Pee

                                                                                          lmao brislte in my games always feed , he is a fucking money machine , he always dive or try to contest farm for some reason


                                                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                            Surprised nobody here said ursa.
                                                                                            Ursa shits on bristle in lane tbh.


                                                                                              ^ye he can zone him lvl 1, but ursa doesn't go well against bristle lategame, and isn't good against bristle unless he lanes against him
                                                                                              but ursa shud shit on offlane bristle.




                                                                                                  @Road to Crippling Depression I actually had experienced that as an offlaner BB had to rely in offlane neutrals to farm and get exp in laning stages but Solar Crest BB is STRONK.

                                                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                                    Played with a friend that picked lion to counter him. Shit bb didn't do shit all game xD. Lion started with drain level 1, bb was solo off.


                                                                                                      All the bb needs to do against these heroes is sap xp, make stacks, and then farm the shit out of them.