General Discussion

General DiscussionBuying bottle as mid

Buying bottle as mid in General Discussion

    When do you go bottle now? I've seen so many high MMR pubs where people straight up skip bottle on heroes like TA who tend to make the best use out of it. How do you sustain your mana without it on heroes like storm/ta/sf?


      In some games there's cm and bottle isn't really that great after all these nerfs and in some matchups you really don't need it, lets say you're ta against some melee hero, you're fine without bottle. People don't get it on storm? I haven't seen this one so far, but I think that's pretty awful idea, idk.

      Bu yorum düzenlendi

        Fuk bottle, i get aquila and raindrops <(")


          how do you sustain mana as ta even against melee hero
          even with bottle i usually have to send 1-3 clarities during the early game

          Bu yorum düzenlendi

            tred switch raindrop aquila clarity bottle crow


              last patch i didnt buy bottle on ta but now i would buy it again cause no shrines till min 5 and u theres 2 runes after min 40 so i just keep it in my backpack

              u can still play without tho atleast on ta and just send a few claritys.

              im also pretty sure TA+sf were the only heroes u didnt buy bottle on last patch.

              fonke monke

                umm what is diox up to? just got a discord invite from him....

                Dire Wolf

                  I rarely play mid but having one rune sucks so bad especially if enemy support zone it at all, and running to your own bounty runes is far and usually pisses off your offlaner. Bottle crow I guess?

                    Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                      yeah but they still buy bottle later on atleast lina puck and qop, u can usually buy a 500g item like a null or boots before bottle unless u are taking a lot of damage

                        Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                          i didnt know u completely skip bottle on sf ta last patch i still get it afterwards even if the lane is one sided


                            I bottle on heroes that have aoe skills to flash farm creep waves or abilities to zone the enemy.


                              buy bottle and get lucky picking up the runes or bounty. if unlucky, don't but the bottle. ez