General Discussion

General DiscussionInspiration to Calibrate Solo (and seeking coaches who want practice)

Inspiration to Calibrate Solo (and seeking coaches who want practice) in General Discussion
Warsmith Svrtr

    Greetings from a shit tier 2k ish range player.

    As the topic name indicates, I seek from you, my fellow dotabuff users, 2 things.

    Firstly, I seek some divine words of inspiration to calibrate my solo mmr. I have played 1 game of solo MMR back when lone druid was in the meta (forever in our hearts, please revert rabid, and please buff true form) and did well enough (14-1-17 or switch kills and assists) and feel I could handle solo ranked but I really am not motivated to deal with pubs at the moment. If I did play I would likely spam spectre, perhaps cancer lancer, but probably spectre. Please, dotabuff gods, give divine wisdom to this pleb to deal with pubs to calibrate and receive a number so I can judge my skill and know where I stand so that I may improve.

    Secondly, I have not followed the forums in a while but once in a while someone would post a thread wanting people to coach to improve their own coaching and analytical skills. Being that I have not followed forums in a while and could not find one of these thread, should any of you still exist I offer myself up to be judged harshly and accordingly.

    Thank you you beautiful pricks


      Here's one:

      Grow some balls and queue ranked you wanker

      one syllable anglo-saxon

        mute all chat and start queue

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          don't post here only retards with no life that starts to post offtopic questions answer or comment here.

          Warsmith Svrtr

            The masochistic inspiration does help, and as for the second piece of advice team mates being toxic isn't a problem and communication is important


              Communication is not important, at all.


                Communication is key, when I do my solo thing I tend to go on losing streaks, however communicating with team secures some almost unwinnable games


                  depends on players you get and how you play that game afterall


                    keep playing


                      I have no idea why ppl scared to calibrating
                      I dont get why ppl dont just calibrating asap

                      i commend

                        Communication is useless under 5K. You can literally carry a team as the MMR bracket goes lower. I've seen people boost account with one single hero and instapicking it every match. Communication is not what you need as it lessens your reaction time for every word you type or say in your microphone. You need skills, boy. Git gud.


                          Why bother trying to communicate with stubborn people rofl


                            They often make a stupid decision that will got you killed if you follow theirs call. I almost learnt it the hard way trying to kill one hero visible on sight because my team told me to go for a prey when there were two more behind him waiting for an opportunity to kill and that was only because of me letting down my guard for a second and I could have give them 1000+ gold boost had I don't made it out of that mess.

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                              Getting flamed for not joining a teamfight that would be a guaranteed teamwipe on your team
                              Typical 3k gaming xd

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