General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat does possible seasonal MMR based from ?

What does possible seasonal MMR based from ? in General Discussion
Preap Sovath

    Is it possible to get 5000 while my mmr is 1500 ?


      are you serious??


        it possible to get 4.999 I think, but you will not get it.. I hope you're trolling xD

        Preap Sovath

          A bit, cause I think my mmr should higher than current one which frozen for 10 months. But I don't think leaping MMR is possible.


            if youre frozen at 1k the youre probably not good enough. improve youre skills and understand of the game, execute them properly and you will climb. but you can leap 500 mmr if you play a bit better than when you calibrated at 1.5k . you can calibrate 2.5k if you just play bit better than now

            < Never Fear >

              u can If you got 100% win rate in normal skill bracket XD


                it's not possible because ure bad


                  sry but you have 3k games and you are still 1.5k. if your mmr "should" be higher then you would climb but you are 1.5k and play like 1.5k. even when i´m drunk af i can win 3k games on my friends acc without any problems but you struggle to win 1.5k games when you play seriously? dunning krueger confirmed

                  ☩ Vinblastine ☩

                    What is the maximum MMR calibration on seasonal ranked MM? Is it maxed at 3500 just like the new ranked MM?


                      Is it possible to get 5k if i buy battle pass please help i want 5k . I wanna be blue star god too


                        If the limit is 3.5k then whoever set it should be fired - ez dollar - stop calibrating high to limit smurfs and then a few weeks later let people pay 10 dollars to calibrate up to 5k seems like just what a business would do....

                        white boy summer

                          well you pay for a somewhat better mm so calibrating over the limit wouldn't be surprising


                            if you play a hero properly and correct depending on its role in 10 games in a row win win, you get +1000 avobe mmr.


                              Ima jump to 3.8k-4.1k mmr.


                                Na man. I'm 5.7 solo, won 10/10 of my calibration games for party and got 4.4, it's not possible to get a 5k calibration as far as i'm aware, 4.7 is the upper limit


                                  They adjusted the calibration from 4999 to 3500.


                                    So basically, this is pointless when you are in 4k mmr or higher?

                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                      there's a guy who calibrate 4.9

                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                        He didn't calibrate to that, he climbed from 4.7, Delzor is a guy i stack with and calibrated a 4.6


                                          I'm talking about "shy" (the first one) I watched his profile this morning (10 hours ago) that was his first calibration, after ten matches.


                                            This guy is a kind of abusser anyways


                                              Considering it took @PM over 5k games to get to 5k you still have a chance


                                                @chinesename how can he play rank when he got a 12-10 record?? :thinking:


                                                  WHAT AND HOW?

                                                  the lowdown

                                                    pay 10$ ez


                                                      The new "how to get VHS" meme


                                                        im gonna post this on reddit.


                                                          guys ive calibrated my mmr when i first started playing dota and ended up with 1.5k. and recently i used a new account and calibrated to 3.5k. i got the compendium just to reset the mmr on my old account hoping ill be able to get atleast 3k. but in that started off at 1.5k. am i gonna be in that range?


                                                            if you play like 1k then u will stay 1k. if you can carry 3.5k games you can surly destroy 1.5k like its nothing.


                                                              Its all about money 😂😂 nc job valve ✌️