General Discussion

General DiscussionMeepo without blink dagger

Meepo without blink dagger in General Discussion

    Would it be viable to play meepo without blink dagger because I have trouble using blink and then poofing all 5 meepo at the same time.



      General Asim Muneer

        No (period)

        Farm then Carry

          Only choice is to learn it. Or just get the feel in your fingers.


            Antimage without manta

            Cʜᴇᴇsᴇ Kɪᴍʙᴀᴘ

              i recommend to turn on quickcast since its good for meepo with blink dagger its a little hard to use quickcast for me but you will learn it instantly


                Play 10 games with bots, and u will learn the combo. Its like playing mortal kombat. At first its hard, but then its like riding a bike. U dont forget it.

                Bu yorum düzenlendi
                Giff me Wingman

                  If you have trouble blink poofing, i'd suggest you play another hero.


                    It's just muscle memory. Open a lobby and practise for 10mins and you will have it down pat.

                    You can play meepo without blink but it is suboptimal.


                      I actually tried learning to blink poof for about 2 hours and then gave up :P Guess it is just not for me.
                      Why I asked this was I seem to have done moderately well with meepo in my skill bracket inspite of never having built blink dagger. Though now I realise it is probably because no one really plays that well in my bracket in the first place.

                      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                        Yes. I never get blink on Meeps, but that is because I play him as a support. I don't really play meepo.


                          5 FUCKING ARCANE BOOTS
                          THINK ABOUT IT


                            meepo is very easy i say , you just need a accurate hotkey settings that fits for and a little time of practice.

                            < blank >

                              Use force staff


                                idk but i dont use blink dagger, (i havent learn how to use blink on meepo lol) but its viable, but make sure that if u want to play a meepo without blink your team has a good amount of lockdown ( stuns, roots, etc) so you can land your Q wel, and also u have to make sure your positioning when poofing, otherwise u can be caught off guard. Without blink that means u cant have enough mobility to catch up with people that means u must micro your Q as good as posibble. after some meepo games without blink, i have a decent winrate but of course its not the best build on meepo.


                                  dude even i know how to blinkpoof


                                    If oyu haven't learnt it after 2hrs you're doing something wrong :)

                                    quick cast is on right?

                                    assign one control group to all other meepos and then just Daley Thompson W-TAB-W-TAB and then F1-blink.

                                    are you doing something different?

                                    also jdf8

                                      no lol


                                        no you cannot play meepo without a blink dagger
                                        assign a quickcast key for poof spell
                                        1- select every meepo except your main meepo (assign a hotkey for this)
                                        2- tab-poof tab-poof tab-poof tab-poof while your mouse cursor is on your target (depends on how many clones you have, no mouse clicking required since you assigned a quickcast key on poof)
                                        3- then select your main meepo (again with a hotkey) and blink your target.

                                        if you know how to do this, all you have to do is to practice this a lobby with wtf mode on, or just simply demo hero and click free spells

                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                          No. If you do, then youre basically telling your team - fuck you I am gonna play this hero that I cant actually play and I am gonna take over all the farm and experience and fuck you once again team you will not enjoy this game because I am here :).

                                          Step 1) Practice blink poof
                                          Step 2) ???????????
                                          Step 3) Profit mmr and commends xD


                                            If you are starting and relatively low mmr, you can get away with nets, but you will be far inferior to Meepo's full potential. You can maybe try Shadow Blade instead of blink if really you can't blink, and in some matchups (BB, Timbersaw) it's actually better to go Silver Edge over blink.