General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion



      Ala bodo . Belajar kat upsi tak semestinya jadi cikgu !


        kam kos begu hamishe kos begu

        死の恐怖 Haseo

          EksDEEe i done


            KOS MAJOR


              WutFace u member


                I waste my strong memory to remember pointless shits 🤔
                Can't memorize how world war II even started but memorizes every single hero's spell 🤔
                Remembers nearly every single hero's attack animation and damage but forgets to do the laundry 🤔
                Must be bws 🤔


                  i can sing hundreds of english and persian songs from bare still havent memorised periodic table of elements till #36

                  Président® Salted Butter

                    @fx I never lock my room
                    It was 11 am and mom probably thought I was out
                    She showed the lodger the room
                    Lodger opened the room while I was changing
                    She hurriedly closed the door and apologized

                    doc joferlyn simp

                      Internet famous rofl

                      doc joferlyn simp

                        God loves me so much, everything about SHS is so fucking great. What a fucking time to be fucking alive, am I fucking right????

                        TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                          Lul clemont at least you have grill lodgers. I have pretty tenant but apparently has a dong too FeelsBadMan

                          TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                            I just realized how ironic your username is to the situation l m a o

                            doc joferlyn simp

                              I have pretty tenant but apparently has a dong too



                                what did god do tho


                                  clemont grills hot or not?
                                  i got a cute neighbor 1 year younger than me but im too religeous to ask her out lol

                                  TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                    I almost fell into a trap limao

                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                      Yeah I changed it because I absolutely knew no one from my chosen strand, since I shifted a week before the start of the SY. I thought it was gonna be an awkward first month but man I was wrong. Pretty girls in the classroom, chill boys I can hang with, different food whenever I want, I can go with my other friends whenever/wherever, teachers are fucking great it's their first year teaching at my school and they want to impress the students by being "sabay", I have traffic as an excuse for playing Dota, all the subjects are things I actually want and I'm interested in, parents have stopped being overly strict after my uncle talked to them, I'm liking Dota again, my AK-47 Vulcan is close to being sold, I go home everyday with this cute girl who lives near where I live and we already have nicknames and we talk about things for hours on end (her fam knows me because her older brother plays basketball with me in the subdivision court).

                                      I can list some fucking more but it would seem like showing off rofl. Still not 3k though FeelsBad


                                        speedbump huh?


                                          is it true chinese players lose purposely so that paparazzi can get 10k and make china the first 10k mmr country?


                                            hehe good for u dude
                                            it's more about the point of view

                                            u wouldnt believe me if i tell u i know a guy (dont wanna call him my friend) that doesnt do anything in his life has no job no chores, stays in his room playing dota only and chatting in different places, he has a 5000$ pc, he dreams of winning ti(4k), 1 side of his room's wall is completely ti3-4-5 winners holding aegis scenes as wallpaper, his gaming chair is worth more than my pc, they give him everything he needs. money, food, etc etc. he has over 3000$ cosmetics in dota and heroes skins on LoL, and the list goes on

                                            all this guy does is complain about how shitty his life is and oh god would i wanna die when he starts talking about this shit. once he was speaking on teamspeak and his mom brought hamburgers he shouted wtf is this shit im sick of this.

                                            and he's not a psycho he's a normal person who chooses to see the negative in everything and take positive for granted
                                            cough cough arin cough

                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                              Man fuck you I'm internet famous rofl

                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                With a life like that I'd go full on NEET. Idk why a guy would complain about something like that

                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                  So its true?


                                                    i mean i could be desperately sitting in my room bc i got no pc my main phone is broken and i dont have home internet each family member uses their own phone net and i get it only time to time bc family dont give me enough money. i play dota only in friends house or net cafe time to time. i have to study from morning to night and sleep and do the same tmrw.

                                                    i could choose to be fuckin desperate af but i am so hyped rn to give my uni entrance exam good and fuckin start my 2nd life after this month

                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                      What's true?


                                                        that u r a fabbot who changes name too often. tooo offtenn

                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                          I have a general rule where I only change my name every 3 games. Suck it noob


                                                            Still not 3k though

                                                            Dont worry im just masking my dissapointment toward myself and sweat on my preparations toward real life with my roasts and salty memes


                                                              I roast fx so much he's a wana now


                                                                but srsly every person needs to study mediocre psychology. holy fuck would u know how better u would feel about every and also could reach anything u want.

                                                                read fuckin how to succeed books now before u turn 30 and have a wife an kid and are working a normal job where u stick to it till u r 55 and get retiration(?) money to live a minimum avg life

                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                  Personal Development = Psych? I am under the impression that they're similar


                                                                    Why would any successful person publish any of their sikrit to reach success 🤔 What if they weren't successful in the first place, but become one with their scam book? 🤔 But doesn't that mean their path of reaching success is legit? 🤔 But if it's legit why do they have to use the book to bail out their success? 🤔


                                                                      So its true there is something fishy with your account :thinking:

                                                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                                                        Definitely nothing's fishy with a guy coming back from a 1 year break with an entirely different hero pool, main position, and playstyle

                                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                                          Why would something be fishy with my account?

                                                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                                                            There's nothing fishy with a 75% wr 6 kda invoker player in 2k too


                                                                              Im just a one heropool player

                                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                Indeed :thinking:


                                                                                  well personal development haz different levels. first thing u have to do revolves around psychology

                                                                                  start reading this book "having it all" by john assarraf
                                                                                  u learn all u need to start then u will automatically learn more stuff

                                                                                  steps of self development are
                                                                                  understand how human mind works (psychology and neuroscience)
                                                                                  discover who U are and everything about ur personality
                                                                                  find constructive goals that lead u to UR perfect life
                                                                                  create a dream life image
                                                                                  split that image into different aspects like mental health physical health career family freinds etc.
                                                                                  write down doable plans for each part to get closer to ur goal there
                                                                                  as u have already discovered ur whole personality, find the limiting beliefs that are just in ur head not reality and bad habits and change them into right ones
                                                                                  keep steady on the road and if u fail dont stop moving.

                                                                                  if u do these u gonna reach literally anything humanly possible. but u shouldnt stop in rough times.

                                                                                  after this part there are gonna be other stuff on self development like socialogy stuff and how to interact with world since it's not just u inside that needs a change.

                                                                                  and then it's spiritual stuff which is like the level only 2% of ppl reach or smth which is thinking about universe and how big iit is and how it couldve been made and getting to other dimentions literally going out of body with soul and stuff on monk lvl. generally godly stuff that exist and are in contact with us but we cant see

                                                                                  well im planning to get all of these done even partially the last one so cant be negative on da road


                                                                                    successful ppl who publish books are legit successful

                                                                                    this john assarraf guy was petty criminal and small time thief bc they were poor af but from help of a guy did some shit on personal development and is a multimilionair for more than 2 decades now!

                                                                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                      It's basically a more scientific approach to "PMA healthy lifestyle"



                                                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                          This is exactly what my coach told me when I told him how do I become the perfect power forward lmao



                                                                                            TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                                                                              What if my life goal is to be the first pinoy sebastien loeb in wrc? Will that book help me? :thinking:


                                                                                                what if i tell u i cant even comprehend?

                                                                                                TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                                                                                  Nah nvm, its a dream too delusional to even come true

                                                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                    Buffering once...

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