General Discussion

General Discussionfuck im so angry my team is so shit every game can someone help me pls

fuck im so angry my team is so shit every game can someone help me pls in General Discussion

    every game i get a bunch of potatoes and they suck turkey testicles honestly every game i go like 25-0 but still lose why are these monkeys even 4k i would be at least 6k by now if it wasn't for these potatoes far out mate.
    edit: do u guys have any tips should i just make a list of all the potatoes and just dodge them, i think thats what i should do if i a decent team every game i would be 6k in my opinion

    Im done honestly why is it enemy team always good and my team is always bad, my main is 1.8k but i got a smurf all the way to 4k like man why do i keep losing.

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        you fucking fuckwit if you don't have anything good to say don't comment here you stupid fuckwit im sure you're one of those potatoes that i meet every game lol hahaha normal skill trash ROFL normal skill and still losing lol so bad hahaha ironic.

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            Upupupupu, I'm having a fun pissing off this delusive smurf. You just made my day, congrats.

            Bu yorum düzenlendi

              u shouldnt have said what your main was


                Find A between this words


                Now close your eyes and u will feel relaxed in no time

                Post this on every "how to get hs/vhs skill thread" or u will become extremely raging potatoes.


                  you are such a pesky potato you're one of these plants that always end up on my team stay normal skill mate you fuccking fuckkwit honestly bunch of normal skill plants man

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                    XD lololol


                      Another guy with
                      and dude chill the fuck out, its just a game. Also every game you go 25-0 or something and still lose, well you probably did something wrong which is why you still lost.

                      I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                        i actually hate smurfing in 3k/4k, fucking cancerous teammates tilt the fuck out of me, not as if the teammates in 1k/2k are any better but those games i can 1v9 staarting in 10mins so fuck em

                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                          also ure a 4k trash who still gets shitstomped by 3.9k's

                          if you were 5, let alone 6k material, as you say, you'd be the one doing the shitstomp. you can enable all those nubs by playing well but you play egoistic carry only so you lose like you deserve.

                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                            @魂whateverthefuckyournameis you are normal skill so you're telling me that you're a normal skill rubbish plant that gets stomped by 1-2ks right man once again, ironic


                              i am 6k material mate and you're 1k material trying to tell me i get stomped by 3.9ks


                                jokes on you i also have a 4k account on which unlike you i can win games on. 4k smurf = 3.5k smurf man


                                  also i did check your games and you did in fact get shitstomped by 3.9ks.

                                  and i dont mean any disrespect towards the legit 3.9k players with 3k games played that destroyed you.

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                                    normal skill


                                      I think u really need some hugs


                                        oh and also you're feeding in normal skill games ironic mate


                                          im just waiting for ranked calibration, 3k+ normal skill ~ 3.9k vhs anyway looking at the gameplay quality and the amount of smurfs.

                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                            its ok man i know u r a plant


                                              Guys please hug him,seriously


                                                ur a plant too


                                                  @5k smurf

                                                  Yup,fertilize me pls


                                                    im sorry you calibrated only 4k when you deserve 6k feeelsbad


                                                      you little perverted plant of a monkey


                                                        Monkey cant plant.Make me ur plant masta



                                                          still can't comprehend how can a 6k get shitstomped by 3.9k's though (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                                                          coz i know 6k players that play in battle cup against miracle and shit like that, i doubt that they'd lose to a 3k under any circumstance tbh :D

                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                            what do you mean 3.9k it always 4k average or higher you turkey plant also you're getting stomped by 1ks so you don't have an opinion on this.


                                                              Maybe he's busy planting plant xD

                                                              6K MMR<10K gardener

                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                I can't believe you guys are falling to this obvious bait


                                                                  It's funny though,join the lultrain @bws


                                                                    4k average maybe but i look at your games and i see you going 5/10 storm spirit against an 8/2 3.7k bloodseeker

                                                                    if you look at my yasp you see im averaged at 3.4k and ive never stacked with anyone so theres that

                                                                    also i only "play" my top 3 heroes nyx riki and necrophos right now so you shouldnt even look at my other hero games cause i just random in all pick.

                                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                      50% winrate you plant like i wasn't trying in that 5/10 storm game i was just taking it easy on them otherwise i go 30-0 easy peasy but you're still in normal skill so yeah thats that

                                                                      Président® Salted Butter

                                                                        T H I S P O S T H A S B E E N R A T E D K

                                                                        Président® Salted Butter

                                                                          So when you lose you're just taking it easy? LUL


                                                                            well thing is im well aware that nothing you do until calibration effects it unless you are trying to squeeze the most out of it as possible. i just want to calibrate at my real mmr so im only going to start trying when i go calibrate.

                                                                            i can go on my 4k account right now and play the almighty vhs but whats the difference xD smurfs there smurfs here same shit.

                                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                              yea exactly i was taking it easy you plant you think you're funny with your jokes hahahah so funny mate but whats funny is you losing in normal skill, 1v1 me mid and i win in 1 minute


                                                                                K k k k k


                                                                         this is you losing in normal skill

                                                                                  what are you talking about again?

                                                                                  Président® Salted Butter

                                                                                    If you really are better than everyone else in your bracket, then the most retards you can get on your team is 4, while the enemy has 5.



                                                                                      i was going easy on them and also its low priority so it doesn't count as a game you're trying to make yourself feel better by finding a low priority game, plants these days man.


                                                                                        as i said, i almost always random in all pick if im not playing necro/nyx/riki... if you diss me about losing all pick randomed games and excuse yourself from single draft losses then dunno :D

                                                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                          @Great White what if i got 4 plants and enemy got 2 plants its totally possible


                                                                                            Don't feed this smurf an attention. Oh, and it's a pleasure to see smurf like you whining around calling everyone "plants".


                                                                                              LMFAO you got 59% winrate in normal skill and are talking down on me having 56% winrate in normal skill... anyway im bored of this dunno if i will reply anymore but this is quite funny


                                                                                                honestly blueflame you're a plant too so don't even talk man, also i go easy on normal skill people so thats why or else i will have almost 100% winrate so yeah


                                                                                                  i say the same, i smoke eat and watch tv shows during my normal skill pubs. i just want to level my profile badge to play ranked unless im trying to improve my necro/riki/nyx plays then i try some.

                                                                                                  im not claiming i can get 100% winrate though, coz i cant since i dont often play carry heroes.

                                                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                                    nice excuse


                                                                                                      here... same too..... :')



                                                                                                        i luv u

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