General Discussion

General DiscussionSven + Echo Sabre new cancer?

Sven + Echo Sabre new cancer? in General Discussion
Best Treant EU

    My Sven games this week:

    I think Echo Sabre needs some kind of rework with this hero. The cost / efficiency factor is too big on this item. Also sven got buffed with str hp increase, armlet and blademail rework.

    Blademail is now irrelevant to sven, because u just hit warcry and ignore that mirror dmg with ur 40+ armor.

    Also this hero is never gonna be useless. If u fall behind you are still a big threat in teamfights due to the ultimate.

    Pro's picked him more and more. This will be the new cancer like it was spectre in my opinion.

    Whats ur thoughts?



      reaL stöge :D

        I agree, Sven with Sabre seems pretty unbalanced. I have played like 10 games of Sven in 6.87 and lost only like 1 out of them... The amount of farm you get with this hero is so huge. I usually manage to get PT, Dominator, Echo Sabre and Blink at 14-16 mark when you just stack ancients... My average GPM in 6.87 with Sven seems to be nearly 800 as well... I don't think it's gonna be as cancerous as 6.86 Spectre was. At least I hope so...

        stupid fuck 2000

          The thing is that you can actually counter sven way more easily than you could counter spectre. You can kite sven in team fights and deal with everyone else while his ulti is running out, you can't do that against spectre. It's also much easier to gank his lane. I'm not saying he's bad or anything, he's extremely good and maybe op but not nearly as scary as last patch spectre.

          Bu yorum düzenlendi
          Best Treant EU

            yeah the kiting is the only problem of sven. but if u are well positioned u can kill every disabling hero with dagger jump + stun and like 3 hits. it gets worse for the enemies if they stand near to each other.
            last game i 2 hitted the enemy carry slark. sven seems a good counter to slark anyways so far


              Sven counters an underfarmed slark! oh wait everyone counters an undefarmed slark xD


                ghost scepter - force staff - eul. countering him pretty hard. he easily get kited.

                not like spectre that so hard to be kited and so damn hard to kill.


                  not as cancer as alchemist dude , see this game
                  alchemist split push is way efficient than np ... the reason i lose that game while my team wining becoz alchemist clear my base
                  alchemist with decent skill boost ur chance to win even he die so bad...


                    Bro what happened here, bro are you ok? xD

                    Best Treant EU

                      no fuckin alcohol killed my games :).. and fuck real madrid haha


                        Just take a break. It's not worth it to ruin such neat, beautiful stats of your acc.

                        Vem Comigo

                          echo is so good on him, got ganked by a slardar clinkz and lifestealer when i was farming ancients, just ulted and got a triple kill

