General Discussion

General DiscussionMy MMR is near 4300.? Pls. Answer

My MMR is near 4300.? Pls. Answer in General Discussion

    I encountered a player with 4300 MMR player on my recent game


      His name malfunction

      King of Low Prio

        I've had 5k+ players in my unranked games and I'm only 4k


          Omg :( 4k..? What's the exact dude

          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

            4k and 4.3k are the same. Calm your teeth, man.


              5k is full of trash


                4300 and 4000 Is diff.
                4k players already have brains so it's hard to get 300 MMR :P


                  Why the hell 5k full of trash?

                  M1YONG PAPLO

                    because 5k trash thats it


                      pretty much ^

                      the only thing you get from 5k is bragging rights

                      the attitudes of players and their actual skill is still trash

                      BSJ. LGD

                        indeed it is full of trash like nami


                          Even 6 k is full of trash...


                            yea i queued against 6ks in unranked and im only 3.2k mmr

                            Eternal Ember

                              Unranked is very unpredictable ,you'll find out when you calibrate. I'm matched with 5ks unranked. Tbh its very tough to calibrate at the maximum cap (4999) I guess the latest max. I know some guys who are vhs unranked then didn't played like vhs in their calibration matches, they ended at 3.3-3.7😂


                                so what is it that u r exactly saying ?


                                  If 5k and 6k is trash, then 3k like me is unknown creature. :(


                                    its garbage