General Discussion

General DiscussionHeros that Deserve A Spotlight in Next patch.

Heros that Deserve A Spotlight in Next patch. in General Discussion
    Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

      I just want a wide range of mids in pro games.The other roles have some diversity. (ex 6.83 troll,sniper,sf,storm anything else and you lose. 6.84 Lesh, Storm, Lina, SF anything else you lose mid. 6.86 Invoker, OD or DP)
      of course TA, Razor and QOP are semi viable throughout all these patches.
      I would be fine if 6.83 SF, 6.84 lesh/storm were in this patch.
      TLDR: If every mid is cancer no mid is cancer


        We need shorter fissure cooldown thats all i ask for


          sf/storm thats all we need to make dota interesting again


            What Negrocaucasian said is exactly it.

            The reason you get cancer of the month/OP shit is because the previous cancer of month heroes get big nerfs since they dominated the previous patch.

            But then since they've been nerfed and a different set of heroes has been buffed instead of a new set of OP heroes having to contest with the previous OP heroes they now have nobody to contest with so become the standard game winning heroes. Zeus wasn't as big in 6.84 as he was now even though he comboed with bloodseeker almost as good as he does with Spectre, because in 6.84 he would run the risk of being up against a storm spirit, and being a low hp slow hero he would be an easy pick off for storm to snowball off, so he wasn't as often picked.

            6.85 SF was very strong because you could stack and farm jungle camps, now you can't do that very well it means you can't accelerate and snowball off of farm - you have to be good at killing heroes. Coincendentally if you look at some of the heroes who have the highest number of average kills (OD, Ursa, Riki, Zeus, Spectre) they are all also most of the strongest heroes in the game. Conversely none of them apart from Spectre are even in the top 10 in terms of last hits per ten minutes (and even then spectre is only #10).