General Discussion

General DiscussionWraith King Build

Wraith King Build in General Discussion

    i have 50 games on wk, can someone tell me the best itembuild for carry WK and what should i do in game?

    Venus, MBA

      A lot of people tend to get blademail on him, blink dagger doesn't always have to be first item but is definately core item on him so that he can initiate and move around a lot. Always keep a black king bar in mind as the main counter to wk are mana burners like Invoker, Am, nyx, Kotl, etc.

      MisterLemm |

        just play like EvilArthas but without shouting and screaming and ull be fine

        Riguma Borusu

          This entirely defends on the draft and how the game's going, WK is actually pretty versatile in terms of item builds.

          Basically, first item is always treads, pretty much. Magic Stick/Wand are CORE on this hero, pretty much get it every game, that one extra stun can net you a kill, or you can overestimate your mana pool and be in deep shit so you just pop your wand and aaaah reincarnation. Never get soul ring instead of wand, it's terrible and doesn't even work.

          After you get treads/wand you pretty much see how the game is going and what the other team has, if you're winning really really hard and there's no way they can kill or kite you, just straight up get a deso, it helps your team push and since you have top farm priority you can get it fairly easily. If you want to participate in the early fights and the game is so-so, get blademail, stats are great for you, you can use the active to control enemy's focus/damage them and it provides you early armor which is really something you need. If you want to invest more into early game fights go for drums, again, good stats and some mobility, or if you're confident in your survivability and want to move around/initiate, go for a blink. Armlet is also okay but kind of overrated on the hero, he generally has other issues to sort out first, like mobility kiting etc, and lategame it takes one slot up that could be used for something more useful, guess armlet is really good however if you want to focus on the early game since it's very cost effective.

          Now that you have some cheap items in your inventory you can pretty much fight and be active on the map, but meanwhile when you're not fighting, you can farm for radiance, the item lets you crit like a mofo (well, like an armlet would, actually, it's +65 either way), melts supports, forces people to focus you, etc. It's also a great investment into the lategame as you can farm the jungle in a single stroll, the alternative to it is mjollnir but it's kinda shit, despite the active being good on wk.

          Now you want to be even more cancerous and impossible to kill, you get your BKB/AC/Heart, whatever the game needs, AC BKB is decent most games, since it lets you siege really hard. If you don't need any of these, go straight for abyssal, or build it after defensive items, the thing is, if you're kited you can't hit at all, and blink -> abyssal with bkb is utterly devastating unless the other team has some save mechanisms.

          And past this, well... If you haven't already won the game, I have no fucking idea what you're doing, I've watched a lot of competetive carry WKs and it seems that once they come to this level of farm it's game over, pretty much, so the build in the end is:


          Usually you start hitting so hard that you don't care about retuning damage that much, so you sell blademail to have a slot for aegis, or you keep it, sometimes it's worth it lategame.

          Bu yorum düzenlendi
          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            The most popular build used to be Armlet. It's good if you had a good early game, get it together with dagger and you already do a lot of damage with low farm. If you know you won't be able to stick on a target and get kited a lot, or just had a terrible start and feel there is only one way to comeback, go for a Radiance.

            Riguma Borusu

              ^ In one Secret vs OG game WK went for an early AC instead of Radiance, it cost him the game. Radiance seems to be the surest way to win by far because it accelerates your farm a ton and you almost make sure to kill off supports every fight (blink stun and then let radiance burn them, even if you get kited a bit), and sometimes early in the fight too. However, you'll probably lose if you get it but can't get to farm, which is why you gotta have experience and game awareness.

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              Dire Wolf

                Idk if it's best but my favorite build is:


                Blink is pretty awesome too but you won't be able to farm all those items before winning or losing. Basher also very good.

                Riguma Borusu

                  "Blink is pretty awesome too but you won't be able to farm all those items before winning or losing"

                  And that's why you get radiance or early maelstrom if it's good that game.

                  Dire Wolf

                    Those are good too if going farming route but farmlet + deso is like a 6400g investment that gives you insane dps, not many heroes can stand up to you with just those two items and deso works cus of his aura. It's also great for farming

                    The question really is can you get away without going blink.


                      Go treads->armlet->blink.

                      Armlet helps to farm faster, then get blink and start fights.
                      After that get a desolator or a maelstorm. Then the game pretty much is over.

                      Get bkb agaist antimage and invoker, I do that before blink. Maelstorm agaist PL.
                      Thats enough to win every game in normal bracket. Is important to do good use of armlet.


                        for wk build :
                        1-power threads
                        3-bkb / blink
                        5-assault cuirass


                          Radiance in the normal bracket doesnt work because theres no stack and no support, so you have to fight for every gold. The game ends before that.