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General DiscussionUnbalance DotA2

Unbalance DotA2 in General Discussion

    after tree or four win streak DotA unbalance your team to you get lose, its correct ?
    (sry my bad english)

    Riguma Borusu

      No, you're where you belong so you get people on your level, therefore you can't have much less or more than 50% winrate.


        no, there are no hidden MM mechanisms like that


          They're lying its all rigged.

          You've actually only been playing with 9 bots in every game of solo queue dota, they change names and heroes to seem like different players.

          When you start winning streaks it just unbalances the difficulties to keep you at near 50% winrate.

          As a player you probably can't disprove this theory, so just give in and let the machines take over.

          You LeDeeN, are the first human to post anything on these forums the rest of us are just bots, but soon you will be assimilated.

          NULL Bit

            tnQ for answre my question

            play for fan

              ^ i think like that about clash of clans i tell everyone you are idiots you are just playing with bots but u dont know it
              but its not true about dota i have 74% winrate and i can keep it for ever if i only play normal games (not ranked)
              i even have another smurf with 80% winrate over 90 games but when u play ranked match u just get players like yourself and u can defeat yourself more than half the times those who have negative winrates they are just retards playing 4 vs 5 not to say u are a retard because you have 49% winrate but u should accept that your games are actually you vs yourself vs 5 other player and you vs youself mean 1 player removed from the game so its 4 vs 5

              play for fan

                i have no idea what i just said but it seems logic ^^

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                NULL Bit

                  tnQ for answring :(


                    Absolutely. I had a streak of winning where I went 18 wins to 5 losses.

                    Since then I've had a losing streak of 12 losses to 8 wins.

                    Didn't change my playstyle at all. Just got matched with teams who made retarded picks or played exceptionally badly and with no communication or coordination when before I was getting on teams which had good composition, people communicated over mic etc. Enforced losing in action.

                    NULL Bit

                      tnQ for answring

                      play for fan


                        dont u think u may won 18 game to 5 loss because enemy team had retard picks when enemy team get 5 random or last pick storm vs anti mgae and silencer its a decent pick but when it happen to your team its retarded ? no bro thats not how it works when u get locky and get retards in enemy team so u win ez you should expect retards in your team next times those who are good at this game will carry those retards in their team and go in a higher bracket and those who are bad at this game will lose because its their turn to get retards in team thats why some people climb and some dont because they only know how to win when there is retards in enemy team

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