General Discussion

General DiscussionHuskar plz

Huskar plz in General Discussion

      There arent such instances because "every situation" doesnt exist in dota.
      For example, sniper could be godlike pick vs huskar (could be, i have no clue) but by all intents and purposes thats completely irrelevant because sniper doesnt exist nowdays.

      Lesh doesnt fit in every situation, that doesnt make him any less fucking op than he is.

      lm ao

        ^ +1

        xan how can i show you my newly formed intimate passsions on you?


          So, you came to conclusion that every hero is OP, right?

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            Lesh does fit in every situation though. Huskar doesn't. He needs a good 1v1 lane where he can get a fast armlet, he need to kill a couple of heroes and snowball, then end the game with Aegis before the game goes late. This plan has to work perfectly. If he gets behind, he is done for. If he loses the lane, he is done for.


              blademail isnt good agaisnt huskar as long as he isnt the type that lifebreaks anything that moves

              @triplesteal his laning skills are only strong in terms of supression, bring an aggro dual /aggro tri and you expose his shit base damage base armor base range

              Riguma Borusu

                Blademail is actually very good against huskar, you can activate it while he's mid air and damage him when he lands on you. Unless you think he'll never lifebreak you because he knows you have a blademail. Then again, most huskar players I've seen are dumb as a brick.

                Though, it's pure damage, and he's already damaging you by percentage. If you're a tanky hero and he didn't build much bonus HP, he'll screw himself pretty bad. And then if he stacks spears on you, he'll get pure damage DoT on himself, and since he now attacks fast, he'll quickly stack it up. The only hope he has is that inner vitality/teammate saves him, because you can't lifesteal through blademail, you literally damage yourself for 100% of your damage while healing yourself for only 15-25%. Also, during the 4 seconds your blademail is up, you can actually deal with him if you have some burst, since he won't attack you if he's not a retard, since he's already destroyed his HP pool by eating a ton of his own HP.

                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                  i think you are just not supposed to get huskar against agro lanes, he needs a 1v1 matchup, whatever the lane is.


                    huskar basically counters 80% heroes in dota with his passif and the 20% left with halberd~

                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                      but you do realize huskar is one of fucking worst heroes you can face in 1v1 lane? especially as a offlaner. (only brood comes to mind that can win a lane)
                      id rather play vs lesh any time of the day 1v1 than fucking huskar.

                      and i dont agree that lesh fits in every scenario. i played a hero quite a bit this patch so i got a feel for him quite well. people just overplay him at any given chance because he is fucking op with his overbuffed spells, rather than him being good in certain matchups. playing lesh vs lina wr or nyx is not really fun. but he works well vs big chunk of current pool

                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        To counter Huskar in the lane, you need to just push the lane like no tomorrow. He has terrible armor and is ranged, he really can't afford to lasthit under the tower.


                          yea thats an amazing theory, since everybody has a spell like illuminate that can push far from huskar harras, it shoud work :)


                            Dirge is popular offlaner, will he lose vs Huskar 1v1?

                            What about Beastmaster? Not so popular hero in pubs, because of high micro skill requirements. I think, in good hands he may beat Huskar 1v1.


                              All of you saying huskar is op are fucking lesh pickers lol. Heres a set of hero that counters him.

                              Carry: bloodcykka blademail rape his anus plus hes gonna be on thirst the whole game. PA or void, evasion +bash/crit rapes huskar.

                              Support: A fuckinh A, his ult reks armlet toggler.

                              Core: storm, he cant kill you, lina, rush aghs instead of eul.

                              Anything illusion based aswell.

                              saving private RTZ

                                By laning stage I meant that he cant do much versus aggro tri, even duo I think cuz if he harras multiple times with spears he is in danger of dying, brood actually recks him in lane, xan pointed out that he cant last hit under tower with his dmg and armor.

                                In 1v1 yea sure, I dont think anyone can beat him other than brood, maybe viper?


                                  Dirge rapes Huskar really hard. You should go a dual lane with Dirge thouigh, not solo.


                                    @rare pepe

                                    Huskar just have to play different when playing against Bloodseeker. You can't just go max farmefificeitcy farming with 0 hp armlet toggling. Bloodseeker can be strong vs. Huskar, but if Huskar is fat he doesn't give a shit about you.


                                      sam said that, not me. and what nova said, easier said than done. im playing vs huskar on daily basis and hero is as much cancer as storm is.

                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                        Every hero is cancer if you don't have a counter, this is a stupid thing to say. And yes, most offlaners should have some sort of way to push the lane/get CS from far or else they would be shit offlaners.

                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                          Allright guys. Just relax. I know some heroes can kill huskar easy such as ursa(his passive can wipe him out), necrophos's ult can finish him off easily, wraith king with mjloner can kill him with crit after stun, slarsar with desolated and ult, drow ranger with deadlus, or just pudge hook only when huskar is 10-20% hp. I've done with these heroes on huskar and i didnt have any trouble getting him off.




                                              @back alive

                                              Well you said it yourself, if hes fat. Like pretty much any meta or even non meta hero, fat is fat and theres not much you can do.

                                              Problem is people underestimate huskar at 10min so they go near him solo trying to ward or shit. They just arent that afraid of him and feeds him until its too late, juste like bs and gyro were underestimated in early 6.84. Now theyre cancer but huskar is a low profile pubstomper thats gaining a bit more popularity.


                                                Not sure if it's been mentioned, but Winter Wyvern can be very good at locking down huskar. Go WW+Ursa and you got a combo for succes rofl


                                                  ok, give me names, of those offlaners that can freely push lane vs huskar.
                                                  names please.

                                                  the realm's delight

                                                    last pick huskar = FeelsBadMan


                                                      Do you really want that long list?


                                                        sam plays in my bracket, i want a list what heroes he think would work vs husk the way he describes it so i can tell him why he's wrong.
                                                        truth is nothing can work vs husk on offlane 1v1 except my some dual lane ganking him early on. he gets 5 minute armlet at which point you are never 1v1ing that hero, ever.

                                                        Bad Intentions

                                                          Slardar actually destroys him at every stage of d game :D

                                                          But sadly good slardars are an endagered species nowadays.

                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                            How's Silencer for lane counter? Or does flame spear count as spell..?
                                                            Freely pushes: Dark Seer

                                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                              Okay man. Dark Seer, Tusk, Clock, Beastmaster, Phoenix, Earthshaker, even Magnus has some sort of way to push the lane while getting farm.


                                                                Out of all those only seer can actually push a lane without getting his ass handed to him. Tusk cant push for shit, clock is borderline mediocre, you dont max axes on beastmaster cuz its bad, phoenix vs huskar is worst choice ever, shaker doesnt push the lane, magnus can be decent.
                                                                I actually played magnus recently vs husk and was fine on lane until he got 6 and armlet.

                                                                Point being, none of those work spectaculary well, nor do they counter huskar in any way. Not to mention offlaners usually pick early on, while huskar is mostly last pick.
                                                                And thats assuming he is alone on lane, even if he is he demolishes all of those 1v1. Bar the seer pick, which once he gets levels, poses no threat what so ever.

                                                                Edit: do you want me to point out all the offlaners that, can lane vs meepo last pick for instance, in comparison?

                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                  xan ur wrong as fuck, srsly.
                                                                  not to mention offlaners like timber still exist that dumpster huskar past level 6, and maybe even axe if he gets some spins

                                                                  as you can see the huskar was 1v1 vs lycan top

                                                                  Oh the most pain in that game came through huskar being unable to handle the lycan 1v1 and the game went to dumpster

                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                    Huskar is fragile early, dual or tri vs him to prevent snowball.

                                                                    Run away from him if hes got armlet and youre alone.

                                                                    Pretty simple.


                                                                      EBIN why u post game of 5k mmr players? That doesn't showcase anything.


                                                                        over 50% of those players are 6k+

                                                                        And ti col matches. 3/5 cols were low 5ks, but their matches totally don't showcase anything at all? Sorry man, but even if you were right your argument would have meant nothing at all. Not to mention I pointed out that 1v1 huskar top lane, not the game itself or whatever. Yet again you're spouting nonsense.

                                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                          Yes, you can out dps huskar with lycan because his physical dmg is huge. I dont see how lycan is relevant to anything i posted previously, so how am i wrong again? On what account?
                                                                          Not to mention nihis is better player than that guy whose game you posted, so being outclased proves nothing. And "2014-08-24
                                                                          MATCH ENDED" good stuff, relevant.

                                                                          Also id lke to see you play timber vs huskar on lane.

                                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                          Livin' Real Good

                                                                            Xan, you're a jerk, you declined my friend request you 6K Trash. Q.Q W... whatever ! O_O

                                                                            They say Huskar falls off late game, but no way! Have you seen him with Daedalus, and all those actual damage items, and 6 slotted? o_O

                                                                              Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                                                                                I cant have any more people on fl, i cant keep track anymore who is who, i barely know half the people there on it now considering how often people change names/avatars +private profiles.



                                                                                  About that rosh control thing, I thought about Ursa. Ursa could burst huskar down fast enough so he cant stack many spears. Also his ult makes him pretty much invulnerable.

                                                                                    Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
                                                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                      You don't understand though, he is supposed to win his lane. If he didn't even win his lane, he would be like the most useless hero in the game.


                                                                                        Wasnt that what ive been saying this whole thread? Him shitting on his lane then knocking down the towers 1 by 1 with armlet and hotd.
                                                                                        Any considering how peculiar hero is there is only a handful of heroes that work vs that shit. Then add the ammont of skill that takes to toggle armlet on and off to rape people, you get what i call an op hero.

                                                                                        Giff me Wingman

                                                                                          beautifully said.

                                                                                          The hardest part is, once that fucker snowballed, it's a complete raid boss mission to kill him of and get his streak. Inner vitality got overbuffed to the point where it's just retarded. Due to high armor and high magic immunity and free alchemist ultimate you cannot do anything to kill that shitfest of a hero. All you can do is try to 5man it and wonder why the hell that hero is still standing 1v5.

                                                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                            As matrice already said, it's purgable by a simple Euls.

                                                                                            Giff me Wingman

                                                                                              You clearly don't like to read what xan is writing. It's like saying, medusa is the ultimate hero in the game because 6 slotted medusa > all.


                                                                                                my drow and my sf rape huskar 1v1 :D!

                                                                                                Giff me Wingman


                                                                                                  ur drow can't even handle a low armor bird lol

                                                                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                                    What does that have to do with what I just said? He takes your towers? Wow, almost like no other hero can do that. You are just being ignorant. It's definitely not impossible to kill him and he isn't even a fast pusher.