General Discussion

General DiscussionEncounters with other languages, learning, and your feelings

Encounters with other languages, learning, and your feelings in General Discussion

    Throughout my time playing Dota 2, I've been matched with many players who speak no English or speak only enough English that they can communicate with the team for game purposes. Sometimes, I've found it easier to use my basic Spanish skills to communicate with my team than try to figure out my teammates' English, even on English servers. Trying to communicate with my team who speaks another language makes it necessary to learn new words in other languages and help others learn words in mine, and I've made friends through Dota 2 who only speak Spanish.

    My question for you all, then, is have you found yourself learning another language or improving your linguistic skills through Dota 2? Have you helped others learn your language? Do you enjoy playing with speakers of other languages if they make an effort to communicate effectively, and have you made any friends whose native tongue is different from yours? Has Dota 2 inspired you to go learn another language?

      Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

        Well I can tell you If learned a few russians words since i started dota.

        Livin' Real Good

          Well i just leave the filter on English only, if i get spanish speakers it's not big deal, seeing as i speak that too, i just prefer to have English speakers, cause the spanish team mates are usually feeders.

          Bu yorum düzenlendi

            I wish the russians guys would care about any filters... It seams like they dont even speak their own language cuz they always got the wrong filters


              I'm using English and Russian when I'm paying. In case of English, I usually just listen what my team says or type something like "you're retarded" in chat - I'm pretty slow in the actual speaking.


                I just Use russians to let the russians Know that im flaming them sth like: idi nahoui, or Cyka blyad


                  besides the languages i knew initially (eng, spanish and russian), i learnt to insult people in italian, greek, and turkish. dota is a great source of knowledge.

                  plz do

                    since playin dota 2 on almost only eu west, i speak russian like its my mothertongue.


                      on eu, russian+english is enough to communicate Keepo.

                      i have learned some greek tho, malaka =)


                        Finnish (native), english (preferred), swedish, french, german will do. The latter two aren not very good, but I get the picture. Not russian, though I live 50 km away from there...

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                          I don't care where people are from or if they speak english or not, BUT if someone tries to communicate with me (in his native language) and rages just cuz i dont understand what he's saying i usually start tilting.


                            i wish valve would create a server for msia considering the racial issue between indon and msia, language issue between pinoy and msia :(

                            "putang ina mo!" - random player

                            Mortimer Smith

                              dont come to EU servers pls