General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyone sick of seeing Earthshaker every game now?

Anyone sick of seeing Earthshaker every game now? in General Discussion
Tiny Airlines

    As if Mirana and Pudge weren't bad enough, it seems like almost every game I'm running into Earthshaker. I know I can deal against him but I just get so bored of fighting against him. Yes, he is a fun hero I'll give you that, but Invoker takes a shitload of power to even be terrifying and even then it's one mistake and you're fucked. With this guy you just stun the living shit out of everyone.


      earthshakers in normal skill in enemy team are a blessing


        yup i have seen so many echos slams before blinking lol.


          really I don't mind him at all, occasionally some one will have a shitty fisher that screws their team mates, but that is pretty rare. I don't even mind mirana, its just pudge and techies that suck, bad players will still get kills with them (and keep picking them because they get kills) but those kills are irrelevant since team fights will still be 4v4 even with a pick off. really half the people who pick them actually know how to play them any way and then its not so bad.


            its annoying to play vs mid shaker. other than that idc.


              I only see him whenever people pick illusion heroes or random him. Hero is really strong, but most people seem to be aware that if you're not *really* on point with Fissure you're just as likely to fuck up and get your team killed as help.

              I prefer playing Sand King. You get your blink dagger so much quicker - ES really just has no way to quickly farm.

              Game is hard!

                i think i wanna download me some replays, i bet those are so fucking entertaining.