General Discussion

General Discussion6.82 ????

6.82 ???? in General Discussion

    Will there be 6.82 patch ??? or we will play with void and sky for rest of our lives??? (OH and techies of course)


      Razor and sky are here for good man

      I'm 14k mmr let me mid

        Don't touch razor

        Hafla Enjoyer

          No, valve prefers to focus techies because gaben's money pool isn't big enough.


            Personally, I have nothing against razor. But fucking void needs nerf! and some heroes actually too.... WHERE IS FUCKING 6.82 PATCH???


              sunrise i like your photo Kappa


                Dude, Its not my photo...its doge


                  He's not sunrise, he's SunRise. Not the same guy, because I don't think anyone would be crazy enough to have 2 accounts with thousands of games...well, probably Vroksnak.


                    Who the hell is second sunrise??? There should be only one..!

                    Quick maffs

                      Oh we have techies so nice ..............

                      Now seriously i NEED the 6.82 patch, i am so tired of void of sky tinker and all this bullshit


                        "It's rape time"

                        "No void pls"


                          Cyborgmatt said mid-late September so im guessing early October

                          Quick maffs

                            Oh early october

                            Well i didnt want to play dota this month anyway

                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                              1st world problems ;-;

                              i really want that 6.82 patch too, or maybe that game mode thats from reddit about all draft or some shit