General Discussion

General DiscussionSkadi on Meepo

Skadi on Meepo in General Discussion

    i used to pick meepo like you but then, I took an epic sand king ulti to my amazing knee!


      ^2 comments above, LOL


        Let's say that you failed to end and its late game enemy agil Carry w bkb. Shouldn't get heart cause 0 armor = you fucked ehp wise. Eblade is ok but maybe on another slot. Now bkb piercing slow to man fight is money. Sometimes i even would get abysmal on meepo
        Uber late game: abysmal (instead of blink), hex, eblade (3 actives) skadi aghs and bots

        I actually think abysmal blade is underrated on meep after tanky stat items because if they aren't hitting the main meepo you are stunning them even more for your buddy clones


          its actually abyssal but whatever

          Ples Mercy

            see why i ignore all his shit and instead just flame and troll him?

            It's pointless. You can use as much logic as you want, he will refuse it no matter what you tell him. I can tell you, that this humdinger guy is most likely american, that attitude is the main reason why american doto sucks balls. It's even worse than russian doto.


              fyi i didnt say heart or EB was bad.
              im saying that skadi isn't bad. by saying skadi isn't bad, that does not imply that heart or EB must be worse.
              because pro players get it as a serious item when there's money on the line, then there should be some merit to it, since their intention is to attempt to win the game, they'll pick the item which they think will give the best possible chance of it.

              and as i said earlier how are you valuing attributes the same when you're valuing int at nothing. 1 agi is not the same as 1 str.

              fyi arguing for the sake of pointing our holes in someones argument is called a devil's advocate. just because someone doesn't agree or disagree with your argument doesn't mean your argument isn't flawed. or could you explain why I need to in order to disprove some of your statements?

              maybe i'll stop now. it's cliché but this really is like playing chess with a pigeon.

              abysmal is/was a joke name, when it was added so that basher would have a late game upgrade, most people thought it was a bad item, hence the nickname 'abysmal blade'

              ICE SKULL

                andro are you sure you're 4k solo mmr, you definitely sound 5kish

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  It's kind of about what items you can buy on a meepo. You have BoT, Blink and Aghs, that's 3 already. So you have 3 slots left. First goes to heart, the second goes to hex. Now you a choice of either going manta, a second heart or skadi because there really aren't any other choices. So you just make a decision of having illusions, +15 STR or +25 AGI. In that sense it's not bad. Obviously not as effective as it would be on a normal hero, but you really don't have many choices in terms of items.

                  Quick maffs

                    Though i agree with getting Skadi on meepo i must say Andro that some pro players are actually pretty bad in theorycrafting.


                      skadi is good on meepo wtf is ppl talking about

                      ICE SKULL

                        allison do u wanna queue unranked with me and van


                          im downloading dota now man i just came home from tenerife

                          i can play l8er if u want but im tellin u im 4,5k trash

                          ICE SKULL

                            its only unranked lol .


                              yes im fucking awful at the game, but i know my place.
                              i doubt im even worthy of 4k tbh. only hero u could say i play to some degree of non-retardedness is weaver.
                              although im shit as him if its a bkb game cos im so fucking stingy with my bkb charges

                              if u dont believe me
                              also check out that sexy party mmr

                              ICE SKULL

                                but how? your knowledge alone should put you at 5k ez pz


                                  i dont know. i just do tons of stupid shit.

                                  like shit last hitting in lane, moving around the map inefficiently, i play too scared in the offlane so i miss tons of XP and gold, too focused on split pushing even though i can win fights, and other stuff.

                                  also playing heroes i have no ideah ow to fucking play doesnt help in increasing mmr.
                                  out of my top 10 most played in ranked, only 4 are above 50%


                                    If you are against heavy magical dmg with huge aoe's because you like to be counterpicked and instapick Meepo, of course you should get a heart over a skadi. But if you're against a fat ember or if you're getting chaindisabled and rightclicked to death (aka most of the times), the armor and ehp that skadi gives is much better because you will tank more with skadi than with heart (higher ehp).
                                    Also you seem to forget that skadi gives you more damage and as (meaning a higher dps), which are needed when the enemy gets a bkb and neither your passive nor your poof works.

                                    Cuirass is good when you suck at meepo and you can't land a net without setup because you only random him and you have to play rat meepo who takes towers while your team engages.

                                    PS: Funny thing is that both Skadi and Cuirass have higher winrates than Heart when built on Meepo ROFL. And before someone comes "one is built more times than the other" crap: no, 100k games is a sample big enough to make comparisons (if you know any of statistics this shouldn't be hard to understand).

                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                      its good


                                        shadow demon was used as a right click carry some times btw, disrupting himself to get illusions


                                          if you're against a fat ember you're probably better off getting heart because cleave ignores armour, and most of his damage is from cleaving secondary targets rather than the damage done to the primary one.

                                          although if you're against a fat ember even with a heart you're still probably fucked even with the 15 extra str, so the point is moot.

                                          Quick maffs

                                            I would say you better off getting hex against a fat ember.


                                              ROFL You're right, I forgot about the cleave going through armor.


                                                This thread's still going on?


                                                  HAI BOYS I LIKE TO PLAY MEEPO HENCE IM A FLYINGPIG LEL

                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                  nebunu la jokuri 77777

                                                    Pls just dont get vlads, mek or cuirass.

                                                    Aghanim>travels>blink>hex/reaver/skadi is the way to go
                                                    Edit: drums can be good too

                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                      meepo in my game = mek + vladimir min 50.

                                                      nebunu la jokuri 77777

                                                        ^in my games, it never happens, cuz whenever somone tries to pick meepo, I instapick him, can't risk, even though sometimes I get counterpicked as fuck...

                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          I was pretty pissed off this game. At like min 20-25 I was lvl 16 and meepo, free farming top lane was like lvl 13. All numbers approx, I'd have to watch review to be certain.



                                                            last two games laning vs lich cent and lich axe. speaking of impossible lanes, holy fuk.


                                                              Would it be rediculous to call Manta Style an underpurchased Meepo item?


                                                                Dr. Barber, im not expert but I think its good if your going full rat doto on the guy otherwise its not optimal