General Discussion

General DiscussionDoom's doom.

Doom's doom. in General Discussion
    I tried to make myself undoomable, and I tried to make it that even if he doomed me I could walk it off, this is how.
    Bkb + linkens, undoomable, right? Nope... he would doom me anyways somehow always, someone else would brake my linkens.

    Bkb but doomed, shouldn't take damage, right? NOPE, doom deals damage thru bkb (at least the scepter version of doom), it either becomes composite damage or something like bloodseeker ulty.

    Battle fury, Linkens, Vlads give 20 hp per sec, but doom deals like 70-90 damage per second, not even the hp regen per sec helps...

    Boots of travel, to have 410 movement speed even if doomed so you can run away? NOPE, SCORCHED EARTH MOTHERFUCKER.

    I just want to say, this build had sucked, and if enemy has doom, do nothing about it, follow your standard build if it fits the situation and hope he doesn't doom you, or that if he does, your team can save you, jug ward, omni heal, dazzle and stuff like that.


      You can't escape from doom, muahahaahahhaahahaahaahhahha. Gotta go win some games with doom now.

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        Lol dude you can't escape from doom, unfortunately though it only single target spell not like void's chronosphere.

        Good way to reduce the amount of damage it caused is by asking your support to build pipe.
        I also got kited by mek sometimes, that burst heal is so annoying :facepalm:

        Make sure you stay away from teamfight when you are doom'd because it disable your evasion from blur.

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          It will disable ALL pa spells... even crits... and item lifesteal, everything beside boots of speed... :D


            ^ as well as evasion.

            harvard graduate

              ^what part about ALL pa spells didnt you understand. Obviously Evasion is part of it. jeez.


                Blur is not fully blocked actually
                PA still won't appear in minimap even when she'd doom'd
                Thats why i said evasion from blur.


                  you need to enlarge your hp. regen items doesnt work when doomed. akso your team should at least able to disable doom before he can cast ulti, either by killing him, silence, euls, etc... but base on experience the best way is to hunt him to the point he ois lvl gapped


                    Regen works during doom in dota2

                    Ples Mercy

                      abyssal and pray for rngesus.


                      Dire Wolf

                        Doom had aghs too so you have to run or die, can't out last infinite doom! Best way to deal with doom is don't let him initiate. Silence him before he dooms your crucial team fight hero. Like a well timed es/tide blink or puck silence etc. You guys won anyway.

                        Quick maffs

                          Oh doom is cancer ? what a surprise


                            Tranquil Boots

                            आप गे क्यों

                              an ez counter to doom is a decent healer, forcing doom to waste doom on him
                              eg, wd-lotr-omni to name a few, although omni is a prime target of doom
                              carrying a meka helps too


                                I believe Doom doesn't disable AM's magic resistance, so if he can tank it, that's the best outcome for everybody.


                                  Manta style, Linkins confuse the fuck outta him and initiate on him as a group. Swarm him with silence and stuns and shit.


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                                    I suppose the best strategy to take against Doom as PA is to do your job. Gank!

                                    Doom can gank or teamfight. You're much better ganking that solo fighting. Try to pick him off solo using Blur (hide from mini-map). If he Dooms you (after breaking Linken's), determine if you can still manfight him or run away. In either case, he's blown his load for the next 100 seconds which gives your team space to push.