General Discussion

General Discussionto all the people who complain about void

to all the people who complain about void in General Discussion

    pick razor

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      juggernaut, lich, naga, hell pretty much anyone who's not in the crono


        my teammates thought it was a good idea to counter void picking gyro
        dont ask me why

        Quick maffs

          yeah what an awful hero void please give a buff


            I played against a Void a while back trapped 1 of my Meepos in Chrono and 3 of his friends, Poofed all of my Meepos into the void and got a tripple kill.

            Alot of voids make the mistake of skipping bkb, so I just get a hex or halberd


              Pick brew, Throw beer.

              In all seriousness though any decent void isnt gonna let his counter have a chance. I guess if your reaction speed is fast enough and the cast animation is faster than chrono you may have a chance :P

              Best bet is have a disruptor hanging back to send his ass away.

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                and what does razor do to void lmao

                Quick maffs

                  No razor is really good against void trust me i am 6k

                  Please buff void even more he is totally fine



                    As far as I know Razor's link goes through chrono, razor's ult goes through chrono

                    Quick maffs

                      Oh great because he isnt getting you in chrono 100 % of the time

                      wow so smart so smart


                        lol, what are you talking about Dorkly?

                        If you get caught in 100% of his chronos maybe you should look at your positioning, awareness, and skill, not specific hero abilities...

                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                          Stuff a non-retarded Void can also look into to ensure he'll get the important heroes inside his Chrono 100%

                          Really, everything's about how retarded your teammates or Void are.


                            Wins 1 game with razor against void -> thinks it's the best counter

                              Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
                              Quick maffs

                                why would you lane against a razor as void ?

                                Unless its a offlane void in that case you have team mates that uses your chrono somehow, if you are offlaning with void you dont need farm, at least not that much.

                                and if its a safe lane void he will probably have supports with him

                                  Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
                                  Quick maffs

                                    I get that, the thing is doing an agro trilane when solo queueing is usually not easy

                           this game we just dual laned the void and the game was over pretty fast, but that was because i was playing with a friend.

                                    Solo queue games the void will usually just get farm, and its not like he needs a lot of gold, treads and MoM and he already can kill people.

                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                      Too many retard void picker, just lost an hour game just because of him -.-.

                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                        at least void pickers are trying to win


                                          If I'm support I'll just pick omni and farm a scepter. global invulnerability wrecks void because most of the time people are too stupid to buy diffusal

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                                            Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                                              WHAT IF THEIR TEAM IS


                                              WHAT DO YOU DO


                                                Surrender option would be nice :laugh:
                                                Joke aside, omni is good counter
                                                Just let him farm aghanim and let him stay in base and cast ulti when there is void + WD combo

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                                                  Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
                                                  Der absolute harām boi
