General Discussion

General DiscussionGame lagging/delaying without high ping/packet loss?

Game lagging/delaying without high ping/packet loss? in General Discussion

    It started yesterday.

    I had like 20% packetloss, and now when I don't have it anymore it still feels like I have it.
    It's actually pretty bad and in my opinion unplayable.

    I can't micro my hero properly nor illusions, neither cancel animation normally etc.

    Anyone else experiencing this? My irl friend says he've shit like this happening every 3 months or so, but I don't know.

    Thanks for any answers.


      adsl or fiber


        I had it today too, not in every game though, but like in 3/4s of them or something, I stopped playing because it was becoming dumb.


          I don't think it's applicable to you since it just started randomly but for me once, it was graphic settings too high for the computer.


            adsl. I don't live close the city, and when you do so in my area in Norway, you can't get fiber. It's simply not fiber up out here!

            It's not playable as it is not, cause I can't play efficiently, neither is it fun playing like this.

            I've played max settings since I started playing DotA, and my PC is high-end so I doubt graphics has anything to do with delay/feelings of packetloss even though it says I have no packetloss.

            I'm happy to see I'm not the only one having this.

            ICE SKULL

              im on adsl and have the same thing happening, its been raining and exploding with thunders lately a lot here

              dunno if its the same in norway. i wish i had fiber ;( #cityboy here


                Oh, that's actually pretty fuckin odd.

                Yesterday and the day before that it was raining extremely much, just like in your case. Zeus made some real Havoc and we lost electricity for some while etc.

                How may this get fixed though? When providers fix something?

                ICE SKULL

                  thor gotta calm down bro



                    So I guess I have to wait patient for it to fix by itself?
                    *Restart router
                    *Ask norwegian nerds


                      I was having the same issues yesterday evening. Random spikes with high packet loss.

                      The other people in my party were also having the same issue which would make me thing it was a server issue.


                        but I'm still having "packetloss" even though it says I have 50ms and 0% packetloss.

                        At least it feels like it, and everything is fucked up. :-(( SADBOY ))-:

                        ICE SKULL

                          how do you have 50 ms with adsl :D i have 100 ms and 130 in console


                            I have like 80 ping usually on SEA but ever since last week i have gotten steady 200 ping on SEA and 180 ping in AUS for some reason rofl, using the trial of WTFfast seems to fix it temporary (its free for 30 days)



                              when I'm alone on the internet I have stable 50ping (when writing ping), in console I have like 100 something
                              when I'm not alone its somewhere between 73-108.

                              I can't play dota now :@

                              ICE SKULL

                                i thought wtfast gets you banned 30 days on dota 2 o.0 saw a post about it on dev.dota2

                                ICE SKULL

                                  pls run speedtest sadboys



                                    I know my internet isn't uber, but it's not possible to get better where I live. (As I said, not close the city, no fiber here)
                                    However, I've had no problems lately, until (this Zeus havoc).

                                    ICE SKULL

                                      yup same as me

                                      really weird that u have 50 ms ping and i have 100 -_-

                                      ICE SKULL

                                        i tried wtfast and it didnt improve anything at all




                                          I hope this gets fixed sooner or later cause at its current state it's unplayable. You can't micro for shit, neither lasthit normally with this delay.

                                          So odd I've never had problems before the Zeus/Thor/Thunder shit yesterday. Hope I don't need to buy new router or some shit. :crazy:


                                            i experienced it too. hope it gets fixed


                                              What the hell im laggin so bad..
                                              I died 4 times in offlane under 8 mins because of this retard bug.
                                              God why :cry:


                                                godjesus I'm happy I'm not alone with this :laugh:

                                                people playing while having this: I don't understand how you nejoy playin


                                                  Searching dota2 network :facepalm:


                                                    just fucking shit, was winning with axe , had a score like 25 - 2, an then volvo decides to fuck with me and fuckind crashes the connection.
                                                    fucking faggots , volvo reported. fuckin ez +0 mmr

                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                      ^I had this yesterday too.

                                                      However I was able to reconnect with console by IP. Win, but no +mmr. Which I find reasonable. (That no team gets rating), however I obviously dislike the fact their servers has been utter shit lately.


                                                        i dont get how you get so low ping!

                                                        i usually have like 80+ these days and i cant even stream without lagging...

                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                          Serevers have been going ape shit recently


                                                            its good to know its not just me. I could have sworn that there were little gnomes unplugging my router every time I tried to play dota.


                                                              I'm experiencing this too. Also had this 1 game, was disconnected and I can't reconnect. My internet was fine, only able to reconnect when I used my mobile ineternet but it was too late.


                                                                Used to happen to me because my hardware was going very high tempetures.
                                                                Get better cooling, trust Narandza!



                                                                  My net so fresh but volvo servers are fukked.
                                                                  EDIT: Ez 0 mmr . this never happens when i am actually losing to save me from - mmr, it only happend like 4 times when i was extremely close to winning....

                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                    People still have this post patch?

                                                                    I have sick cooling shit, but I've not cleaned my computer in ages. Might be a problem.
                                                                    Now, how do you clean your computer CORRECTLY?

                                                                    I used to just use a vacuum cleaner when I was younger


                                                                      Yeah apparently my computer was also fucked, hence i got abandon today
                                                                      After i cleaned it, it's good as new.

                                                                      Depends on the problem at the first place.
                                                                      If as you said you got sick cooling shit, then probably just using vacuum is fine
                                                                      But for budget gaming PC like me, i have to bring a few tools, alcohol and stuffs :laugh:


                                                                        Well my type of lags as I explained earlier is it feels like packetloss even though I don't have packetloss.

                                                                        It was thundering outside one night, thus (if not dotaservers where fuckd) gave me packetloss. Day after I have no packetloss but it's still like I have packetloss.

                                                                        Ples Mercy

                                                                          the answer is very very simple, once you got it u'll prolly hit urself.

                                                                          wasted penguinz

                                                                            omfg u have aids