General Discussion

General DiscussionSuggest Some Streams!

Suggest Some Streams! in General Discussion

    New to Dota and new too watching games, first live games I watched where T14. Which I really enjoyed.
    Do you guys know any good twitch streams to watch? Any suggestions would be cool.

    the realm's delight

      merlini's stream was really good beause he always explains what he is doing
      haven't seen him stream in a while tho

      Bu yorum düzenlendi

        Well, if you're looking for streams to enjoy, SingSing is the most obvious. He trolls a lot, makes clowny builds, spouts memes, and does silly things...but he's got a positive attitude and still makes solid plays (while explaining them so you can pat him on the back for his cleverness or mock him for making wrong predictions). You will learn all of the Dota 2 Twitch memes very quickly if you hang out in that channel. All of his streams are also uploaded to a YouTube channel, which is nice:

        Draskyl is a hit-or-miss streamer. On the good side, he plays well and typically explains what he's doing as he does it. Sometimes he'll even full-on cast his own games. On the bad side, when he wins HE wins, and when he loses his TEAM loses. Which can actually be beneficial for you if you're new - he stacks with bads, so you'll get plenty of explanations of what not to do.

        Other than that...sort of hop around and look in on streams. A lot of it is personal opinion. I can't stand Sheever, but she has a lot of fans. WinteR is a neat one to check out; I like him but he's a bit quirky. If you speak Russian, that opens up a lot of options - I think I'd like Versuta's channel but I can't understand a word.

        Hope it helps.


          Would recommend Purge's channel :

          You can find him on Youtube too. He's pretty good at explaining the game so it might be pretty useful for a beginner like you :)


            @ Hardcore Heathen, thanks for the suggestions. Will definitely watch SingSing.

            @ Wraze, I used to watch Purge on you tube and it was helpful up to a point. Thanks for the suggestion :P


              I also enjoy Wagamama, but yep, SingSing is a really good choise to watch too.

              B O G I  S M U R F I N G

                Wagamama,w33, Eternal Envy, I enjoy those streams. All are 6.6k+ mmr


                  Aui_2000 is quite enjoyable too :)

                  Rusty Ken (mmr thief)

                    Singsing, very skilled player, and most of the times is funny too. He currently plays a lot with Excalibur, and it's quite hilarious when the both of them play together.

                    the realm's delight

                      singsing's stream is not the best if you want to learn. he always goes for retarded item builds (battlefury phoenix, phase boots and 3 wraith bands on am, midas mom and maelstrom medusa) and plays for fun, more or less.
                      however it is really enjoyable to watch

                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                        SingSing is entertaining
                        Aui_2000 is too
                        I haven't watched him yet, but I hear Pyrion Flax is really entertaining as a streamer, if not as high quality a player as the others.

                        आप गे क्यों

                          aui_2000, explains his thought process very clearly and is VERY critical of his mistakes (good to learn from, although u might not understand if u have not played enough - at least 100 games)

                          singsing, if u wanna see high lvl throws

                          actually anyone in the top 3 dota 2 twitch is usually a pro/high mmr player
                          but if u are new, go to youtube and watch purge. hes a noob trainer =D no kapparino


                            hmm any stream with free cosplay and nude
                            kappa :happytears:


                              wagamama best stream others r garbage


                                benao best stream


                                  I laughed. Better go play some pubs going ham 1v5 and blame the 2 guys not being in your party. Jeez.

                                  The first actual autist I've ever met.