General Discussion

General Discussionid like to know

id like to know in General Discussion

    why are these ppl in "friends played with this month"
    saw it today and its funny coz i cant stand some of those guys. yet they are in my "buddy" list. what, why?

    to clarify (i didnt stack with them)

    also did db started using adds or i contracted a virus?

    Bu konu düzenlendi

      nah its because you often meet them in your team... when i had 4k i would usually end up with the same 2-3 guys playing solo queue and they woudl get added xD

      just bad programming


        yeah its bcuz when u play pubs u often get matched with same people in ur team or against you

        i often have people that i never ever stacked with in my list


          i mean i figured that much, just wondering why is that? afaik it used to work properly.

          also what about adds guys?


            it always been this way i guess


              Did your Plus just run out? That could possibly be the reason you're now seeing ads


                The "Friends Played With" always tracked people you frequently were in matches with, not just people in your party/friends list. Dotabuff doesn't have a way to check what the stacks were. (Unless they somehow update Oracle to scan that scoregraph at the end and translate the picture into similar-looking stack readouts for Dotabuff, but that sounds like a shitton of work.)


                  Yeah it's just the people that you happened to team up with. They might not necessarily be in your friend list. This happens when you solo queue a lot and team up with the same guys multiple times.