General Discussion

General DiscussionDo you still play ranked when your avg winrate reach 50%?

Do you still play ranked when your avg winrate reach 50%? in General Discussion

    As for me, if I finally find out my capacity, I might start playing unranked, and try out many heroes Im not good at.
    (avg winrate is like past 30 games or so)

    Bu konu düzenlendi

      Just keep playing ranked, even if you learn new heroes. As long as you have the basics of the game like last hitting, controlling roshan, everything will be allright, you just won,t stomp.


        Dude I only play ranked now, before i play normal because that was the only option available. Ranked matches are more challenging because people seem to try harder.


          If you feel like you're not progressing, unranked is so much less stressful. People don't flame as much because nothing is at stake, you get to play to have fun, and sometimes that freedom lets you learn cool interactions or try heroes you would never touch outside a bot game.


            this is team game

            u wont reach ur capacity unless u play with 4 individuals that got good synergy with u


              Last time I tried out Slark, I lost 200mmr lol.

              That's true.

              @Hardcore Heathen
              Yeah, ranked is stressful sometime.

              It's not called solo mm if your teammates always want to combo with you lol.
              I normally let people know what am I playing at start, if anyone want to play my role, I'm willing to play other role, or even support.
              Rarely meet people that would take over my role even I already picked, recently.


                who cares about your mmr, this game is to have fun or to get better at it. doing ranked you will probably have more fun and learn to play against harder people, even if you lose mmr, who cares! youre still having fun and getting better

                the realm's delight

                  no i quit at 50%




                    I was around 5.6k when I started picking heroes I didnt know, went down to 5k and now almost 5.3k by only randoming. Only a matter of time til you get good enough.

                    आप गे क्यों

                      i think u are asking that for yourself
                      do u plan to stop once u hit 50%?
                      because hitting 50% means nothing, some players have a 57% winrate but their skill cap is still at "high level"

                      i was once afraid to play ranked, because it got pretty high and its what everyone looks at
                      but when i thought about it, its just another mode

                      a better mode where players usually want to win and not whine "its just a game, hahaha, i only died 4 times"


                        tbh I find unranked games are ezstomp if I try.



                          "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                            I really wasnt advancing and running into worse players in ranked. Its amazing that unranked has better players. I dropped myself into MMR hell by trying out heroes I wasnt good with. You should only play ranked with heroes your excel at. If you want to practice new heroes do it in Normal.


                              Of course
                              Don't be too hard on yourself :smile: