General Discussion

General Discussionanyone tried deso viper?

anyone tried deso viper? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Just wondering if anyone has ever done a minus armor build on viper with deso and ac. I've done ac late before when I had other agi carries on my team but never tried deso. The debuff lasts 15 seconds so plenty of time to switch between poison auto cast. I don't usually auto cast poison anyway since it lasts 2 seconds, you can usually attack twice before needing it again and it kind of burns your mana fast. I thought the minus armor might go nicely with nethertoxin.


      Hmm why not daedalus again?
      What is the purpose of using this build.. for being a hipster?

      Dire Wolf

        Idk I haven't used it, I'm wondering if anyone else has tried it. Daedalus seems kind of dumb since viper's dmg is from nethertoxin and his poisons. Deso doesn't buff his poisons but does buff his nethertoxin since it deals physical damage. I usually go attack speed and tanky items on viper to buff his skills, pretty normal stuff like mek, aghs and then heart or butterfly.

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            but... why...

            Dire Wolf

              To increase nethertoxin's damage! That's why I'm asking if anyone has tried it! My instinct says it sucked but I am wondering anyone has more practical uses cases than anecdotal evidence or statistical analysis.


                Not sure mate, but if you are talking about deso it's about damage item.
                Alternative to deso are MKB and Daedalus and these 2 are better on viper
                Would prefer to tank up
                Something like heart/bkb would do much better impact on viper :/

                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                  If you want -armor AC is a great item for Viper. Deso... Not so much considering you can't use it and poison attack at the same time.

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                    now skin's his best skill
                    u have to build around that.

                      Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                        I have tried it, its not all that good. in theory it should be ok, since you could use poison attack for your first attack on a target to apply the slow, then a normal (deso) attack on your second attack applying the armor debuff, and then attack a third time applying the slow again before it falls off. in this way you could benefit fully from poison attack, and fully from deso on all attacks after the first.
                        however it doesn't actually work out this way in game for a few reasons. you would be surprised how much you change targets after only one attack when playing viper, since nether toxin does more damage to heroes with lower hp you are constantly trying to focus on the hero with the lowest HP. there are other times where it is better to change targets just so you can apply your slow to more than one person at a time. there are also issues when you are chasseing someone since you may not be able to make a full 3 attacks in 2 seconds (even if you have enough attack speed) so there will be a period of time when the poison attack debuff will fall off of the target.
                        side note Daedalus is even worse, if you are looking for a lot of DPS you would be better off with MKB, or even butter/AC.


                          who the fuck plays viper becuz of dmg?
                          bitch please, meka aghs halberd tarrasque and ur a 3.5k hp monstah

                            Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                              Viper benefits greatly from these items...but he shouldn't be building them.

                                Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                                  He's too glass cannon without HP so if u go the dmg route he can be taken out of fights too fast if focused.


                                    I played Drow with Desolator...
                                    Then I switched to medalion, I get it early and its quite nice on enemy heroes with ~6 armor. (that's where it had most impact)

                                    EDIT: Try medalion instead of aquilla on viper, its just 100 gold more, gives armor and mana regen also...

                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                    Dire Wolf

                                      I was actually thinking of medallion as well, really underused item, cheap to get.

                                      bum farto

                                        Only guy I know that does it but does viper really need all that minus armor and if you're going to buy desolator wouldn't it make more sense to go AC for just a marginal cost more.

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          Yes it is probably not a very ideal build. I was only curious. I think I am going to try a no wraith band or aquila, medallion build. Medallion, treads, drums maybe.


                                            You could build it if you already snowball, to snowball even harder and finish early.

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