General Discussion

General DiscussionSlark hard carry or semi-carry?

Slark hard carry or semi-carry? in General Discussion

    Hey so is slark a hard carry or semi carry, what I mean is can reck other hard carries like terrorblade in the late game?


      I'd rather put him as the pos1. Role while having some tanky frontliner like Dragon Knight.

      When I play squishy heroes I really love having a hero that can stay in front and just rape on them.

      Razor is also nice, he's quite compareable to what Dragon Knight does. RUN AT PEOPLE

      Many people underestimate Slarks carry potentional. In lategame he can snowball so hard (WHUT, SNOWBALL IN LATEGAME, HARD??)
      Yes. Your 3rd ability, essence shift can make you snowball like a god if enemy isn't aware, and you might get +200 Agi, and at that point you can even win fights vs. a Team 20k+ ahead of you.

      For further questions, you might want to wait for Matrice or Bogi. They seem to know whats going on with that hero

      Bu yorum düzenlendi

        Well depends, I ll say like this. Slark really depends on items and snowballing kills. For example if slark has bad start he really can`t recover fast like some other carries who can farm much faster like Sf,Pl,Am etc..but if you give slark a litle bit space for farm and kills he became a beast in late game carrys vs carrys figts,cus his essence shift making so much work as well as his ultimate. So when you have like Sb,skady,bkb,abysal if enemy team dont have smth which goes through bkb you can almost kill alone whole team if you coordinate well. But its hard if enemy have like Doom or Void or Bloodseeker than better pick some other hero,otherwise in my opinion slark is very strong late game hard carry with right items he can really do alot of dmg.



          he is ganker

          he goes in deals damage runs away heals up and repeats


            I'm not so sure about position one. He lacks team fight power. He's great in 1 on 1, ganking and snowballing, but in an even game he will be outcarried. He might pull out this 200 agi thing, but he most likely won't.


              Well thanks guys, I remember reading somewhere Slark is a semi-carry (ganker) but I watched a game where he just raped a whole team which consisted of hard carries spectre and lone druid, so was confused. He just bashed the shiet out of them lol and then proceeds to finish off the base with that insane attack speed.

              prior to the battle score was pretty even.

              kanye went to uni

                you shouldnt place toooo much emphasis on who carries harder. when it gets really late, a late game carry will do better than a midgame snowballer of course, but in the end any carry can beat any other carry really, provided they play well. i've carried as anti mage against spectres and voids ultra late and lost as those against lifestealers and slarks. it could just be that your slark or a support on your team outplayed them in a crucial teamfight or something. just play each game according to situation and be flexible with what you can do with the hero you have.

                Miku Plays

                  Its team game, so it depends on the team if slark can become a hard carry

                  game is bad

                    He's a ganker, but he requires some farm and levels.

                    He gets outclassed by most carries unless you snowball ahead.

                    I'm 14k mmr let me mid



                        I like offlane slark w/blink dagger over safelane
                        he can snowball in the midgame but there are much stronger carries out there (for pushing/teamfights)

                          Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                            Slark is not compatible for offlane.. so many way to zone him out early game.
                            And he won't be able to climb back if he left behind.
                            Only viable for safelane and mid


                              slark can offlane easily and he is semi-carry , ganker.

                              I mostly play hit and run style.
                              I prefer sb over dagger.

                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                He is a hard carry for sure. People underestimate how scary is his in late game, but it's really rare to see him going into one. When he finishes skadi+SB+basher game in most cases game is over. His 4 seconds physical immunity + one of the best late game passives is not a joke to play against.

                                team of fucking retards2 - most carries ? I'm not sure if there is carry besides Void who can kill him in late game.


                                  Spectre and Medusa are too tanky for Slark to kill. Slardar can kite his ulti and murder him afterwards easily. Troll is not only more likely to kill him in one on one, but is also much more useful for a team.
                                  Tiny will kill him and his barracks at the same time.
                                  Any illusion carry will rape Slark with eyes closed.
                                  Heck, even Silencer can kill Slark in one on one.

                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                    I like getting a quick orchid on slark, with it he can take out some of the better carries. Or at least it works at my level :P

                                    B O G I  S M U R F I N G

                                      Offlane slark is trash if is not 1v1 matchup. What is this guy talking about ` offlane slark, dagger snowball mid game imba` ? Maybe in 3k mmr. As I said already slark depends on items and lvls, if he is against 3 lane at offlane he ll be totally useless big amount of time vs decent players.

                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                      Quick maffs

                                        epsik actually a 6 sloted slark is way more powerful than a lot of carries you writed there, you can try it if you dont believe me.

                                        Even slark vs troll is hard for troll, with slark ulti + abysall blade that its like 6 seconds that troll cant hit, and its the same for every carry.

                                        Against medusa he will just get free agility late game, he cant burst her down quickly but that its just more free agi that he will get, its not like a medussa can kill him anyway so ......

                                        Remenber that his passive late game is just insane.

                                        The only way those carries you posted there could beat slark is if slark was not 6 sloted ( what is usually the case if he didnt snowball ) but a 6 sloted slark brings down most carries without problem, even if they are the tankiest motherfuckers in the game.

                                        Spectre would not be a problem, neither would be a dusa, void by the other hand would easily kill him.


                                          BogiDotO can't escape hell, last way ouT!!!


                                            Slark depends on levels but not that item dependant.
                                            He can start doing stuffs as soon as he reach lvl 6-7 with power treads + bracer around 8-10min mark.
                                            Unless enemy team has bloodcyka, I can't see slark being useless big amount of time even if he goes against tri lane.
                                            You go offlane with slark for exp.

                                            Normally I will get Power tread+urn instead of drum/bracer and can start roaming around the map.


                                              ^Disagree that slark is not that item dependant. He has poor stat growth and I think items synergize well with his passives. He needs attack speed items to improve his essence shift speed and shadowblade gives him regen+move speed.

                                              Just had a game as 5 slotted slark, ate a faceless void and phantom assassin alive 45 minutes into the game.


                                              Dire Wolf

                                                Slark is pretty nasty but the reason I don't think of him as a position 1 is tower damage. The only way he deals a lot of it is if he steals a ton of agi and goes to town. Which is what happens usually when slark is carrying but other carries can simply walk up to a tower and kill it having built in scaling damage or tower damaging abilities like sven has ult for extra damage, dk has dragon form that does extra damage to towers, sniper has shrapnel and does more right click dmg without the build up, troll has ult etc. Other carries that don't have abilities that directly impact tower damage get better stat gain like anti mage and void. If you're doing a 4 protect 1 and slark is the one I'd really want some tower pushers on my team as well like dp or shadow shaman or pugna. Then yeah, he's prefectly capable of carrying the whole team.


                                                  Well Phantom assassin is a really hard carry but has poor tower damage. But have you seen a slark with 200 agility, tower damage is real.

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    PA isn't the greatest hard carry either but even she has double the agi gain of slark and at 25 does 30 more base damage. I agree slark steals a bunch of agi and he will annihilate towers but if the enemy team has stuff to wipe out pushes and just sits high ground at their rax slark cannot fight well uphill. He's going to need the supports to push/initiate for him in that case.

                                                    It doesn't really matter though, very rarely will slark be the only carry on a team anyway and if you play him right mid game you will be ahead end game and win regardless.



                                                      Maybe you are right - I can't test it now, but I sure will do it later. But from my point of view, I can't see Slark being nowhere as good as a legit hard carry.
                                                      Same goes for his passive. It has actually pretty bad scaling, given amount of attributes each hero has, so its effect becomes weaker as the game goes. Sure, it could make you hit that "critical mass" level, where you just roflstomp everything with your +300 agi, but similarly to LC's duel, it's unlikely to be the deciding factor.
                                                      Same goes for his ulti - great for pick offs, but its usefulness in team fights is questionable.
                                                      Same goes for his item build, where one-two utility. Items (SB/Blink dagger and BKB) are a must.

                                                      And when it comes to "who initiates whom" Void, Spectre and especially Medusa are very likely to survive, for example, first hex and still contribute to their team after that. Slark will be murdered.

                                                      Carrying with him is similar to carrying with LC - possible, but far from optimal.

                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                        dont know how could slardar pwn slark if his amplify dmg is debuffed by slark's dark pact


                                                          So, you would prefer to wait for Slardar's ulti and eat his stun instead? Also, his right-click is quite strong nevertheless.

                                                          Quick maffs

                                                            Nah slark eats slardar

                                                            Anyway you dont pick slark if you need a position 1 and if you do you gank with him you dont afk farm

                                                            Dont compare slark with LC, slark can carry with items LC needs duels wins

                                                            Slark doesnt need a utility item like shadow blade or blink, s&y is another choice that gives him a lot more late game than those items you posted, and bkb depensd a lot of the game.

                                                            Late game with items you get agi in seconds plus you build tanky items like skadi with slark so you dont get murdered as easy as you think, that its why this skill scales late game, because the higher atack speed you get more agi more damage more atack speed more armor. Just the 6 seconds from ulti + abysal its already a shitton of agi you are getting without anyone being able to do anything.

                                                            What usually happens is that you are not going to be able to get those items without snowballing, but 6 slotted slark is a monster able to beat the shit out of most dota heroes.

                                                            Unless the enemy picks doom or void in this case meh you are fucked.


                                                              snowballing semi carry

                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                Carries don't exist in a vacuum, I don't really care if slark can 1v1 other carries or not. But say you have pushed up to enemy rax and you have a choice between slark, void, sniper, dragon knight and sven and you are going to init a huge teamfight on their rax to get the rax. Maybe you are thinking this is a dumb scenario, but just go with it. Void can pop ult on the rax and disable half their team, allowing you to kill them outright or down the tower and back. Either way he pushes the high ground pretty well. Sniper can just spam shrapnel and shoot the tower from far away out of danger. Dk can pop ult, drop the tower from a distance, pretty safe and he is tanky. Sven bkb, ults runs in, cleaves their team in half. Slark does what, pounce in, ult, steal some agi? He doesn't frontload damage or disable anyone so he needs all the supports to follow him in.

                                                                I am not saying it can't be done and you can always split push all the other lanes up. But I have won games vs slark where slark has dominated the mid game but cannot push high ground against us and our late game carries ended up winning in the end. It's probably slark's team's fault at that point but just sayin' slark doesn't belong in a 4 protect 1 mode thus I'd call him a semi carry or ganker.