General Discussion

General DiscussionPeople in this game need to lighten up.

People in this game need to lighten up. in General Discussion

    this is a game for fun, people take this so seriously and dont take it for the fun it should be. even if youre losing you should be able to laugh once in awhile.

    Jay Ashborne

      10/10 agreed.

      King of Low Prio

        so you want people to follow your mentality but you ignore theirs. I am not saying go out and rage like a monster BUT you should realize that some people play games for the competitive aspect of it rather than just to kill time (be4 nerds jump on me competitive /= pro)


          laugh once in a while? yeah. when you lost 10 in a row tho it's more of mad laugh while your are contemplating mass murder.

          Jay Ashborne

            >Pub dota

            King of Low Prio



              balanced match
              teammates not sabotaging
              cooperation between teammates


                don't play ranked if you want games like that :P


                  I like when i try hard in ranked, and ppl random some hero they can't play, feed and then say it's for fun.
                  Normal = Fun
                  Ranked = No Fun, faggot, ged a gud hero and try to win.


                    people like you kill the game (ranked)


                      op ur a fag

                      where the fuck do u see fun in this retarded game ?

                      if its fun then fucking drugs is healthy as fuck


                        I don't care what game type you are playing, don't fuck it up. By playing like an idiot and doing dumb shit like Dagon tiny.

                        It is a game, but that doesn't justify people being trolls/idiots and making it suck for the other people.

                        Quick maffs



                          balanced match
                          teammates not sabotaging
                          cooperation between teammates "

                          Had like 10 games like that in my 1200 games history

                          I dont think its healthy in any way to take the game too seriously, at the same time you shoudnt ruin games just to have some fun.

                          If you want a good advice, if you want fun, dont play dota

                          just dont


                            If you want fun, play AD. It's basically a different game anyway.


                              Yesterday i got a decent and friendly team, everyone picked what they want (we had all roles so not full retard 5 carries), heroes they like, and we wanted to have a great time......

                              Game started... Enemy picks Void and pauses for the other 4 member that didnt pick and took their time to counter pick....

                              Void + Witch Doctor + Lion + Pudge + Weaver

                              Doto is fun #fuckme

                              King of Low Prio

                                I am sure you had tons of fun having a team 'pick whatever they want' and they both just happened to want void and WD that game......


                                  People who try to have fun in ranked deserve to be castrated because their retard genes don't belong on this planet. Ranked is for trying hard, getting a better number for your epeen, and trying to reach the same level as pros where you can truly be tested.

                                  I never complain about idiots in unranked, but if I see a guy random in ranked I fucking lose it.


                                    Ok totally agree. Had a game just now where I called jungle before natures randomed natures prophet. He took offlane bitched me out for 2 minutes, then started yelling called me a nub/fag/queer/etc i just muted.


                                    All in all we were WINNING and the fucker wasn't happy. This was an 18 minute ROFL STOMP and my teammate was still fucking butthurt. Lighten the fuck up man your hand of fucking midas isn't important as my blood pressure from reaching through the interwebs and strangling you. Jesus we won what the fuck do these people want? And who the hell has an 18 minute game in ranked? god damn.


                                      ^Lmao he was a noob prophet as well... Shadow Blade? Srsly? What is this 2013?

                                      Quick maffs

                                        heh wink you would be the kind of guy that would rage at me while i spam something like why u heff to be mad or huehuehue

                                        Low Expectations

                                          OP fail to see that the "fun" comes from competing also I chuckle a little when I see my carry 0/11 and flaming supports because support left him after 10 min laning time

                                          King of Low Prio

                                            I think dorkly picking lion is worse than the shit going on at Gaza

                                            Jay Ashborne

                                              I think its funny that people are saying go have fun in AD and stuff when none of you will ever play on a higher than JDL competitive level. You better get used to having fun.

                                              King of Low Prio

                                                I think melody needs to ask a adult to explain what competitive means because clearly he is in need of a lecture

                                                I'M MID| FUCK OFF NOOBS

                                                  0/10 false. my life sucks, a good game of dota is the last enjoyable thing. i dont have time for retards that just make me even angrier/sad. they should make games for people that wanna have fun and for tards without real life.

                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                    'my life sucks'

                                                    the calling card of the people who want to have 'fun' in ranked. Not my fault your life is so fucked up u cant handle the pressure of a competitive match.

                                                    Jay Ashborne

                                                      Ranked isn't competitive though... It's just pub doto. Lol.

                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                        ranked is competitive, you just dont have a firm grasp of the meaning of the word. Competitive does not mean pro

                                                        Quick maffs

                                                          No need to go full tryhard "my life depends on this game" and no need to throw ranked games doing ramdon shit.

                                                          Quick maffs

                                                            Man i dont know what kind of ranked games you have been playing but the difference for me beetween ranked and unranked its almost none, its just ramdon pub dota, i pick mid we stomp i dont we get stomped, like unranked.

                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                              Dorkly u play 95% unranked your sample sized is kinda skewed....

                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                Hey i am playing a lot of ranked lately

                                                                I'M MID| FUCK OFF NOOBS

                                                                  i mean my life sucks and i like dota. i dont need a feeder to tell me relax its just a game. for me its not just a game

                                                                  Quick maffs

                                                                    Oh you kind explained weird in your first post

                                                                    You mean you are the tryhard right ?


                                                                      Does anyone reaaaaally have fun when playing a solo ranked game, picking a hero he thinks he is good at, and then getting shit on by the enemy just because 1 retard on his team randomed riki and died 6 times in the first 6 minutes?

                                                                      Paid actor

                                                                        the take it easy part should be like some kind of safety net for urself while the game is already lost so that u wont go full rage mode, anyway imo solo ranked is 50% luck and 50% personal skill. some games u can even try to 322 them and u wont lose some others u can rape the living shit out of the enemy team and still they keep leeching on ur teammates. or ur just not good enough :)

                                                                        I'M MID| FUCK OFF NOOBS

                                                                          yap, sry for misunderstood.