General Discussion

General DiscussionList of people who has/had 7k MMR

List of people who has/had 7k MMR in General Discussion


    ok, out of curiosity, who else have made it there?

    honorable mention: RTZ was one game away :'( S A D

    Bu konu düzenlendi
    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      klasnyky made it as well.


        waga was 7k at 1 point afaik


          also montano

          he was 7k already at april 15

          7450 at mid june


            I've been told that Montano/JRB was abusing and was thus banned. He also advertised it or something right?

            bum farto

              Yeha there was a time that a number of the top players were massive abusers bu they have since been removed.


                what about highest ppl on dbuff i'll start mines is 4500

                rorlf xd fuck thsi site

                Miku Plays

                  ^isnt vrok the highest here

                  bum farto

                    Vrok, Wave, and Sam are all about the same MMR so would be the highest.


                      Lol im not trying tos ay im the highest im just fucked up and trying to start shit. AKA people who are low as fuck shouldnt sya shit like they know whtat they are talking about.


                        anyone agree?

                        .  .

                          y u shouldn't talk


                            @THEY C ME SHREKKIN
                            what do u mean? he is not banned, he is not in ladder because he hadnt played for 2 month, did u know that??
                            or maybe he is maphacking? very funny
                            so which abuse? pls tell me
                            u just said abuse, but where is proof? or anything
                            i guess u just dont believe that he is one of the best pubstompers ever, did u know that he made streak 54-0 playing solo in wc DotA? which is the best streak there
                            u think why he doesnt play anymore? imo mostly because bloodseeker is 99% picked for like 3 months+

                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                              montano is legit, he was banned out of valve's ego. he did not abuse


                                van-art, montano isnt legit


                                he's very good but was inflating his mmr

                                and btw, arteezy got 7k at one point, didnt he?


                                  those games you linked are unranked about one year ago, how was he inflating the mmr through that? it's just slark/wisp stacking.

                                  bum farto

                                    JRB was a standin for a couple of pro teams and I don't think he abused in the way people do now (bots, sandboxie etc.) he just stacked heavily with a massive win rate so his hidden MMR was huge and then he got calibrated really high.

                                    Stacking strats is not the same as abusing and it is a legit way to play dota2.


                                      Smash also got there at one time.

                                      Speaking about legit MMRs, is W33 one's legit? Some of you guys said Klasynky got his 7k (and highest MMR in Europe after Montano was out) by spamming Terrorblade when he was more powerful. Does W33 use a similar method or is he more legit with his MMR?


                                        I doubt JRB was abusing... He is legit slark player.

                                        bum farto

                                          Also devilish the ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → guy is Veldt

                                          bum farto

                                            @Zano w33 is probably (IMO) the best player out there at the moment. Clean as a whistle and just plays a lot of dota2 so has a lot of experience.


                                              he did his fair share of grinding during es bandwagon period and with tinker, but one of the better people I had the pleasure of playing with.
                                              is somewhat immature tho, if you can take that against him in a video game.


                                                w33 is fantastic player, really. meepo is his hero to go, but he is definetly complete player and IMO deserves to get good team and finally play competitive. Veldt, looks like he is playing warframe. He is also legit and he got 7k by playing mostly supports.

                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                  matrice has the highest on dotabuff afaik


                                                    w33 is legit, he didn't really abuse anything. or if u wanna call playing meepo abusing.

                                                    Quick maffs

                                                      w33 is legit, plus he plays a lot of different heroes


                                                        lol there's no doubt w33 is a legit player. @havoc yeah i know, but where is veldt now - i dont see him on leaderboard.

                                                        and about JRB, I think there was a big reddit thread about him when he got removed. Anyone have the link? I think he changed his name to


                                                          Also I dont think RTZ ever reached 7k cus I think twitch chat was making fun of him for that. I think he got really really close though.

                                                          bum farto

                                                            @devilish I think you have to consistently play to remain there, I think he stopped to play warframe.

                                                            IMO Torri-Tentori is the only player around the top that doesn't deserve it.

                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                              What's up with him?


                                                                and u think he has been removed becuase of his nick "" ?? when he appeared at ladderm he was top1 and he didnt play anymore after that for like 1 month
                                                                now open ladder, scroll down and read "At least 15 solo ranked games in the last 21 days in the same division"

                                                                bum farto

                                                                  Zano, literally a ton of games like this


                                                                  Also the same reason the penguin guy was removed I think, if he was.


                                                                    Imho, W33 and DragonFist are the best players out there atm, but i would say W33 cause he can play it all on top level while DragonFirst is only that good with TA and Storm. I'm surprised EE actually got 7k (i watched it live when it happened), Arteezy was 1 game from it, the same wiith Waga, then they dropped quite a bit. Most of those players near 7k or with it are crazy good individually and could easily compete on top level, but it's whole another story when it comes to teams, chemistry and understanding of each other. I think W33 actually has a team, but i'm not sure how good they are. Would be awesome to see those guys compete in pro tho :)

                                                                    bum farto

                                                                      Dragonfist has played in a team, Armata and Denial and we came across his team in some of the leagues.


                                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                        w33 climbs mainly with Meepo actually.


                                                                          @ Havoc

                                                                          Really? Wave? The guy that hides his account on here? Give me a break.


                                                                            yea because hiding your account means you're bad? wave is 5.5+


                                                                              w33 had like 7400 @ this game


                                                                                Just go on reddit and add all the usernames you see to this list.

                                                                                ICE SKULL

                                                                                  lmao jrb didnt abuse, and he calibrated at 5050 or something iirc. i know why he got banned but it wasnt abuse, it was because he advertised a mmr boosting site. im 6020 on my main and currently playing on a smurf that is at 5130 now and nobody gives a fuck about public dotabuff that solo queues you dumb fucking retard

                                                                                  oh i c gustaphos is caveman, i got baited pretty hard, my bad i know you're a retard

                                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                  ICE SKULL

                                                                                    u mad faggots? i will have two accs on this shitty leaderboard


                                                                                      Another quality post from wave.

                                                                                      offlane (dog)

                                                                                        why is eu average mmr so high? like not regarding skill, top 5% of eu for example is like 5.5k, while top 5% of sea is like 5k, and top 5% of aus is like 4.5k (jus using it as example not accurate). is it because of the amount of players? even then i dont really see why, cos both teams win and lose same amount so there's no surplus

                                                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                        ICE SKULL

                                                                                          better players etc its not about quantity but rather quality

                                                                                          there are more brs, perus, americans etc playing in americas

                                                                                            Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
                                                                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                              June reached 7k today or something. Check leaderboards.

                                                                                              bum farto


                                                                                                Loads of people hide their stats which is not an abuse nor should in anyway be frowned on much like making your profile private. We all have our reasons and be them shady or otherwise we should as a community respect peoples decisions.....and that goes for the "noob" guy. This is a community for everyone and not reserved for the top MMR players of Dota2, so don't be insulting to others.

                                                                                                harvard graduate

                                                                                                  Waga was never 7k. His highest was 6998 and he is back down to 6.7k or smth


                                                                                                    I think you should also add the links of these player, so people like me can observe them, or watch their replays.