General Discussion

General DiscussionDota2 Hackers, what can we do ?

Dota2 Hackers, what can we do ? in General Discussion

    Cmon, wtf ? There's nothing anyone can do about this ?

    I was playing a match today, it was pretty ez, the game was already won, then, out of nowhere, our wisp ( who was mid ) started throwing everyone on the cliff... so, ofc, we lost... On the status of the match i noticed the weaver ( who was on the other team ) had 5.9k mmr ( the game had an average of 4.7k -> 5k mmr ), and that wisp had 4.2k, also both had their prof private, and no dotabuff acc. Cmon, that was some kind of cheat... anyone had the same frustrating experience ? There's nothing we can do to prevent this ?

    here is the match an replay :


      you can't do anything tbh

      maybe report on dev.dota

      Hex Sigma

        disable help and carry tps


          That's not call hacking? it's mmr abuse aka boosting.
          report him here

          Bu yorum düzenlendi

            yeah, we got tp's. but he kept killing the courier... and somehow he clicked faster then 4 of us. the courier simply followed his commands...

            And ty, ill post on dev.dota... that's so frustrating man =/

            ICE SKULL

              omg this wisp is a hacker

              please report him


                south america :D

                who gives a fuck rly even 6k over there is like 2k in europe